Commit 9cc031aa authored by lm's avatar lm
Browse files

Merge branch 'experimental' of into dev

parents 18b44cbe 7fa3071d
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QProgressBar::chunk#speedBar {
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QProgressBar::chunk#thrustBar {
background-color: orange;
......@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ macx {
# Copy google earth starter file
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/earth.html $$TARGETDIR/
# Copy CSS stylesheets
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-mission.css $$TARGETDIR/
QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/images/style-outdoor.css $$TARGETDIR/
# Copy model files
#QMAKE_POST_LINK += && cp -f $$BASEDIR/models/*.dae $$TARGETDIR/
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
if (!file.exists() || ! | QIODevice::Text))
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log Compressor: Cannot start/compress log file, since input file %1 is not readable").arg(QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteFilePath()));
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
// Check if file is writeable
if (outFileName == ""/* || !QFileInfo(outfile).isWritable()*/)
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log Compressor: Cannot start/compress log file, since output file %1 is not writable").arg(QFileInfo(outFileName).absoluteFilePath()));
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
if (index % (dataLines/100) == 0) emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log compressor: Processed %1% of %2 lines").arg(index/(float)dataLines*100, 0, 'f', 2).arg(dataLines));
if (dataLines > 100) if (index % (dataLines/100) == 0) emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log compressor: Processed %1% of %2 lines").arg(index/(float)dataLines*100, 0, 'f', 2).arg(dataLines));
if (!failed)
......@@ -233,14 +233,16 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
// Add header, write out file
if (outFileName == "")
if (outFileName == logFileName)
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
outfile.write(QString(QString("unix_timestamp") + separator + header.replace(" ", "_") + QString("\n")).toLatin1());
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log Compressor: Writing output to file %1").arg(QFileInfo(outFileName).absoluteFilePath()));
//QString fileHeader = QString("unix_timestamp") + header.replace(" ", "_") + QString("\n");
// File output
......@@ -34,4 +34,9 @@ quint64 groundTimeUsecs()
return static_cast<quint64>(microseconds + (time.time().msec()*1000));
int applicationVersion()
......@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ namespace QGC
/** @brief Get the current ground time in microseconds */
quint64 groundTimeUsecs();
int applicationVersion();
const int APPLICATIONVERSION = 80; // 0.8.0
......@@ -375,13 +375,20 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
rate10hzCounter = 1;
float lastX = x;
float lastY = y;
float lastZ = z;
float hackDt = 0.1f; // 100 ms
// Move X Position
x = 12.0*sin(((double)circleCounter)/100.0);
y = 5.0*cos(((double)circleCounter)/100.0);
z = 1.8 + 1.2*sin(((double)circleCounter)/60.0);
float xSpeed = (x - lastX)/hackDt;
float ySpeed = (y - lastY)/hackDt;
float zSpeed = (z - lastZ)/hackDt;
......@@ -402,7 +409,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
streampointer += bufferlength;
// Send back new position
mavlink_msg_local_position_pack(systemId, componentId, &ret, 0, x, y, -fabs(z), 0, 0, 0);
mavlink_msg_local_position_pack(systemId, componentId, &ret, 0, x, y, -fabs(z), xSpeed, ySpeed, zSpeed);
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &ret);
//add data into datastream
memcpy(stream+streampointer,buffer, bufferlength);
......@@ -416,14 +423,14 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
// streampointer += bufferlength;
mavlink_msg_global_position_int_pack(systemId, componentId, &ret, (473780.28137103+(x))*1E3, (85489.9892510421+(y))*1E3, (z+550.0)*1000.0, 0*100.0, 0*100.0, 0*100.0);
mavlink_msg_global_position_int_pack(systemId, componentId, &ret, (473780.28137103+(x))*1E3, (85489.9892510421+(y))*1E3, (z+550.0)*1000.0, xSpeed*15.0*100.0, ySpeed*15.0*100.0, zSpeed*15*100.0);
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &ret);
//add data into datastream
memcpy(stream+streampointer,buffer, bufferlength);
streampointer += bufferlength;
mavlink_msg_global_position_int_pack(54, componentId, &ret, (473780.28137103+(x+0.002))*1E3, (85489.9892510421+((y/2)+0.3))*1E3, (z+570.0)*1000.0, 0*100.0, 0*100.0, 0*100.0);
mavlink_msg_global_position_int_pack(54, componentId, &ret, (473780.28137103+(x+0.002))*1E3, (85489.9892510421+((y/2)+0.3))*1E3, (z+570.0)*1000.0, xSpeed*15.0*100.0, ySpeed*15.0*100.0, zSpeed*15.0*100.0);
bufferlength = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &ret);
//add data into datastream
memcpy(stream+streampointer,buffer, bufferlength);
......@@ -447,7 +454,7 @@ void MAVLinkSimulationLink::mainloop()
chan.chan5_raw = (chan.chan3_raw + chan.chan4_raw) / 2.0f;
chan.chan6_raw = (chan.chan3_raw + chan.chan2_raw) / 2.0f;
chan.chan7_raw = (chan.chan4_raw + chan.chan2_raw) / 2.0f;
chan.chan8_raw = (chan.chan6_raw + chan.chan2_raw) / 2.0f;
chan.chan8_raw = 0;
chan.rssi = 100;
