Commit 9773ab82 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
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Merge pull request #2428 from DonLakeFlyer/MavlinkDialect

Use ardupilotmega mavlink dialect as main dialect
parents 445c8527 78539f56
......@@ -7,29 +7,25 @@ WindowsBuild {
# [REQUIRED] Add support for the MAVLink communications protocol.
# Some logic is involved here in selecting the proper dialect for
# the selected autopilot system.
# If the user config file exists, it will be included. If this file
# specifies the MAVLINK_CONF variable with a MAVLink dialect, support
# for it will be compiled in to QGC. It will also create a
# QGC_USE_{AUTOPILOT_NAME}_MESSAGES macro for use within the actual code.
# Mavlink dialect is hardwired to arudpilotmega for now. The reason being
# the current codebase supports both PX4 and APM flight stack. PX4 flight stack
# only usese common mavlink specifications, wherease APM flight stack uses custom
# mavlink specifications which add to common. So by using the adupilotmega dialect
# QGC can support both in the same codebase.
# Once the mavlink helper routines include support for multiple dialects within
# a single compiled codebase this hardwiring of dialect can go away. But until then
# this "workaround" is needed.
MAVLINKPATH_REL = libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v1.0
MAVLINK_CONF = ardupilotmega
# First we select the dialect, checking for valid user selection
# Users can override all other settings by specifying MAVLINK_CONF as an argument to qmake
!isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) {
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified at the command line.", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
# Otherwise they can specify MAVLINK_CONF within user_config.pri
else:exists(user_config.pri):infile(user_config.pri, MAVLINK_CONF) {
MAVLINK_CONF = $$fromfile(user_config.pri, MAVLINK_CONF)
!isEmpty(MAVLINK_CONF) {
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1' specified in user_config.pri", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
message($$sprintf("Using MAVLink dialect '%1'.", $$MAVLINK_CONF))
# Then we add the proper include paths dependent on the dialect.
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