Commit a1f8de63 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' of into Airmap

# Conflicts:
#	libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v2.0
parents 5c956faa 095964c5
# This is set to find lupdate in my particular installation. You will need to set the path
# where you have Qt installed.
$QT_PATH/lupdate ../src -ts qgc.ts
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void QmlObjectListModel::insert(int i, QList<QObject*> objects)
_objectList.insert(i, object);
_objectList.insert(j, object);
insertRows(i, objects.count());
......@@ -875,8 +875,8 @@ void Vehicle::_handleEstimatorStatus(mavlink_message_t& message)
float pos_horiz_accuracy; /*< Horizontal position 1-STD accuracy relative to the EKF local origin (m)*/
float pos_vert_accuracy; /*< Vertical position 1-STD accuracy relative to the EKF local origin (m)*/
uint16_t flags; /*< Integer bitmask indicating which EKF outputs are valid. See definition for ESTIMATOR_STATUS_FLAGS.*/
}) mavlink_estimator_status_t;
} mavlink_estimator_status_t;
......@@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ private:
float pos_horiz_accuracy; /*< Horizontal position 1-STD accuracy relative to the EKF local origin (m)*/
float pos_vert_accuracy; /*< Vertical position 1-STD accuracy relative to the EKF local origin (m)*/
uint16_t flags; /*< Integer bitmask indicating which EKF outputs are valid. See definition for ESTIMATOR_STATUS_FLAGS.*/
}) mavlink_estimator_status_t;
} mavlink_estimator_status_t;
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
{ "vendorID": 1027, "productID": 24577, "boardClass": "SiK Radio", "name": "SiK Radio", "comment": "3DR Radio on FTDI" },
{ "vendorID": 4292, "productID": 60000, "boardClass": "SiK Radio", "name": "SiK Radio", "comment": "SILabs Radio" },
{ "vendorID": 5446, "productID": 424, "boardClass": "RTK GPS", "name": "U-blox RTK GPS", "comment": "U-blox RTK GPS" },
{ "vendorID": 5446, "productID": 424, "boardClass": "RTK GPS", "name": "U-blox RTK GPS", "comment": "U-blox RTK GPS (M8P)" },
{ "vendorID": 5446, "productID": 425, "boardClass": "RTK GPS", "name": "U-blox RTK GPS", "comment": "U-blox RTK GPS (F9P)" },
{ "vendorID": 1317, "productID": 42151, "boardClass": "RTK GPS", "name": "Trimble RTK GPS", "comment": "Trimble RTK GPS" },
{ "vendorID": 8352, "productID": 16732, "boardClass": "OpenPilot", "name": "OpenPilot OPLink" },
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