Commit 7e666e7b authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #5253 from DonLakeFlyer/SurveyEntryPoint

Survey: Settable entry location
parents 1cf7c124 28ebbf56
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
"shortDescription": "Angle for parallel lines of grid.",
"type": "double",
"units": "deg",
"min": -360.0,
"max": 360.0,
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"defaultValue": 0
......@@ -153,5 +155,13 @@
"shortDescription": "Camera selected for Survey.",
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": ""
"name": "GridEntryLocation",
"shortDescription": "Location for entry point into survey area",
"type": "uint32",
"enumStrings": "Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right",
"enumValues": "0,1,2,3",
"defaultValue": 0
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonGridAltitudeKey = "altitude";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey = "relativeAltitude";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonGridAngleKey = "angle";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonGridSpacingKey = "spacing";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonGridEntryLocationKey = "entryLocation";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonTurnaroundDistKey = "turnAroundDistance";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonCameraTriggerDistanceKey = "cameraTriggerDistance";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::_jsonCameraTriggerInTurnaroundKey = "cameraTriggerInTurnaround";
......@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ const char* SurveyMissionItem::gridAltitudeName = "GridAltitude";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::gridAltitudeRelativeName = "GridAltitudeRelative";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::gridAngleName = "GridAngle";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::gridSpacingName = "GridSpacing";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::gridEntryLocationName = "GridEntryLocation";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::turnaroundDistName = "TurnaroundDist";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::cameraTriggerDistanceName = "CameraTriggerDistance";
const char* SurveyMissionItem::cameraTriggerInTurnaroundName = "CameraTriggerInTurnaround";
......@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ SurveyMissionItem::SurveyMissionItem(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent)
, _gridAltitudeRelativeFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[gridAltitudeRelativeName])
, _gridAngleFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[gridAngleName])
, _gridSpacingFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[gridSpacingName])
, _gridEntryLocationFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[gridEntryLocationName])
, _turnaroundDistFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[turnaroundDistName])
, _cameraTriggerDistanceFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[cameraTriggerDistanceName])
, _cameraTriggerInTurnaroundFact (settingsGroup, _metaDataMap[cameraTriggerInTurnaroundName])
......@@ -112,6 +115,7 @@ SurveyMissionItem::SurveyMissionItem(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent)
connect(&_gridSpacingFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
connect(&_gridAngleFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
connect(&_gridEntryLocationFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
connect(&_turnaroundDistFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
connect(&_cameraTriggerDistanceFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
connect(&_cameraTriggerInTurnaroundFact, &Fact::valueChanged, this, &SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid);
......@@ -220,6 +224,7 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::save(QJsonArray& missionItems)
gridObject[_jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey] = _gridAltitudeRelativeFact.rawValue().toBool();
gridObject[_jsonGridAngleKey] = _gridAngleFact.rawValue().toDouble();
gridObject[_jsonGridSpacingKey] = _gridSpacingFact.rawValue().toDouble();
gridObject[_jsonGridEntryLocationKey] = _gridSpacingFact.rawValue().toDouble();
gridObject[_jsonTurnaroundDistKey] = _turnaroundDistFact.rawValue().toDouble();
saveObject[_jsonGridObjectKey] = gridObject;
......@@ -322,6 +327,7 @@ bool SurveyMissionItem::load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumbe
{ _jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey, QJsonValue::Bool, true },
{ _jsonGridAngleKey, QJsonValue::Double, true },
{ _jsonGridSpacingKey, QJsonValue::Double, true },
{ _jsonGridEntryLocationKey, QJsonValue::Double, false },
{ _jsonTurnaroundDistKey, QJsonValue::Double, true },
QJsonObject gridObject = v2Object[_jsonGridObjectKey].toObject();
......@@ -333,6 +339,11 @@ bool SurveyMissionItem::load(const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumbe
_gridSpacingFact.setRawValue (gridObject[_jsonGridSpacingKey].toDouble());
_turnaroundDistFact.setRawValue (gridObject[_jsonTurnaroundDistKey].toDouble());
_cameraTriggerDistanceFact.setRawValue (v2Object[_jsonCameraTriggerDistanceKey].toDouble());
if (gridObject.contains(_jsonGridEntryLocationKey)) {
} else {
if (!_manualGridFact.rawValue().toBool()) {
if (!v2Object.contains(_jsonCameraObjectKey)) {
......@@ -444,6 +455,29 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::_convertTransectToGeo(const QList<QList<QPointF>>& trans
/// Reverse the order of the transects. First transect becomes last and so forth.
void SurveyMissionItem::_reverseTransectOrder(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects)
QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>> rgReversedTransects;
for (int i=transects.count() - 1; i>=0; i--) {
transects = rgReversedTransects;
/// Reverse the order of all points withing each transect, First point becomes last and so forth.
void SurveyMissionItem::_reverseInternalTransectPoints(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects)
for (int i=0; i<transects.count(); i++) {
QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgReversedCoords;
QList<QGeoCoordinate>& rgOriginalCoords = transects[i];
for (int j=rgOriginalCoords.count()-1; j>=0; j--) {
transects[i] = rgReversedCoords;
/// Reorders the transects such that the first transect is the shortest distance to the specified coordinate
/// and the first point within that transect is the shortest distance to the specified coordinate.
