Unverified Commit 858a4dce authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #8074 from stefandunca/pr-fix_advanced_tuning

Fix advanced tuning without side effects
parents 219cfa67 0436f8c0
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ SetupPage {
ExclusiveGroup { id: returnAltRadioGroup }
Component.onCompleted: {
// Advanced tuning is hacked out due to Qt crash with Qml Charts and a QGuiApplication
//showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
// We use QtCharts only on Desktop platforms
showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
// Qml Sliders have a strange behavior in which they first set Slider::value to some internal
// setting and then set Slider::value to the bound properties value. If you have an onValueChanged
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ SetupPage {
width: availableWidth
Component.onCompleted: {
// Advanced tuning is hacked out due to Qt crash with Qml Charts and a QGuiApplication
//showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
// We use QtCharts only on Desktop platforms
showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
FactPanelController {
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ SetupPage {
width: availableWidth
Component.onCompleted: {
// Advanced tuning is hacked out due to Qt crash with Qml Charts and a QGuiApplication
//showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
// We use QtCharts only on Desktop platforms
showAdvanced = !ScreenTools.isMobile
FactPanelController {
......@@ -158,7 +158,11 @@ static QObject* shapeFileHelperSingletonFactory(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
QGCApplication::QGCApplication(int &argc, char* argv[], bool unitTesting)
#if defined(__mobile__)
: QGuiApplication (argc, argv)
: QApplication (argc, argv)
, _runningUnitTests (unitTesting)
_app = this;
......@@ -555,9 +559,6 @@ bool QGCApplication::_initForNormalAppBoot()
QSettings settings;
// Exit main application when last window is closed
connect(this, &QGCApplication::lastWindowClosed, this, QGCApplication::quit);
_qmlAppEngine = toolbox()->corePlugin()->createRootWindow(this);
// Safe to show popup error messages now that main window is created
......@@ -35,7 +35,25 @@ class QGCSingleton;
class QGCToolbox;
class QGCFileDownload;
class QGCApplication : public QGuiApplication
* @brief The main application and management class.
* This class is started by the main method and provides
* the central management unit of the groundstation application.
* Needs QApplication base to support QtCharts module. This way
* we avoid application crashing on 5.12 when using the module.
* We don't have QtWidgets on mobile, avoid using it.
* Note: `lastWindowClosed` will be sent by MessageBox popups and other
* dialogs, that are spawned in QML, when they are closed
class QGCApplication :
#if defined(__mobile__)
public QGuiApplication
public QApplication
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void QmlObjectListModel::clearAndDeleteContents()
void QmlObjectListModel::beginReset(void)
void QmlObjectListModel::beginReset()
if (_externalBeginResetModel) {
qWarning() << "QmlObjectListModel::beginReset already set";
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ void QmlObjectListModel::beginReset(void)
void QmlObjectListModel::endReset(void)
void QmlObjectListModel::endReset()
if (!_externalBeginResetModel) {
qWarning() << "QmlObjectListModel::endReset begin not set";
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