Unverified Commit 78be63ea authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #6188 from mavlink/pr-px4_metadata

Update PX4 Firmware metadata Sat Mar 10 23:37:05 EST 2018
parents 5957f29e 24424dd1
......@@ -4189,7 +4189,7 @@ default 1.5 turns per second</short_desc>
<boolean />
<parameter default="0." name="MC_DTERM_CUTOFF" type="FLOAT">
<parameter default="30." name="MC_DTERM_CUTOFF" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Cutoff frequency for the low pass filter on the D-term in the rate controller</short_desc>
<long_desc>The D-term uses the derivative of the rate and thus is the most susceptible to noise. Therefore, using a D-term filter allows to decrease the driver-level filtering, which leads to reduced control latency and permits to increase the P gains. A value of 0 disables the filter.</long_desc>
......@@ -8113,7 +8113,7 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<parameter default="30.0" name="IMU_GYRO_CUTOFF" type="FLOAT">
<parameter default="80.0" name="IMU_GYRO_CUTOFF" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Driver level cutoff frequency for gyro</short_desc>
<long_desc>The cutoff frequency for the 2nd order butterworth filter on the gyro driver. This features is currently supported by the mpu6000 and mpu9250. This only affects the signal sent to the controllers, not the estimators. 0 disables the filter.</long_desc>
......@@ -9240,15 +9240,16 @@ This is used for gathering replay logs for the ekf2 module</short_desc>
<parameter default="0" name="UAVCAN_ENABLE" type="INT32">
<short_desc>UAVCAN mode</short_desc>
<long_desc>0 - UAVCAN disabled. 1 - Basic support for UAVCAN actuators and sensors. 2 - Full support for dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. 3 - Sets the motor control outputs to UAVCAN and enables support for dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update.</long_desc>
<long_desc>0 - UAVCAN disabled. 1 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors without dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. 2 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors with dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. 3 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors and actuators with dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. Also sets the motor control outputs to UAVCAN.</long_desc>
<value code="0">Disabled</value>
<value code="2">Only Sensors</value>
<value code="3">Sensors and Motors</value>
<value code="1">Sensors Manual Config</value>
<value code="2">Sensors Automatic Config</value>
<value code="3">Sensors and Actuators (ESCs) Automatic Config</value>
<parameter default="1" name="UAVCAN_ESC_IDLT" type="INT32">
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