/// @param distanceCoord Coordinate to measure distance against
......@@ -467,27 +501,18 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::_optimizeTransectsForShortestDistance(const QGeoCoordina
if (shortestIndex > 1) {
// We need to reverse the order of segments
QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>> rgReversedTransects;
for (int i=transects.count() - 1; i>=0; i--) {
transects = rgReversedTransects;
if (shortestIndex & 1) {
// We need to reverse the points within each segment
for (int i=0; i<transects.count(); i++) {
QList<QGeoCoordinate> rgReversedCoords;
QList<QGeoCoordinate>& rgOriginalCoords = transects[i];
for (int j=rgOriginalCoords.count()-1; j>=0; j--) {
transects[i] = rgReversedCoords;
void SurveyMissionItem::_appendGridPointsFromTransects(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& rgTransectSegments)
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Entry point _appendGridPointsFromTransects" << rgTransectSegments.first().first();
for (int i=0; i<rgTransectSegments.count(); i++) {
......@@ -558,6 +583,83 @@ QList<QPointF> SurveyMissionItem::_convexPolygon(const QList<QPointF>& polygon)
return workPolygon.mid(1, convexCount);
/// Returns true if the current grid angle generates north/south oriented transects
bool SurveyMissionItem::_gridAngleIsNorthSouthTransects()
// Grid angle ranges from -360<->360
double gridAngle = qAbs(_gridAngleFact.rawValue().toDouble());
return gridAngle < 45.0 || (gridAngle > 360.0 - 45.0) || (gridAngle > 90.0 + 45.0 && gridAngle < 270.0 - 45.0);
void SurveyMissionItem::_adjustTransectsToEntryPointLocation(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects)
if (transects.count() == 0) {
// First determine what location the current entry point is at
QGeoCoordinate& firstTransectEntry = transects.first().first();
QGeoCoordinate& firstTransectExit = transects.first().last();
QGeoCoordinate& lastTransectExit = transects.last().last();
bool northSouthTransects = _gridAngleIsNorthSouthTransects();
bool entryPointBottom;
bool entryPointLeft;
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Original entry point" << transects.first().first();
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "northSouthTransects" << northSouthTransects;
if (northSouthTransects) {
double firstTransectAzimuth = firstTransectEntry.azimuthTo(firstTransectExit);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "firstTransectAzimuth" << firstTransectAzimuth;
entryPointBottom = (firstTransectAzimuth >= 0.0 && firstTransectAzimuth < 90.0) || (firstTransectAzimuth > 270.0 && firstTransectAzimuth <= 360.0);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << (entryPointBottom ? "Entry point is at bottom" : "Entry point is at top");
double entryToExitAzimuth = firstTransectEntry.azimuthTo(lastTransectExit);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "entryToExitAzimuth" << entryToExitAzimuth;
entryPointLeft = entryToExitAzimuth <= 180.0;
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << (entryPointLeft ? "Entry point is at left" : "Entry point is at right");
} else {
double firstTransectAzimuth = firstTransectEntry.azimuthTo(firstTransectExit);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "firstTransectAzimuth" << firstTransectAzimuth;
entryPointLeft = firstTransectAzimuth <= 180.0;
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << (entryPointLeft ? "Entry point is at left" : "Entry point is at right");
double entryToExitAzimuth = firstTransectEntry.azimuthTo(lastTransectExit);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "entryToExitAzimuth" << entryToExitAzimuth;
entryPointBottom = (entryToExitAzimuth >= 0.0 && entryToExitAzimuth < 90.0) || (entryToExitAzimuth > 270.0 && entryToExitAzimuth <= 360.0);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << (entryPointBottom ? "Entry point is at bottom" : "Entry point is at top");
// Now adjust the transects such that the entry point matches the requested location
int entryLocation = _gridEntryLocationFact.rawValue().toInt();
bool reverseTransects;
bool reversePoints;
if (northSouthTransects) {
reversePoints = ((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationTopRight) && entryPointBottom) ||
((entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomRight) && !entryPointBottom);
reverseTransects = ((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopRight || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomRight) && entryPointLeft) ||
((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomLeft) && !entryPointLeft);
} else {
reverseTransects = ((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationTopRight) && entryPointBottom) ||
((entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomRight) && !entryPointBottom);
reversePoints = ((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopRight || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomRight) && entryPointLeft) ||
((entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomLeft) && !entryPointLeft);
if (reversePoints) {
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Reverse Points";
if (reverseTransects) {
// The only way we should end up here is if there is a bug in the original grid line generation
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Not Reverse Transects";
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Modified entry point" << transects.first().first();
void SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid(void)
if (_ignoreRecalc) {
......@@ -608,9 +710,8 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::_generateGrid(void)
int cameraShots = 0;
cameraShots += _gridGenerator(polygonPoints, transectSegments, false /* refly */);
_convertTransectToGeo(transectSegments, tangentOrigin, _transectSegments);
//_optimizeTransectsForShortestDistance(?, _transectSegments);
qDebug() << _transectSegments.count();
if (_refly90Degrees) {
QVariantList reflyPointsGeo;
......@@ -678,7 +779,7 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::_updateCoordinateAltitude(void)
QPointF SurveyMissionItem::_rotatePoint(const QPointF& point, const QPointF& origin, double angle)
QPointF rotated;
double radians = (M_PI / 180.0) * angle;
double radians = (M_PI / 180.0) * -angle;
rotated.setX(((point.x() - origin.x()) * cos(radians)) - ((point.y() - origin.y()) * sin(radians)) + origin.x());
rotated.setY(((point.x() - origin.x()) * sin(radians)) + ((point.y() - origin.y()) * cos(radians)) + origin.y());
......@@ -794,13 +895,28 @@ void SurveyMissionItem::_adjustLineDirection(const QList<QLineF>& lineList, QLis
double SurveyMissionItem::_clampGridAngle90(double gridAngle)
// Clamp grid angle to -90<->90. This prevents transects from being rotated to a reversed order.
if (gridAngle > 90.0) {
gridAngle -= 180.0;
} else if (gridAngle < -90.0) {
gridAngle += 180;
return gridAngle;
int SurveyMissionItem::_gridGenerator(const QList<QPointF>& polygonPoints, QList<QList<QPointF>>& transectSegments, bool refly)
int cameraShots = 0;
double gridAngle = _gridAngleFact.rawValue().toDouble() + (refly ? 90 : 0);
double gridAngle = _gridAngleFact.rawValue().toDouble();
double gridSpacing = _gridSpacingFact.rawValue().toDouble();
gridAngle = _clampGridAngle90(gridAngle);
gridAngle += refly ? 90 : 0;
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Clamped grid angle" << gridAngle;
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "SurveyMissionItem::_gridGenerator gridSpacing:gridAngle:refly" << gridSpacing << gridAngle << refly;
......@@ -830,16 +946,70 @@ int SurveyMissionItem::_gridGenerator(const QList<QPointF>& polygonPoints, QLis
// Create set of rotated parallel lines within the expanded bounding rect. Make the lines larger than the
// bounding box to guarantee intersection.
QList<QLineF> lineList;
float x = largeBoundRect.topLeft().x() - (gridSpacing / 2);
while (x < largeBoundRect.bottomRight().x()) {
float yTop = largeBoundRect.topLeft().y() - 100.0;
float yBottom = largeBoundRect.bottomRight().y() + 100.0;
bool northSouthTransects = _gridAngleIsNorthSouthTransects();
int entryLocation = _gridEntryLocationFact.rawValue().toInt();
if (northSouthTransects) {
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Clamped grid angle" << gridAngle;
if (entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationBottomLeft) {
// Generate transects from left to right
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Generate left to right";
float x = largeBoundRect.topLeft().x() - (gridSpacing / 2);
while (x < largeBoundRect.bottomRight().x()) {
float yTop = largeBoundRect.topLeft().y() - 100.0;
float yBottom = largeBoundRect.bottomRight().y() + 100.0;
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yTop), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yBottom), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
x += gridSpacing;
} else {
// Generate transects from right to left
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Generate right to left";
float x = largeBoundRect.topRight().x() + (gridSpacing / 2);
while (x > largeBoundRect.bottomLeft().x()) {
float yTop = largeBoundRect.topRight().y() - 100.0;
float yBottom = largeBoundRect.bottomLeft().y() + 100.0;
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yTop), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yBottom), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yTop), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(x, yBottom), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
x += gridSpacing;
x -= gridSpacing;
} else {
gridAngle = _clampGridAngle90(gridAngle - 90.0);
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Clamped grid angle" << gridAngle;
if (entryLocation == EntryLocationTopLeft || entryLocation == EntryLocationTopRight) {
// Generate transects from top to bottom
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Generate top to bottom";
