Commit 962eaaaf authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

MAVLink: Set v2 state also on incoming MAVLink 2 packets

parent 17fee3a0
......@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
if (!(mavlinkStatus->flags & MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_IN_MAVLINK1) && (mavlinkStatus->flags & MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_OUT_MAVLINK1)) {
qDebug() << "Switching outbound to mavlink 2.0 due to incoming mavlink 2.0 packet:" << mavlinkStatus << mavlinkChannel << mavlinkStatus->flags;
mavlinkStatus->flags &= ~MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_OUT_MAVLINK1;
_current_version = 200;
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