Commit 8176e73e authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Merge pull request #3498 from DonLakeFlyer/ComplexFMSmallScreen

Advanced Flight Mode: Small screen updates
parents 2e816711 bf6b4a2d
......@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ Item {
//property var qgcView - QGCView control
//property var qgcViewPanel - QGCViewPanel control
readonly property int monitorThresholdCharWidth: 8 // Character width of Monitor and Threshold labels
readonly property bool _shortText: ScreenTools.isTinyScreen
// User visible strings
readonly property string title: qsTr("FLIGHT MODES")
property string topHelpText: qsTr("Assign Flight Modes to radio control channels and adjust the thresholds for triggering them. ") +
qsTr("You can assign multiple flight modes to a single channel. ") +
qsTr("Turn your radio control on to test switch settings. ") +
qsTr("The following channels: ") + controller.reservedChannels +
qsTr(" are not available for Flight Modes since they are already in use for other functions.")
property string topHelpText: ScreenTools.isTinyScreen ?
qsTr("Assign Flight Modes to radio control channels and adjust the thresholds for triggering them.") :
(qsTr("Assign Flight Modes to radio control channels and adjust the thresholds for triggering them. ") +
qsTr("You can assign multiple flight modes to a single channel. ") +
qsTr("Turn your radio control on to test switch settings. ") +
qsTr("The following channels: ") + controller.reservedChannels +
qsTr(" are not available for Flight Modes since they are already in use for other functions."))
readonly property string fwManualModeName: qsTr("Manual/Main")
readonly property string mrManualModeName: qsTr("Stabilized/Main")
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ Rectangle {
width: parent.width - x
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: flightModeDescription
visible: !ScreenTools.isTinyScreen
Supports Markdown
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