Commit 838d9e92 authored by olliw42's avatar olliw42
Browse files

CameraManager: two bugs in CameraPageWidgets, resolves cant-stop-video issue

parent 8918486e
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ Column {
property bool _streamingEnabled: false //TODO: determine what it should be, VideoPageWidget.qml does QGroundControl.settingsManager.videoSettings.streamConfigured
property bool _hasModes: _camera && _camera.hasModes
property bool _videoRecording: _camera && _camera.videoStatus === QGCCameraControl.VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_RUNNING
property bool _photoIdle: _camera && _camera.photoStatus === QGCCameraControl.PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE
property bool _photoIdle: _camera && (_camera.photoStatus === QGCCameraControl.PHOTO_CAPTURE_IDLE || _camera.photoStatus >= QGCCameraControl.PHOTO_CAPTURE_LAST)
property bool _storageReady: _camera && _camera.storageStatus === QGCCameraControl.STORAGE_READY
property bool _storageIgnored: _camera && _camera.storageStatus === QGCCameraControl.STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED
property bool _canShoot: !_cameraModeUndefined && !_videoRecording && _photoIdle && ((_storageReady && _camera.storageFree > 0) || _storageIgnored)
property bool _canShoot: !_cameraModeUndefined && ((_storageReady && _camera.storageFree > 0) || _storageIgnored)
function showSettings() {
mainWindow.showComponentDialog(cameraSettings, _cameraVideoMode ? qsTr("Video Settings") : qsTr("Camera Settings"), 70, StandardButton.Ok)
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