float y = largeBoundRect.bottomLeft().y() + (gridSpacing / 2);
while (y > largeBoundRect.topRight().y()) {
float xLeft = largeBoundRect.bottomLeft().x() - 100.0;
float xRight = largeBoundRect.topRight().x() + 100.0;
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(xLeft, y), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(xRight, y), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "y:xLeft:xRight" << y << xLeft << xRight << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
y -= gridSpacing;
} else {
// Generate transects from bottom to top
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "Generate bottom to top";
float y = largeBoundRect.topLeft().y() - (gridSpacing / 2);
while (y < largeBoundRect.bottomRight().y()) {
float xLeft = largeBoundRect.topLeft().x() - 100.0;
float xRight = largeBoundRect.bottomRight().x() + 100.0;
lineList += QLineF(_rotatePoint(QPointF(xLeft, y), center, gridAngle), _rotatePoint(QPointF(xRight, y), center, gridAngle));
qCDebug(SurveyMissionItemLog) << "y:xLeft:xRight" << y << xLeft << xRight << "line(" << lineList.last().x1() << ", " << lineList.last().y1() << ")-(" << lineList.last().x2() <<", " << lineList.last().y2() << ")";
y += gridSpacing;
// Now intersect the lines with the polygon
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridAltitudeRelative READ gridAltitudeRelative CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridAngle READ gridAngle CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridSpacing READ gridSpacing CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridEntryLocation READ gridEntryLocation CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* turnaroundDist READ turnaroundDist CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraTriggerDistance READ cameraTriggerDistance CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraTriggerInTurnaround READ cameraTriggerInTurnaround CONSTANT)
......@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ public:
Fact* gridAltitudeRelative (void) { return &_gridAltitudeRelativeFact; }
Fact* gridAngle (void) { return &_gridAngleFact; }
Fact* gridSpacing (void) { return &_gridSpacingFact; }
Fact* gridEntryLocation (void) { return &_gridEntryLocationFact; }
Fact* turnaroundDist (void) { return &_turnaroundDistFact; }
Fact* cameraTriggerDistance (void) { return &_cameraTriggerDistanceFact; }
Fact* cameraTriggerInTurnaround (void) { return &_cameraTriggerInTurnaroundFact; }
......@@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ public:
static const char* gridAltitudeRelativeName;
static const char* gridAngleName;
static const char* gridSpacingName;
static const char* gridEntryLocationName;
static const char* turnaroundDistName;
static const char* cameraTriggerDistanceName;
static const char* cameraTriggerInTurnaroundName;
......@@ -175,6 +178,14 @@ private:
// Must match json spec for GridEntryLocation
enum EntryLocation {
void _setExitCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate);
void _generateGrid(void);
void _updateCoordinateAltitude(void);
......@@ -203,6 +214,11 @@ private:
qreal _dp(QPointF pt1, QPointF pt2);
void _swapPoints(QList<QPointF>& points, int index1, int index2);
QList<QPointF> _convexPolygon(const QList<QPointF>& polygon);
void _reverseTransectOrder(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects);
void _reverseInternalTransectPoints(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects);
void _adjustTransectsToEntryPointLocation(QList<QList<QGeoCoordinate>>& transects);
bool _gridAngleIsNorthSouthTransects();
double _clampGridAngle90(double gridAngle);
int _sequenceNumber;
bool _dirty;
......@@ -230,6 +246,7 @@ private:
SettingsFact _gridAltitudeRelativeFact;
SettingsFact _gridAngleFact;
SettingsFact _gridSpacingFact;
SettingsFact _gridEntryLocationFact;
SettingsFact _turnaroundDistFact;
SettingsFact _cameraTriggerDistanceFact;
SettingsFact _cameraTriggerInTurnaroundFact;
......@@ -251,6 +268,7 @@ private:
static const char* _jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAngleKey;
static const char* _jsonGridSpacingKey;
static const char* _jsonGridEntryLocationKey;
static const char* _jsonTurnaroundDistKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraTriggerDistanceKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraTriggerInTurnaroundKey;
......@@ -439,6 +439,13 @@ Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Entry") }
FactComboBox {
fact: missionItem.gridEntryLocation
indexModel: false
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCCheckBox {
text: qsTr("Refly at 90 degree offset")
checked: missionItem.refly90Degrees
......@@ -543,6 +550,13 @@ Rectangle {
fact: missionItem.turnaroundDist
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Entry") }
FactComboBox {
fact: missionItem.gridEntryLocation
indexModel: false
Layout.fillWidth: true
QGCCheckBox {
text: qsTr("Refly at 90 degree offset")
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