Commit a36b8886 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #4755 from DonLakeFlyer/PolygonEditorMobile

Better mobile visuals for polygon draw
parents 1d444d01 cc7fb016
......@@ -28,12 +28,15 @@ Item {
property bool adjustingPolygon: false
property bool polygonReady: _currentPolygon ? _currentPolygon.path.length > 2 : false ///< true: enough points have been captured to create a closed polygon
property var _helpLabel ///< Dynamically added help label component
property var _newPolygon ///< Dynamically added polygon which represents all polygon points including the one currently being drawn
property var _currentPolygon ///< Dynamically added polygon which represents the currently completed polygon
property var _nextPointLine ///< Dynamically added line which goes from last polygon point to the new one being drawn
property var _mouseArea ///< Dynamically added MouseArea which handles all clicking and mouse movement
property var _vertexDragList: [ ] ///< Dynamically added vertex drag points
property var _helpLabel ///< Dynamically added help label component
property var _newPolygon ///< Dynamically added polygon which represents all polygon points including the one currently being drawn
property var _currentPolygon ///< Dynamically added polygon which represents the currently completed polygon
property var _nextPointLine ///< Dynamically added line which goes from last polygon point to the new one being drawn
property var _mobileSegment ///< Dynamically added line between first and second polygon point for mobile
property var _mobilePoint ///< Dynamically added point showing first polygon point on mobile
property var _mouseArea ///< Dynamically added MouseArea which handles all clicking and mouse movement
property var _vertexDragList: [ ] ///< Dynamically added vertex drag points
property bool _mobile: ScreenTools.isMobile
/// Begin capturing a new polygon
/// polygonCaptureStarted will be signalled through callbackObject
......@@ -42,11 +45,15 @@ Item {
_newPolygon = newPolygonComponent.createObject (map)
_currentPolygon = currentPolygonComponent.createObject(map)
_nextPointLine = nextPointComponent.createObject (map)
_mobileSegment = mobileSegmentComponent.createObject (map)
_mobilePoint = mobilePointComponent.createObject (map)
_mouseArea = mouseAreaComponent.createObject (map)
drawingPolygon = true
......@@ -244,6 +251,19 @@ Item {
_currentPolygon.path = polygonPath
_newPolygon.path = polygonPath
if (_mobile && _currentPolygon.path.length == 1) {
_mobilePoint.coordinate = _currentPolygon.path[0]
_mobilePoint.visible = true
} else if (_mobile && _currentPolygon.path.length == 2) {
// Show initial line segment on mobile
_mobileSegment.path = [ _currentPolygon.path[0], _currentPolygon.path[1] ]
_mobileSegment.visible = true
_mobilePoint.visible = false
} else {
_mobileSegment.visible = false
_mobilePoint.visible = false
} else if (polygonReady) {
......@@ -295,6 +315,35 @@ Item {
/// First line segment to show on mobile
Component {
id: mobileSegmentComponent
MapPolyline {
line.color: "green"
line.width: 3
visible: false
/// First line segment to show on mobile
Component {
id: mobilePointComponent
MapQuickItem {
anchorPoint.x: rect.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: rect.height / 2
visible: false
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: rect
width: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
height: width
color: "green"
/// Next line for polygon
Component {
id: nextPointComponent
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