Commit a03e816a authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Bug fix: Flight modes trashed by calibration

Also converted to new logging category
parent c8f1e925
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
/// @author Don Gagne <>
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog, "PX4RCCalibrationTestLog")
// This will check for the wizard buttons being enabled of disabled according to the mask you pass in.
// We use a macro instead of a method so that we get better line number reporting on failure.
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ UT_REGISTER_TEST(PX4RCCalibrationTest)
if (_nextButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & nextButtonMask) || \
_skipButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & skipButtonMask) || \
_cancelButton->isEnabled() != !!((mask) & cancelButtonMask) ) { \
qDebug() << _statusLabel->text(); \
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << _statusLabel->text(); \
} \
QCOMPARE(_nextButton->isEnabled(), !!((mask) & nextButtonMask)); \
QCOMPARE(_skipButton->isEnabled(), !!((mask) & skipButtonMask)); \
......@@ -66,10 +67,6 @@ const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefau
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMaxValue = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue - 10;
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testCenterValue = PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue + ((PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMaxValue - PX4RCCalibrationTest::_testMinValue) / 2);
/// @brief Maps from function index to channel index. -1 signals no mapping. Channel indices are offset 1 from function index
/// to catch bugs where function index is incorrectly used as channel index.
const int PX4RCCalibrationTest::_rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax]= { 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9, 10, 11 };
const struct PX4RCCalibrationTest::ChannelSettings PX4RCCalibrationTest::_rgChannelSettings[PX4RCCalibrationTest::_availableChannels] = {
// Function Min Max # Reversed
......@@ -145,19 +142,6 @@ PX4RCCalibrationTest::PX4RCCalibrationTest(void) :
/// @brief Called one time before any test cases are run.
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::initTestCase(void)
// Validate that our function to channel mapping is still correct.
for (int function=0; function<PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax; function++) {
int chanIndex = _rgFunctionChannelMap[function];
if (chanIndex != -1) {
Q_ASSERT(_rgChannelSettings[chanIndex].function == function);
Q_ASSERT(_rgChannelSettingsValidate[chanIndex].function == function);
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::init(void)
......@@ -252,7 +236,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_minRCChannels_test(void)
// Only available channels should have visible widget. A ui update cycle needs to have passed so we wait a little.
QTest::qWait(PX4RCCalibration::_updateInterval * 2);
for (int chanWidget=0; chanWidget<PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax; chanWidget++) {
//qDebug() << _rgValueWidget[chanWidget]->objectName() << chanWidget << chan;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << _rgValueWidget[chanWidget]->objectName() << chanWidget << chan;
QCOMPARE(_rgValueWidget[chanWidget]->isVisible(), !!(chanWidget <= chan));
......@@ -272,7 +256,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_beginCalibration(void)
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickMoveWaitForSettle(int channel, int value)
//qDebug() << "_stickMoveWaitForSettle channel:value" << channel << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "_stickMoveWaitForSettle channel:value" << channel << value;
// Move the stick, this will initialized the settle checker
_mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(channel, value);
......@@ -290,7 +274,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickMoveWaitForSettle(int channel, int value)
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_stickMoveAutoStep(const char* functionStr, enum PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctions function, enum PX4RCCalibrationTest::MoveToDirection direction, bool identifyStep)
//qDebug() << "_stickMoveAutoStep function:direction:reversed:identifyStep" << functionStr << function << direction << identifyStep;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "_stickMoveAutoStep function:direction:reversed:identifyStep" << functionStr << function << direction << identifyStep;
......@@ -345,7 +329,6 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_switchMinMaxStep(void)
// Send min/max values switch channels
for (int chan=0; chan<_availableChannels; chan++) {
//qDebug() << chan << _rgChannelSettingsPreValidate[chan].rcMin << _rgChannelSettingsPreValidate[chan].rcMax;
_mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(chan, _rgChannelSettings[chan].rcMin);
_mockUAS->emitRemoteControlChannelRawChanged(chan, _rgChannelSettings[chan].rcMax);
......@@ -361,7 +344,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_flapsDetectStep(void)
int channel = _rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionFlaps];
//qDebug() << "_flapsDetectStep channel" << channel;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "_flapsDetectStep channel" << channel;
// Test code can't handle reversed flaps channel
......@@ -387,7 +370,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_flapsDetectStep(void)
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_switchSelectAutoStep(const char* functionStr, PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctions function)
//qDebug() << "_switchSelectAutoStep" << functionStr << "function:" << function;
////qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog)() << "_switchSelectAutoStep" << functionStr << "function:" << function;
int buttonMask = cancelButtonMask;
if (function != PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionModeSwitch) {
......@@ -408,6 +391,50 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_switchSelectAutoStep(const char* functionStr, PX4RCC
void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_fullCalibration_test(void)
// IMPORTANT NOTE: We used channels 1-5 for attitude mapping in the test below.