messageSize = mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_encode(systemId, componentId, &msg, &chan);
// Allocate buffer with packet data
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate()
// Add field to C structure
cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add pack line to message_xx_pack function
packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((const int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText);
// Add decode function for this type
decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName);
arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength));
......@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ void PxQuadMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_raw_aux_t raw;
mavlink_msg_raw_aux_decode(&message, &raw);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(0);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Pressure", raw.baro, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Temperature", raw.temp, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Pressure", "raw", raw.baro, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Temperature", "raw", raw.temp, time);
......@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ void PxQuadMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_vision_position_estimate_decode(&message, &pos);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(pos.usec);
//emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. time", pos.usec, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. roll", pos.roll, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. pitch", pos.pitch, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. yaw", pos.yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. x", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. y", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. z", pos.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. roll", "rad", pos.roll, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. pitch", "rad", pos.pitch, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. yaw", "rad", pos.yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. x", "rad/s", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. y", "rad/s", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. z", "rad/s", pos.z, time);
......@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ void PxQuadMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_vicon_position_estimate_decode(&message, &pos);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(pos.usec);
//emit valueChanged(uasId, "vis. time", pos.usec, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon roll", pos.roll, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon pitch", pos.pitch, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon yaw", pos.yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon x", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon y", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon z", pos.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon roll", "rad", pos.roll, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon pitch", "rad", pos.pitch, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon yaw", "rad", pos.yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon x", "rad/s", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon y", "rad/s", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "vicon z", "rad/s", pos.z, time);
emit localPositionChanged(this, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, time);
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void PxQuadMAV::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
emit errCountChanged(uasId, "IMU", "SPI0", status.spi0_err_count);
emit errCountChanged(uasId, "IMU", "SPI1", status.spi1_err_count);
emit errCountChanged(uasId, "IMU", "UART", status.uart_total_err_count);
emit UAS::valueChanged(this, "Load", ((float)status.load)/1000.0f, MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Load", "%", ((float)status.load)/1000.0f, MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
emit statusChanged(this, uasState, stateDescription);
emit statusChanged(this->status);
emit loadChanged(this,state.load/10.0f);
emit UAS::valueChanged(uasId, "Load", ((float)state.load)/1000.0f, MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Load", "%", ((float)state.load)/1000.0f, MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
stateAudio = " changed status to " + uasState;
......@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_raw_imu_decode(&message, &raw);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(raw.usec);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Accel. X", raw.xacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Accel. Y", raw.yacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Accel. Z", raw.zacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Gyro Phi", static_cast<double>(raw.xgyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Gyro Theta", static_cast<double>(raw.ygyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Gyro Psi", static_cast<double>(raw.zgyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Mag. X", raw.xmag, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Mag. Y", raw.ymag, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Mag. Z", raw.zmag, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "accel x", "raw", raw.xacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "accel y", "raw", raw.yacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "accel z", "raw", raw.zacc, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro roll", "raw", static_cast<double>(raw.xgyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro pitch", "raw", static_cast<double>(raw.ygyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gyro yaw", "raw", static_cast<double>(raw.zgyro), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "mag x", "raw", raw.xmag, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "mag y", "raw", raw.ymag, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "mag z", "raw", raw.zmag, time);
