Commit 8002815e authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Turn off warnings as errors as default

Also changed WarningsAsErrorsOff to WarningsAsErrorsOn to be used by
TeamCity builds.
parent b227672f
......@@ -130,34 +130,16 @@ WindowsBuild {
# We treat all warnings as errors which must be fixed before pull requests are approved. If you run into a problem
# you can't fix you can always use local pragmas to work around the warning. This should be used sparingly and only
# in cases where the problem absolultey can't be fixed.
# By default warnings as errors are turned off. Even so, in order for a pull request
# to be accepted you must compile cleanly with warnings as errors turned on the default
# set of OS builds. See for more details.
# You can use the WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG switch to turn warnings as errors on for your
# own builds.
# If you run into problems in code which is not yours, please lend a hand and fix the issues. If you don't have time
# for that post an Issue with your OS and compiler information as well as the pertinent output from the build log. If it's
# a problem that will take longer to fix, we will temporarily turn off warnings as errors for that specific config until
# the Issue is taken care of. Once that is completed we will turn warnings as errors back in for the config. You can use
# CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOff in your private builds for a quick local override.
# Please report any problems you run into with warnings as errors so we can gather information on its effectiveness as well
# as its annoyance level.
# Note: -Werror is currently not turned on for Linux due to unfixed problems with release builds. See Issue 535. This will
# be removed once the Issue is taken care of.
# Note: -Werror is also not turned on for Mac because Qt Core throws unused variable warnings for Mac from multiple header files.
MacBuild | LinuxBuild {
CONFIG += WarningsAsErrorsOff
MacBuild | LinuxBuild {
MacBuild | LinuxBuild {
!WarningsAsErrorsOff {
WarningsAsErrorsOn {
......@@ -166,10 +148,9 @@ WindowsBuild {
/wd4996 \ # silence warnings about deprecated strcpy and whatnot
/wd4290 # ignore exception specifications
WindowsBuild : !WarningsAsErrorsOff {
WarningsAsErrorsOn {
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