Commit a2e20952 authored by Rustom Jehangir's avatar Rustom Jehangir
Browse files

Add RC-radio-like exponential to joystick RPY axes

parent f5f99e51
......@@ -282,6 +282,16 @@ void Joystick::run(void)
pitch = std::max(-1.0f, std::min(tanf(asinf(pitch_limited)), 1.0f));
yaw = std::max(-1.0f, std::min(tanf(asinf(yaw_limited)), 1.0f));
throttle = std::max(-1.0f, std::min(tanf(asinf(throttle_limited)), 1.0f));
// Exponential (0% to -50% range like most RC radios)
// 0 for no exponential
// -0.5 for strong exponential
float expo = -0.35;
// Calculate new RPY with exponential applied
roll = -expo*powf(roll,3) + (1+expo)*roll;
pitch = -expo*powf(pitch,3) + (1+expo)*pitch;
yaw = -expo*powf(yaw,3) + (1+expo)*yaw;
// Adjust throttle to 0:1 range
if (_throttleMode == ThrottleModeCenterZero) {
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