......@@ -303,20 +303,20 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_roll(&message), time);
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_pitch(&message), time);
// emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_yaw(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_roll(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_pitch(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw IMU", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_yaw(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed IMU", attitude.rollspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed IMU", attitude.pitchspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed IMU", attitude.yawspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_roll(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_pitch(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "rad", mavlink_msg_attitude_get_yaw(&message), time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "rad/s", attitude.rollspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "rad/s", attitude.pitchspeed, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "rad/s", attitude.yawspeed, time);
// Emit in angles
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll (deg)", (attitude.roll/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch (deg)", (attitude.pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw (deg)", (attitude.yaw/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll V (deg/s)", (attitude.rollspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch V (deg/s)", (attitude.pitchspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw V (deg/s)", (attitude.yawspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll", "deg", (attitude.roll/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch", "deg", (attitude.pitch/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw", "deg", (attitude.yaw/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "rollspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.rollspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitchspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.pitchspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "yawspeed", "deg/s", (attitude.yawspeed/M_PI)*180.0, time);
emit attitudeChanged(this, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw, time);
......@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
localX = pos.x;
localY = pos.y;
localZ = pos.z;
emit valueChanged(uasId, "x", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "y", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "z", pos.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Vx", pos.vx, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Vy", pos.vy, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Vz", pos.vz, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "x", "m", pos.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "y", "m", pos.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "z", "m", pos.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "x speed", "m/s", pos.vx, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "y speed", "m/s", pos.vy, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "z speed", "m/s", pos.vz, time);
emit localPositionChanged(this, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, time);
emit speedChanged(this, pos.vx, pos.vy, pos.vz, time);
......@@ -366,12 +366,12 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
speedX = pos.vx/100.0;
speedY = pos.vy/100.0;
speedZ = pos.vz/100.0;
emit valueChanged(uasId, "lat",, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "lon", pos.lon, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "alt", pos.alt, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "g-vx", speedX, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "g-vy", speedY, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "g-vz", speedZ, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "latitude", "deg", latitude, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "longitude", "deg", longitude, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "altitude", "m", altitude, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gps x speed", "m/s", speedX, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gps y speed", "m/s", speedY, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "gps z speed", "m/s", speedZ, time);
emit globalPositionChanged(this, longitude, latitude, altitude, time);
emit speedChanged(this, speedX, speedY, speedZ, time);