// MockLink.param file cannot have flight mode switches mapped to those channels.
// If it does it will cause errors since the stick will not be detetected where
MockQGCUASParamManager* paramMgr = _mockUAS->getMockQGCUASParamManager();
MockQGCUASParamManager::ParamMap_t mapParamsSet = paramMgr->getMockSetParameters();
/// _rgFunctionChannelMap maps from function index to channel index. For channels which are not part of
/// rc cal set the mapping the the previous mapping.
for (int function=0; function<PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax; function++) {
bool found = false;
// If we are mapping this function during cal set it into _rgFunctionChannelMap
for (int channel=0; channel<PX4RCCalibrationTest::_availableChannels; channel++) {
if (_rgChannelSettings[channel].function == function) {
// First make sure this function isn't being use for a switch
QStringList switchList;
foreach (QString switchParam, switchList) {
Q_ASSERT(mapParamsSet[switchParam].toInt() != channel + 1);
_rgFunctionChannelMap[function] = channel;
found = true;
// If we aren't mapping this function during calibration, set it to the previous setting
if (!found) {
_rgFunctionChannelMap[function] = mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[function].parameterName].toInt();
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "Assigning switch" << function << mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[function].parameterName].toInt();
if (_rgFunctionChannelMap[function] == 0) {
_rgFunctionChannelMap[function] = -1; // -1 signals no mapping
} else {
_rgFunctionChannelMap[function]--; // parameter is 1-based, _rgFunctionChannelMap is not
QTest::mouseClick(_nextButton, Qt::LeftButton);
......@@ -466,6 +493,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_validateParameters(void)
expectedParameterValue = chanIndex + 1; // 1-based parameter value
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "Validate" << chanFunction << mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt();
QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet.contains(PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName), true);
QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt(), expectedParameterValue);
......@@ -496,8 +524,8 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_validateParameters(void)
QCOMPARE(convertOk, true);
bool rcReversedActual = (rcReversedFloat == -1.0f);
//qDebug() << "_validateParemeters expected channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinExpected << rcMaxExpected << rcTrimExpected << rcReversedExpected;
//qDebug() << "_validateParemeters actual channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinActual << rcMaxActual << rcTrimActual << rcReversedActual;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "_validateParemeters expected channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinExpected << rcMaxExpected << rcTrimExpected << rcReversedExpected;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << "_validateParemeters actual channel:min:max:trim:rev" << chan << rcMinActual << rcMaxActual << rcTrimActual << rcReversedActual;
QCOMPARE(rcMinExpected, rcMinActual);
QCOMPARE(rcMaxExpected, rcMaxActual);
......@@ -515,7 +543,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibrationTest::_validateParameters(void)
} else {
expectedValue = _rgFunctionChannelMap[chanFunction] + 1; // 1-based
// qDebug() << chanFunction << expectedValue << mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt();
// qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationTestLog) << chanFunction << expectedValue << mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt();
QCOMPARE(mapParamsSet[PX4RCCalibration::_rgFunctionInfo[chanFunction].parameterName].toInt(), expectedValue);
......@@ -29,12 +29,15 @@
#include "MockUAS.h"
#include "MultiSignalSpy.h"
#include "px4_configuration/PX4RCCalibration.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
/// @file
/// @brief PX4RCCalibration Widget unit test
/// @author Don Gagne <>
/// @brief PX4RCCalibration Widget unit test
class PX4RCCalibrationTest : public UnitTest
......@@ -44,7 +47,6 @@ public:
private slots:
void initTestCase(void);
void init(void);
void cleanup(void);
......@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ private:
static const struct ChannelSettings _rgChannelSettings[_availableChannels];
static const struct ChannelSettings _rgChannelSettingsValidate[PX4RCCalibration::_chanMax];
static const int _rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax];
int _rgFunctionChannelMap[PX4RCCalibration::rcCalFunctionMax];
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include "UASManager.h"
#include "QGCMessageBox.h"
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(PX4RCCalibrationLog, "PX4RCCalibrationLog")
const int PX4RCCalibration::_updateInterval = 150; ///< Interval for timer which updates radio channel widgets
const int PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint = ((PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMValidMaxValue - PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMValidMinValue) / 2.0f) + PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMValidMinValue;
// FIXME: Double check these mins againt 150% throws
......@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float fval)
// We always update raw values
_rcRawValue[chan] = fval;
//qDebug() << "Raw value" << chan << fval;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "Raw value" << chan << fval;
if (_currentStep == -1) {
// Track the receiver channel count by keeping track of how many channels we see
......@@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_saveAllTrims(void)
// trims reset to correct values.
