Commit 9297cdf3 authored by Nate Weibley's avatar Nate Weibley
Browse files

Different log download strategy. Break into chunks of 90 byte bins, finish chunks sequentially

parent 3565bfe3
......@@ -37,10 +37,50 @@
#define kTimeOutMilliseconds 500
#define kGUIRateMilliseconds 17
#define kTableBins 128
#define kChunkSize (kTableBins * MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN)
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LogDownloadLog, "LogDownloadLog")
static QLocale kLocale;
struct LogDownloadData {
LogDownloadData(QGCLogEntry* entry);
QBitArray chunk_table;
uint32_t current_chunk;
QFile file;
QString filename;
uint ID;
QGCLogEntry* entry;
uint written;
QElapsedTimer elapsed;
void advanceChunk()
chunk_table = QBitArray(chunkBins(), false);
// The number of MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN bins in the current chunk
uint32_t chunkBins() const
return qMin(qCeil((entry->size() - current_chunk*kChunkSize)/static_cast<qreal>(MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN)),
// The number of kChunkSize chunks in the file
uint32_t numChunks() const
return qCeil(entry->size() / static_cast<qreal>(kChunkSize));
// True if all bins in the chunk have been set to val
bool chunkEquals(const bool val) const
return chunk_table == QBitArray(chunk_table.size(), val);
LogDownloadData::LogDownloadData(QGCLogEntry* entry_)
......@@ -276,18 +316,25 @@ LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, ui
qWarning() << "Ignored misaligned incoming packet @" << ofs;
bool result = false;
uint32_t timeout_time = kTimeOutMilliseconds;
if(ofs <= _downloadData->entry->size()) {
// Check for a gap
qint64 pos = _downloadData->file.pos();
if (pos != ofs) {
if (pos < ofs) {
// Mind the gap
uint32_t gap = ofs - pos;
_downloadData->gaps[pos] = gap;
const uint32_t chunk = ofs / kChunkSize;
if (chunk != _downloadData->current_chunk) {
qWarning() << "Ignored packet for out of order chunk" << chunk;
const uint16_t bin = (ofs - chunk*kChunkSize) / MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN;
if (bin >= _downloadData->chunk_table.size()) {
qWarning() << "Out of range bin received";
} else
if (_downloadData->file.pos() != ofs) {
// Seek to correct position
if (!_downloadData-> {
qWarning() << "Error while seeking log file offset";
......@@ -295,17 +342,6 @@ LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, ui
// Check for a gap collision
if (_downloadData->gaps.contains(ofs)) {
// The gap is being filled. Shrink it
const int32_t gap = _downloadData->gaps.take(ofs) - count;
if (gap > 0) {
_downloadData->gaps[ofs+count] = qMax(static_cast<uint32_t>(gap), _downloadData->gaps.value(ofs+count, 0));
} else {
timeout_time = 20;
//-- Write chunk to file
if(_downloadData->file.write((const char*)data, count)) {
_downloadData->written += count;
......@@ -325,6 +361,11 @@ LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, ui
//-- Check for more
} else if (_chunkComplete()) {
} else {
qWarning() << "Error while writing log file chunk";
......@@ -337,12 +378,19 @@ LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, ui
LogDownloadController::_chunkComplete() const
return _downloadData->file.pos() == _downloadData->entry->size() &&
_downloadData->gaps.count() == 0;
return _downloadData->chunkEquals(true);
LogDownloadController::_logComplete() const
return _chunkComplete() && (_downloadData->current_chunk+1) == _downloadData->numChunks();
......@@ -353,7 +401,7 @@ LogDownloadController::_receivedAllData()
//-- Anything queued up for download?
if(_prepareLogDownload()) {
//-- Request Log
_requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, 0, _downloadData->entry->size());
_requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, 0, _downloadData->chunk_table.size()*MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN);
} else {
......@@ -367,6 +415,8 @@ LogDownloadController::_findMissingData()
if (_logComplete()) {
} else if (_chunkComplete()) {
if(_retries++ > 2) {
......@@ -377,24 +427,23 @@ LogDownloadController::_findMissingData()
const qint64 pos = _downloadData->file.pos(),
size = _downloadData->entry->size();
if (!_downloadData->gaps.isEmpty()) {
auto keys = _downloadData->gaps.keys();
const uint32_t start = keys.first();
const uint32_t count = _downloadData->gaps.value(start);
//-- Request these log chunks again
_requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, start, count);
} else if (pos != size) {
// Request where we left off
_requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, pos, size - pos);
} else {
qWarning() << "Apparently we're missing data but can't figure out what. Giving up.";
uint16_t start = 0, end = 0;
const int size = _downloadData->chunk_table.size();
for (; start < size; start++) {
if (!_downloadData->chunk_table.testBit(start)) {
for (end = start; end < size; end++) {
if (_downloadData->chunk_table.testBit(end)) {
const uint32_t pos = _downloadData->current_chunk*kChunkSize + start*MAVLINK_MSG_LOG_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN,
_requestLogData(_downloadData->ID, pos, len);
......@@ -547,8 +596,8 @@ LogDownloadController::_prepareLogDownload()
if(!_downloadData->file.resize(entry->size())) {
qWarning() << "Failed to allocate space for log file:" << _downloadData->filename;
} else {
// Force ourselves to request the last few bytes if we have any gaps so we end cleanly
_downloadData->current_chunk = 0;
_downloadData->chunk_table = QBitArray(_downloadData->chunkBins(), false);
result = true;
......@@ -122,18 +122,6 @@ private:
QString _status;
struct LogDownloadData {
LogDownloadData(QGCLogEntry* entry);
QHash<uint32_t, uint32_t> gaps;
QFile file;
QString filename;
uint ID;
QGCLogEntry* entry;
uint written;
QElapsedTimer elapsed;
class LogDownloadController : public FactPanelController
......@@ -170,7 +158,8 @@ private slots:
bool _entriesComplete ();
bool _logComplete ();
bool _chunkComplete () const;
bool _logComplete () const;
void _findMissingEntries();
void _receivedAllEntries();
void _receivedAllData ();
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