// Set internal state
......@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
// quint64 time = getUnixTime(pos.usec);
quint64 time = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
emit valueChanged(uasId, "lat",, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "lon", pos.lon, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "latitude", "deg",, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "longitude", "deg", pos.lon, time);
if (pos.fix_type > 0)
......@@ -411,11 +411,11 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
alt = 0;
emit textMessageReceived(uasId, message.compid, 255, "GCS ERROR: RECEIVED NaN FOR ALTITUDE");
emit valueChanged(uasId, "alt", pos.alt, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "altitude", "m", pos.alt, time);
// Smaller than threshold and not NaN
if (pos.v < 1000000 && pos.v == pos.v)
emit valueChanged(uasId, "speed", pos.v, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "speed", "m/s", pos.v, time);
//qDebug() << "GOT GPS RAW";
emit speedChanged(this, (double)pos.v, 0.0, 0.0, time);
......@@ -447,9 +447,10 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_raw_pressure_t pressure;
mavlink_msg_raw_pressure_decode(&message, &pressure);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Abs pressure", pressure.press_abs, this->getUnixTime(0));
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Diff pressure 1", pressure.press_diff1, this->getUnixTime(0));
emit valueChanged(uasId, "Diff pressure 2", pressure.press_diff2, this->getUnixTime(0));
quint64 time = this->getUnixTime(0);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "abs pressure", "hP", pressure.press_abs, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "diff pressure 1", "hP", pressure.press_diff1, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "diff pressure 2", "hP", pressure.press_diff2, time);
......@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
emit valueChanged(uasId, QString("debug ") + QString::number(mavlink_msg_debug_get_ind(&message)), mavlink_msg_debug_get_value(&message), MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
emit valueChanged(uasId, QString("debug ") + QString::number(mavlink_msg_debug_get_ind(&message)), "raw", mavlink_msg_debug_get_value(&message), MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow());
......@@ -514,9 +515,9 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_attitude_controller_output_decode(&message, &out);
quint64 time = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNowUsecs();
emit attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(this, out.roll/127.0f, out.pitch/127.0f, out.yaw/127.0f, (uint8_t)out.thrust, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control roll", out.roll, time/1000.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control pitch", out.pitch, time/1000.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control yaw", out.yaw, time/1000.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control roll", "raw", out.roll, time/1000.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control pitch", "raw", out.pitch, time/1000.0f);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "att control yaw", "raw", out.yaw, time/1000.0f);
......@@ -525,9 +526,9 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_position_controller_output_decode(&message, &out);
quint64 time = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
//emit positionSetPointsChanged(uasId, out.x/127.0f, out.y/127.0f, out.z/127.0f, out.yaw, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control x", out.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control y", out.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control z", out.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control x", "raw", out.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control y", "raw", out.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, "pos control z", "raw", out.z, time);
......@@ -618,9 +619,9 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_msg_debug_vect_decode(&message, &vect);
QString str((const char*);
quint64 time = getUnixTime(vect.usec);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".x", vect.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".y", vect.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".z", vect.z, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".x", "raw", vect.x, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".y", "raw", vect.y, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, str+".z", "raw", vect.z, time);
......@@ -328,9 +328,9 @@ signals:
* @param msec the timestamp of the message, in milliseconds
// FIXME Exchange the lines below against the commented ones
void valueChanged(int uasId, QString name, double value, quint64 msec);
void valueChanged(UASInterface* uas, QString name, double value, quint64 msec);
//void valueChanged(const int uasId, const QString& name, const double value, const quint64 msec);
void valueChanged(const int uasId, const QString& name, const QString& unit, const double value, const quint64 msec);
void valueChanged(const int uasId, const QString& name, const QString& unit, const int value, const quint64 msec);
// void valueChanged(const int uasId, const QString& name, const double value, const quint64 msec);
