Commit 858644b6 authored by hengli's avatar hengli
Browse files

Made trail colors brighter.

parent eea6afda
......@@ -163,10 +163,21 @@ Pixhawk3DWidget::localPositionChanged(UASInterface* uas, int component,
systemData.trailMap().size() - 1);
osg::Vec4 color((float)qrand() / RAND_MAX,
(float)qrand() / RAND_MAX,
(float)qrand() / RAND_MAX,
// generate nice bright random color
float golden_ratio_conjugate = 0.618033988749895f;
float h = (float)qrand() / RAND_MAX + golden_ratio_conjugate;
if (h > 1.0f)
h -= 1.0f;
QColor colorHSV;
colorHSV.setHsvF(h, 0.99, 0.99, 0.5);
QColor colorRGB = colorHSV.toRgb();
osg::Vec4f color(colorRGB.redF(), colorRGB.greenF(), colorRGB.blueF(), colorRGB.alphaF());
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