Commit 87aa800c authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Fixed compilation on Mac OS 10.8 / Mountain Lion

parent 106ffa74
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
if ( _valueToString.find(value)!=_valueToString.end() )
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Duplicate enum value " << value
<< " with old string: " << _valueToString[value]
<< " with old string: " << _valueToString[value].c_str()
<< " and new string: " << str << std::endl;
_valueToString[value] = str;
......@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ Imagery::getTileLocation(int tileX, int tileY, int zoomLevel,
<< "&y=" << tileY << "&z=" << zoomLevel;
oss << mImageryPath << "/200/color/" << tileY
oss << mImageryPath.c_str() << "/200/color/" << tileY
<< "/tile-";
if (tileResolution < 1.0)
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