// //void valueChanged(UASInterface* uas, QString name, double value, quint64 msec);
......@@ -454,18 +454,10 @@ void DebugConsole::handleConnectButton()
if (currLink->isConnected())
if (currLink->connect())
m_ui->receiveText->appendHtml(QString("<font color=\"%1\">%2</font>").arg(, tr("Could not connect link %1 ! Please check link hardware.").arg(currLink->getName())));
......@@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ void HDDisplay::saveState()
for (int i = 0; i < acceptList->count(); i++)
QString key = acceptList->at(i);
instruments += "|" + QString::number(minValues.value(key, -1.0))+","+key+","+QString::number(maxValues.value(key, +1.0));
instruments += "|" + QString::number(minValues.value(key, -1.0))+","+key+","+QString::number(maxValues.value(key, +1.0))+","+((symmetric.value(key, false)) ? "s" : "");
qDebug() << "Saving" << instruments;
// qDebug() << "Saving" << instruments;
settings.setValue(windowTitle()+"_gauges", instruments);
......@@ -240,6 +240,8 @@ void HDDisplay::removeItemByAction()
......@@ -277,8 +279,16 @@ void HDDisplay::addGauge(const QString& gauge)
val = parts.first().toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) minValues.insert(key, val);
// Convert max to double number
val = parts.last().toDouble(&ok);
val =;
if (ok) maxValues.insert(key, val);
// Convert symmetric flag
if (parts.length() >= 4)
if ("s"))
symmetric.insert(key, true);
// Add value to acceptlist
......@@ -394,7 +404,7 @@ void HDDisplay::renderOverlay()
for (int i = 0; i < acceptList->size(); ++i)
QString value = acceptList->at(i);
drawGauge(xCoord, yCoord, gaugeWidth/2.0f, minValues.value(value, -1.0f), maxValues.value(value, 1.0f), value, values.value(value, minValues.value(value, 0.0f)), gaugeColor, &painter, goodRanges.value(value, qMakePair(0.0f, 0.5f)), critRanges.value(value, qMakePair(0.7f, 1.0f)), true);
drawGauge(xCoord, yCoord, gaugeWidth/2.0f, minValues.value(value, -1.0f), maxValues.value(value, 1.0f), value, values.value(value, minValues.value(value, 0.0f)), gaugeColor, &painter, symmetric.value(value, false), goodRanges.value(value, qMakePair(0.0f, 0.5f)), critRanges.value(value, qMakePair(0.7f, 1.0f)), true);
xCoord += gaugeWidth + leftSpacing;
// Move one row down if necessary
if (xCoord + gaugeWidth*0.9f > vwidth)
......@@ -513,17 +523,33 @@ void HDDisplay::drawChangeRateStrip(float xRef, float yRef, float height, float
paintText(label, defaultColor, 3.0f, xRef+width/2.0f, yRef+height-((scaledValue - minRate)/(maxRate-minRate))*height - 1.6f, painter);
void HDDisplay::drawGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float min, float max, QString name, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, QPair<float, float> goodRange, QPair<float, float> criticalRange, bool solid)
void HDDisplay::drawGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float min, float max, QString name, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, bool symmetric, QPair<float, float> goodRange, QPair<float, float> criticalRange, bool solid)
// Draw the circle
QPen circlePen(Qt::SolidLine);
// Rotate the whole gauge with this angle (in radians) for the zero position
const float zeroRotation = 0.49f;
float zeroRotation;
if (symmetric)
zeroRotation = 1.35f;
zeroRotation = 0.49f;
// Scale the rotation so that the gauge does one revolution
// per max. change
const float rangeScale = ((2.0f * M_PI) / (max - min)) * 0.72f;
float rangeScale;
if (symmetric)
rangeScale = ((2.0f * M_PI) / (max - min)) * 0.57f;
rangeScale = ((2.0f * M_PI) / (max - min)) * 0.72f;
const float scaledValue = (value-min)*rangeScale;
......@@ -558,7 +584,15 @@ void HDDisplay::drawGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float min, float
QBrush brush(QGC::colorBackground, Qt::SolidPattern);
painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(xRef-radius/2.5f), refToScreenY(yRef+nameHeight+radius/4.0f), refToScreenX(radius+radius/2.0f), refToScreenY((radius - radius/4.0f)*1.2f));
if (symmetric)
painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(xRef-radius), refToScreenY(yRef+nameHeight+radius/4.0f), refToScreenX(radius+radius), refToScreenY((radius - radius/4.0f)*1.2f));
painter->drawRect(refToScreenX(xRef-radius/2.5f), refToScreenY(yRef+nameHeight+radius/4.0f), refToScreenX(radius+radius/2.0f), refToScreenY((radius - radius/4.0f)*1.2f));
// Draw good value and crit. value markers
if (goodRange.first != goodRange.second)
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ protected:
void drawChangeRateStrip(float xRef, float yRef, float height, float minRate, float maxRate, float value, QPainter* painter);
void drawChangeIndicatorGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float expectedMaxChange, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, bool solid=true);
void drawGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float min, float max, const QString name, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, QPair<float, float> goodRange, QPair<float, float> criticalRange, bool solid=true);
void drawGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float min, float max, const QString name, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, bool symmetric, QPair<float, float> goodRange, QPair<float, float> criticalRange, bool solid=true);
