Commit 831d2f86 authored by Willian Galvani's avatar Willian Galvani
Browse files

JoystickConfig.qml: Change deadband adjustment to dragging horizontally

parent d20bd666
......@@ -849,20 +849,24 @@ SetupPage {
MouseArea {
id: deadbandMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent.item
enabled: controller.deadbandToggle
id: deadbandMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent.item
enabled: controller.deadbandToggle
preventStealing: true
property real startY
property real startX
property real direction
onPressed: {
startY = mouseY
startX = mouseX
direction = startX > width/2 ? 1 : -1
parent.item.deadbandColor = "#3C6315"
onPositionChanged: {
var newValue = parent.item.deadbandValue + (startY - mouseY)*15
var mouseToDeadband = 32768/(width/2) // Factor to have deadband follow the mouse movement
var newValue = parent.item.deadbandValue + direction*(mouseX - startX)*mouseToDeadband
if ((newValue > 0) && (newValue <32768)){parent.item.deadbandValue=newValue;}
startY = mouseY
startX = mouseX
onReleased: {
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