for (int i=0; i<_chanCount; i++) {
//qDebug() << "_saveAllTrims trim" << _rcRawValue[i];
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_saveAllTrims trim" << _rcRawValue[i];
_rgChannelInfo[i].rcTrim = _rcRawValue[i];
......@@ -355,7 +357,7 @@ bool PX4RCCalibration::_stickSettleComplete(int value)
if (abs(_stickDetectValue - value) > _rcCalSettleDelta) {
// Stick is moving too much to consider stopped
//qDebug() << "_stickSettleComplete still moving, _stickDetectValue:value" << _stickDetectValue << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_stickSettleComplete still moving, _stickDetectValue:value" << _stickDetectValue << value;
_stickDetectValue = value;
_stickDetectSettleStarted = false;
......@@ -372,7 +374,7 @@ bool PX4RCCalibration::_stickSettleComplete(int value)
} else {
// Start waiting for the stick to stay settled for _stickDetectSettleWaitMSecs msecs
//qDebug() << "_stickSettleComplete starting settle timer, _stickDetectValue:value" << _stickDetectValue << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_stickSettleComplete starting settle timer, _stickDetectValue:value" << _stickDetectValue << value;
_stickDetectSettleStarted = true;
......@@ -384,7 +386,7 @@ bool PX4RCCalibration::_stickSettleComplete(int value)
void PX4RCCalibration::_inputStickDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel, int value)
//qDebug() << "_inputStickDetect function:channel:value" << function << channel << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_inputStickDetect function:channel:value" << _rgFunctionInfo[function].parameterName << channel << value;
// If this channel is already used in a mapping we can't use it again
if (_rgChannelInfo[channel].function != rcCalFunctionMax) {
......@@ -397,7 +399,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_inputStickDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int chann
if (abs(_rcValueSave[channel] - value) > _rcCalMoveDelta) {
// Stick has moved far enough to consider it as being selected for the function
//qDebug() << "_inputStickDetect starting settle wait, function:channel:value" << function << channel << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_inputStickDetect starting settle wait, function:channel:value" << function << channel << value;
// Setup up to detect stick being pegged to min or max value
_stickDetectChannel = channel;
......@@ -408,7 +410,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_inputStickDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int chann
if (_stickSettleComplete(value)) {
ChannelInfo* info = &_rgChannelInfo[channel];
//qDebug() << "_inputStickDetect settle complete, function:channel:value" << function << channel << value;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_inputStickDetect settle complete, function:channel:value" << function << channel << value;
// Stick detection is complete. Stick should be at max position.