void drawSystemIndicator(float xRef, float yRef, int maxNum, float maxWidth, float maxHeight, QPainter* painter);
void paintText(QString text, QColor color, float fontSize, float refX, float refY, QPainter* painter);
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ protected:
QMap<QString, quint64> lastUpdate; ///< The last update time for this variable
QMap<QString, float> minValues; ///< The minimum value this variable is assumed to have
QMap<QString, float> maxValues; ///< The maximum value this variable is assumed to have
QMap<QString, bool> symmetric; ///< Draw the gauge / dial symmetric bool = yes
QMap<QString, QPair<float, float> > goodRanges; ///< The range of good values
QMap<QString, QPair<float, float> > critRanges; ///< The range of critical values
double scalingFactor; ///< Factor used to scale all absolute values to screen coordinates
......@@ -242,8 +242,7 @@ void HUD::updateValue(UASInterface* uas, QString name, double value, quint64 mse
void HUD::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas)
if (this->uas != NULL && this->uas != uas)
if (this->uas != NULL)
// Disconnect any previously connected active MAV
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, quint64)));
......@@ -251,31 +250,29 @@ void HUD::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas)
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(statusChanged(UASInterface*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateState(UASInterface*,QString)));
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(modeChanged(int,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateMode(int,QString,QString)));
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(heartbeat(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(receiveHeartbeat(UASInterface*)));
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateSpeed(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
disconnect(uas, SIGNAL(waypointSelected(int,int)), this, SLOT(selectWaypoint(int, int)));
// Now connect the new UAS
//if (this->uas != uas)
// {
qDebug() << "UAS SET!" << "ID:" << uas->getUASID();
// Setup communication
connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, quint64)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(batteryChanged(UASInterface*, double, double, int)), this, SLOT(updateBattery(UASInterface*, double, double, int)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(statusChanged(UASInterface*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateState(UASInterface*,QString)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(modeChanged(int,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateMode(int,QString,QString)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(heartbeat(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(receiveHeartbeat(UASInterface*)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(thrustChanged(UASInterface*, double)), this, SLOT(updateThrust(UASInterface*, double)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateSpeed(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(statusChanged(UASInterface*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateState(UASInterface*,QString,QString)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(loadChanged(UASInterface*, double)), this, SLOT(updateLoad(UASInterface*, double)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitudeThrustSetPoint(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64)));
//connect(uas, SIGNAL(valueChanged(UASInterface*,QString,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateValue(UASInterface*,QString,double,quint64)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateSpeed(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)));
connect(uas, SIGNAL(waypointSelected(int,int)), this, SLOT(selectWaypoint(int, int)));
// Set new UAS
this->uas = uas;
void HUD::updateAttitudeThrustSetPoint(UASInterface*, double rollDesired, double pitchDesired, double yawDesired, double thrustDesired, quint64 msec)
void HUD::updateAttitudeThrustSetPoint(UASInterface* uas, double rollDesired, double pitchDesired, double yawDesired, double thrustDesired, quint64 msec)
updateValue(uas, "roll desired", rollDesired, msec);
updateValue(uas, "pitch desired", pitchDesired, msec);
......@@ -329,7 +326,7 @@ void HUD::updateLocalPosition(UASInterface* uas,double x,double y,double z,quint
updateValue(uas, "z", z, timestamp);
void HUD::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double lat, double lon, double altitude, quint64 timestamp)
void HUD::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface* uas,double lat, double lon, double altitude, quint64 timestamp)
updateValue(uas, "lat", lat, timestamp);
updateValue(uas, "lon", lon, timestamp);
......@@ -581,7 +578,7 @@ void HUD::paintHUD()
// Translate for yaw
const float maxYawTrans = 60.0f;
static float yawDiff = 0.0f;
float newYawDiff = valuesDot.value("yaw", 0.0f);
if (isinf(newYawDiff)) newYawDiff = yawDiff;
if (newYawDiff > M_PI) newYawDiff = newYawDiff - M_PI;
......@@ -722,7 +719,9 @@ void HUD::paintHUD()
QString yawAngle;
// const float yawDeg = ((values.value("yaw", 0.0f)/M_PI)*180.0f)+180.f;
const float yawDeg = ((values.value("yaw", 0.0f)/M_PI)*180.0f);
// YAW is in compass-human readable format, so 0 - 360deg. This is normal in aviation, not -180 - +180.
