Commit a88bef0a authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Allow custom builds to turn off firmware version check
parent 73a900d4
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool disableVehicleConnection READ disableVehicleConnection CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(float devicePixelRatio READ devicePixelRatio NOTIFY devicePixelRatioChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(float devicePixelDensity READ devicePixelDensity NOTIFY devicePixelDensityChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool checkFirmwareVersion READ checkFirmwareVersion CONSTANT)
/// Should QGC hide its settings menu and colapse it into one single menu (Settings and Vehicle Setup)?
/// @return true if QGC should consolidate both menus into one.
......@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ public:
virtual bool showMissionAbsoluteAltitude () const { return true; }
virtual bool showSimpleMissionStart () const { return false; }
virtual bool disableVehicleConnection () const { return false; } ///< true: vehicle connection is disabled
virtual bool checkFirmwareVersion () const { return true; }
#if defined(__mobile__)
virtual bool useMobileFileDialog () const { return true;}
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