Commit a617e2d2 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
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Merge pull request #1765 from ethz-asl/mavlink/feature/AutoWPUpdate

UASWaypointManager: AutoUpdate new Waypoints when updated from other …
parents 7a2bec3e fa87d975
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ UASWaypointManager::UASWaypointManager(UAS* _uas)
_offlineEditingModeMessage = tr("You are in offline editing mode. Make sure to save your mission to a file before connecting to a system - you will need to load the file into the system, the offline list will be cleared on connect.");
......@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ UASWaypointManager::UASWaypointManager(UAS* _uas)
// We signal to ourselves here so that tiemrs are started and stopped on correct thread
connect(this, SIGNAL(_startProtocolTimer(void)), this, SLOT(_startProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(_stopProtocolTimer(void)), this, SLOT(_stopProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void)));
connect(&_updateWPlist_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(_updateWPonTimer()));
......@@ -167,8 +171,20 @@ void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypointCount(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, qui
} else {
qDebug("Rejecting waypoint count message, check mismatch: current_state: %d == %d, system id %d == %d, comp id %d == %d", current_state, WP_GETLIST, current_partner_systemid, systemId, current_partner_compid, compId);
if (current_state != WP_GETLIST_GETWPS && systemId == current_partner_systemid)
qDebug("Requesting new waypoints. Propably changed onboard.");
if (!_updateWPlist_timer.isActive())
current_state = WP_IDLE;
qDebug("Rejecting waypoint count message, check mismatch: current_state: %d == %d, system id %d == %d, comp id %d == %d", current_state, WP_GETLIST, current_partner_systemid, systemId, current_partner_compid, compId);
void UASWaypointManager::handleWaypoint(quint8 systemId, quint8 compId, mavlink_mission_item_t *wp)
......@@ -1197,3 +1213,13 @@ void UASWaypointManager::_stopProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void)
void UASWaypointManager::_updateWPonTimer()
while (current_state != WP_IDLE)
......@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ signals:
private slots:
void _startProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void); ///< Starts the protocol timer
void _stopProtocolTimerOnThisThread(void); ///< Starts the protocol timer
void _updateWPonTimer(void); ///< Starts requesting WP on timer timeout
UAS* uas; ///< Reference to the corresponding UAS
......@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ private:
QPointer<Waypoint> currentWaypointEditable; ///< The currently used waypoint
QList<mavlink_mission_item_t *> waypoint_buffer; ///< buffer for waypoints during communication
QTimer protocol_timer; ///< Timer to catch timeouts
QTimer _updateWPlist_timer; ///< update WP list if modified by another instance onboard
bool standalone; ///< If standalone is set, do not write to UAS
int uasid; ///< The ID of the current UAS. Retrieved via `uas->getUASID();`, stored as an `int` to match its return type.
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