// Map the channel to the function
......@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_inputSwitchMinMax(enum rcCalFunctions function, int chan
if (value < _rcCalPWMCenterPoint) {
int minValue = qMin(_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMin, value);
//qDebug() << "_inputSwitchMinMax setting min channel:min" << channel << minValue;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_inputSwitchMinMax setting min channel:min" << channel << minValue;
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMin = minValue;
......@@ -523,7 +525,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_inputSwitchMinMax(enum rcCalFunctions function, int chan
} else {
int maxValue = qMax(_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMax, value);
//qDebug() << "_inputSwitchMinMax setting max channel:max" << channel << maxValue;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_inputSwitchMinMax setting max channel:max" << channel << maxValue;
_rgChannelInfo[channel].rcMax = maxValue;
......@@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_switchDetect(enum rcCalFunctions function, int channel,
_rgFunctionChannelMapping[function] = channel;
info->function = function;
//qDebug() << "Function:" << function << "mapped to:" << channel;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "Function:" << function << "mapped to:" << channel;
if (moveToNextStep) {
......@@ -682,7 +684,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_resetInternalCalibrationValues(void)
info->rcTrim = PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalPWMCenterPoint;
// Initialize function mapping to function channel not set
// Initialize attitude function mapping to function channel not set
for (size_t i=0; i<rcCalFunctionMax; i++) {
_rgFunctionChannelMapping[i] = _chanMax;
......@@ -709,16 +711,17 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_resetInternalCalibrationValues(void)
bool ok;
int channel = value.toInt(&ok);
int switchChannel = value.toInt(&ok);
// Parameter: 1-based channel, 0=not mapped
// _rgFunctionChannelMapping: 0-based channel, _chanMax=not mapped
_rgFunctionChannelMapping[curFunction] = (channel == 0) ? _chanMax : channel;
if (channel != 0) {
_rgChannelInfo[channel - 1].function = curFunction;
if (switchChannel != 0) {
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "Reserving 0-based switch channel" << switchChannel - 1;
_rgFunctionChannelMapping[curFunction] = switchChannel - 1;
_rgChannelInfo[switchChannel - 1].function = curFunction;
......@@ -848,7 +851,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_validateCalibration(void)
// Validate Min/Max values. Although the channel appears as available we still may
// not have good min/max/trim values for it. Set to defaults if needed.
if (info->rcMin > _rcCalPWMValidMinValue || info->rcMax < _rcCalPWMValidMaxValue) {
//qDebug() << "_validateCalibration resetting channel" << chan;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_validateCalibration resetting channel" << chan;
info->rcMin = _rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue;
info->rcMax = _rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue;
info->rcTrim = info->rcMin + ((info->rcMax - info->rcMin) / 2);
......@@ -874,7 +877,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_validateCalibration(void)
} else {
// Unavailable channels are set to defaults
//qDebug() << "_validateCalibration resetting unavailable channel" << chan;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_validateCalibration resetting unavailable channel" << chan;
info->rcMin = _rcCalPWMDefaultMinValue;
info->rcMax = _rcCalPWMDefaultMaxValue;
info->rcTrim = info->rcMin + ((info->rcMax - info->rcMin) / 2);
......@@ -943,7 +946,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_updateView()
//qDebug() << "Visible" << valueWidget->objectName() << chan;
//qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "Visible" << valueWidget->objectName() << chan;
struct ChannelInfo* info = &_rgChannelInfo[chan];
valueWidget->setValueAndMinMax(_rcRawValue[chan], info->rcMin, info->rcMax);
......@@ -970,7 +973,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_updateView()
for (int chan=_chanCount; chan<_chanMax; chan++) {
//qDebug() << "Off" << _rgRCValueMonitorWidget[chan]->objectName() << chan;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "Hiding channel" << _rgRCValueMonitorWidget[chan]->objectName() << chan;
......@@ -1016,7 +1019,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_stopCalibration(void)
/// @brief Saves the current channel values, so that we can detect when the use moves an input.
void PX4RCCalibration::_rcCalSaveCurrentValues(void)
//qDebug() << "_rcCalSaveCurrentValues";
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_rcCalSaveCurrentValues";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _chanMax; i++) {
_rcValueSave[i] = _rcRawValue[i];
......@@ -1136,7 +1139,7 @@ void PX4RCCalibration::_setHelpImage(const char* imageFile)
file += imageFile;
//qDebug() << "_setHelpImage" << file;
qCDebug(PX4RCCalibrationLog) << "_setHelpImage" << file;
......@@ -34,9 +34,12 @@
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "RCValueWidget.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "ui_PX4RCCalibration.h"
class PX4RCCalibrationTest;
namespace Ui {
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