const float yawDeg = ((values.value("yaw", 0.0f)/M_PI)*180.0f)+180.0f;
yawAngle.sprintf("%03d", (int)yawDeg);
paintText(yawAngle, defaultColor, 3.5f, -3.7f, compassY+ 0.9f, &painter);
......@@ -741,6 +740,9 @@ void HUD::paintHUD()
drawChangeIndicatorGauge(vGaugeSpacing, -15.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f, values.value("xSpeed", 0.0f), defaultColor, &painter, false);
// Waypoint name
if (waypointName != "") paintText(waypointName, defaultColor, 2.0f, (-vwidth/3.0) + 10, +vheight/3.0 + 15, &painter);
......@@ -1362,12 +1364,10 @@ void HUD::resizeGL(int w, int h)
void HUD::selectWaypoint(UASInterface* uas, int id)
void HUD::selectWaypoint(int uasId, int id)
if (uas == this->uas)
waypointName = tr("WP") + QString::number(id);
waypointName = tr("WP") + QString::number(id);
void HUD::setImageSize(int width, int height, int depth, int channels)
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public slots:
void updateState(UASInterface*,QString);
void updateMode(int id,QString mode, QString description);
void updateLoad(UASInterface*, double);
void selectWaypoint(UASInterface* uas, int id);
void selectWaypoint(int uasId, int id);
void startImage(int imgid, int width, int height, int depth, int channels);
void setPixels(int imgid, const unsigned char* imageData, int length, int startIndex);
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ protected:
float roll;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float yawDiff;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -142,19 +142,19 @@ public slots:
void loadWidgets();
// void loadWidgets();
/** @brief Load data view, allowing to plot flight data */
void loadDataView(QString fileName);
/** @brief Load 3D map view */
void load3DMapView();
// /** @brief Load 3D map view */
// void load3DMapView();
/** @brief Load 3D Google Earth view */
void loadGoogleEarthView();
// /** @brief Load 3D Google Earth view */
// void loadGoogleEarthView();
/** @brief Load 3D view */
void load3DView();
// /** @brief Load 3D view */
// void load3DView();
* @brief Shows a Docked Widget based on the action sender
......@@ -393,6 +393,8 @@ private:
Ui::MainWindow ui;
QString getWindowStateKey();
QString getWindowGeometryKey();
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
<addaction name="actionMuteAudioOutput"/>
<addaction name="actionSimulate"/>
<addaction name="separator"/>
<addaction name="actionReloadStyle"/>
<addaction name="actionExit"/>
<widget class="QMenu" name="menuNetwork">
......@@ -100,7 +101,6 @@
<addaction name="actionPilotsView"/>
<addaction name="separator"/>
<addaction name="actionMavlinkView"/>
<addaction name="actionReloadStyle"/>
<addaction name="menuMGround"/>
<addaction name="menuNetwork"/>
......@@ -179,33 +179,6 @@
<string>Open UAS Preferences</string>
<action name="actionEngineerView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show engineer view</string>
<action name="actionPilotView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show pilot view</string>
<action name="actionStyleConfig">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Reload visual style</string>
<action name="actionJoystickSettings">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -218,30 +191,6 @@
<action name="actionOperatorView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show operator view</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Shop the 2D map and system status</string>
<action name="action3DView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show 3D Local View</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Show 3D view</string>
<action name="actionSimulate">
<property name="checkable">
......@@ -257,87 +206,6 @@
<string>Simulate one vehicle to test and evaluate this application</string>
<action name="actionShow_full_view">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show full view</string>
<action name="actionShow_MAVLink_view">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show MAVLink view</string>
<action name="actionOnline_documentation">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Online documentation</string>
<action name="actionShow_data_analysis_view">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show data analysis view</string>
<action name="actionProject_Roadmap">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Project Roadmap</string>
<action name="actionCredits_Developers">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Credits / Developers</string>
<action name="actionGlobalOperatorView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show 2D Map View</string>
<action name="action3DMapView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Show 3D Global View</string>
<action name="actionGoogleEarthView">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<property name="text">
<string>Google Earth View</string>
<action name="actionShow_Slugs_View">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -387,6 +255,9 @@
<action name="actionOperatorsView">
<property name="checkable">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -396,6 +267,9 @@
<action name="actionEngineersView">
<property name="checkable">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -405,6 +279,9 @@
<action name="actionMavlinkView">
<property name="checkable">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -419,10 +296,13 @@
<property name="text">
<string>Reload Style</string>
<string>Reload Stylesheet</string>
<action name="actionPilotsView">
<property name="checkable">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ void QGCRemoteControlView::redraw()
// Update raw values
for(int i = 0; i < rawLabels.count(); i++)
{>setText(QString("%1 us").arg(, 4));>setText(QString("%1 us").arg(, 4, 10, QChar('0')));
// Update percent bars
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<property name="sizePolicy">
......@@ -18,14 +18,23 @@
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="windowTitle">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout" columnstretch="0,100,50,50,100,0">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Control widget to send basic control actions to the micro air vehicle</string>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout" rowstretch="60,150,80,80,80,100" columnstretch="1,100,40,40,100,1" rowminimumheight="0,0,0,0,0,0">
<item row="0" column="0" rowspan="6">
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