Commit 7271b853 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer
Browse files

circular survey optimized, some bugs though

parent a22db7f4
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ DebugBuild {
DESTDIR = $${OUT_PWD}/debug
else {
......@@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ FORMS += \
src/Wima/CircularSurvey.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/GenericCircle.h \
src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.hpp \
src/Wima/Snake/mapbox/feature.hpp \
src/Wima/Snake/mapbox/geometry.hpp \
......@@ -473,9 +477,7 @@ HEADERS += \
src/Wima/WimaPlanData.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/WimaJoinedArea.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/WimaJoinedAreaData.h \
src/Wima/CircularSurveyComplexItem.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/PlanimetryCalculus.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/Circle.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/PolygonCalculus.h \
src/Wima/OptimisationTools.h \
src/Wima/Geometry/GeoUtilities.h \
......@@ -500,6 +502,7 @@ HEADERS += \
src/comm/ros_bridge/include/topic_subscriber.h \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/Snake/clipper/clipper.cpp \
src/Wima/Snake/snake.cpp \
src/Wima/Geometry/GeoPoint3D.cpp \
......@@ -548,9 +551,7 @@ SOURCES += \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
src/Wima/Geometry/ \
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "KML.h"
#include "QGCCorePlugin.h"
#include "src/Wima/CircularSurveyComplexItem.h"
#include "src/Wima/CircularSurvey.h"
#ifndef __mobile__
#include "MainWindow.h"
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ int MissionController::insertComplexMissionItem(QString itemName, QGeoCoordinate
} else if (itemName == patternCorridorScanName) {
newItem = new CorridorScanComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, QString() /* kmlFile */, _visualItems /* parent */);
} else if (itemName == _circularSurveyMissionItemName) {
newItem = new CircularSurveyComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, QString() /* kmlFile */, _visualItems /* parent */);
newItem = new CircularSurvey(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, QString() /* kmlFile */, _visualItems /* parent */);
} else {
qWarning() << "Internal error: Unknown complex item:" << itemName;
return sequenceNumber;
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ int MissionController::insertComplexMissionItemFromKMLOrSHP(QString itemName, QS
if (itemName == _surveyMissionItemName) {
newItem = new SurveyComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, file, _visualItems);
} else if (itemName == _circularSurveyMissionItemName) {
newItem = new CircularSurveyComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, file, _visualItems);
newItem = new CircularSurvey(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, file, _visualItems);
} else if (itemName == patternStructureScanName) {
newItem = new StructureScanComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, file, _visualItems);
} else if (itemName == patternCorridorScanName) {
......@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ int MissionController::_insertComplexMissionItemWorker(ComplexMissionItem* compl
int sequenceNumber = _nextSequenceNumber();
bool surveyStyleItem = qobject_cast<SurveyComplexItem*>(complexItem)
|| qobject_cast<CorridorScanComplexItem*>(complexItem)
|| qobject_cast<CircularSurveyComplexItem*>(complexItem);
|| qobject_cast<CircularSurvey*>(complexItem);
if (surveyStyleItem) {
bool rollSupported = false;
......@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ void MissionController::removeMissionItem(int index)
bool removeSurveyStyle = _visualItems->value<SurveyComplexItem*>(index)
|| _visualItems->value<CorridorScanComplexItem*>(index)
|| _visualItems->value<CircularSurveyComplexItem*>(index);
|| _visualItems->value<CircularSurvey*>(index);
VisualMissionItem* item = qobject_cast<VisualMissionItem*>(_visualItems->removeAt(index));
......@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ void MissionController::removeMissionItem(int index)
for (int i=1; i<_visualItems->count(); i++) {
if ( _visualItems->value<SurveyComplexItem*>(i)
|| _visualItems->value<CorridorScanComplexItem*>(i)
|| _visualItems->value<CircularSurveyComplexItem*>(i)) {
|| _visualItems->value<CircularSurvey*>(i)) {
foundSurvey = true;
......@@ -905,9 +905,9 @@ bool MissionController::_loadJsonMissionFileV2(const QJsonObject& json, QmlObjec
nextSequenceNumber = corridorItem->lastSequenceNumber() + 1;
qCDebug(MissionControllerLog) << "Corridor Scan load complete: nextSequenceNumber" << nextSequenceNumber;
} else if (complexItemType == CircularSurveyComplexItem::jsonComplexItemTypeValue) {
} else if (complexItemType == CircularSurvey::CircularSurveyName) {
qCDebug(MissionControllerLog) << "Loading Circular Survey: nextSequenceNumber" << nextSequenceNumber;
CircularSurveyComplexItem* circularSurvey = new CircularSurveyComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, QString() /* kmlFile */, visualItems);
CircularSurvey* circularSurvey = new CircularSurvey(_controllerVehicle, _flyView, QString() /* kmlFile */, visualItems);
if (!circularSurvey->load(itemObject, nextSequenceNumber++, errorString)) {
return false;
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
class SurveyComplexItem;
class CircularSurveyComplexItem;
class CircularSurvey;
class SimpleMissionItem;
class MissionController;
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ private:
static const char* _jsonParam4Key;
friend class SurveyComplexItem;
friend class CircularSurveyComplexItem;
friend class CircularSurvey;
friend class SimpleMissionItem;
friend class MissionController;
......@@ -137,11 +137,6 @@ Rectangle {
spacing: _margin
visible: transectsHeader.checked
FactCheckBox {
text: qsTr("Fixed Direction")
fact: missionItem.fixedDirection
QGCCheckBox {
id: relAlt
text: qsTr("Relative altitude")
This diff is collapsed.
#pragma once
#include <QFutureWatcher>
#include <QVector>
#include "SettingsFact.h"
#include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h"
class CircularSurvey : public TransectStyleComplexItem {
/// @param vehicle Vehicle which this is being contructed for
/// @param flyView true: Created for use in the Fly View, false: Created for
/// use in the Plan View
/// @param kmlOrShpFile Polygon comes from this file, empty for default
/// polygon
CircularSurvey(Vehicle *vehicle, bool flyView, const QString &kmlOrShpFile,
QObject *parent);
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate refPoint READ refPoint WRITE setRefPoint NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *deltaAlpha READ deltaAlpha CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *transectMinLength READ transectMinLength CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *reverse READ reverse CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact *maxWaypoints READ maxWaypoints CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isInitialized READ isInitialized WRITE setIsInitialized NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(bool calculating READ calculating NOTIFY calculatingChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void resetReference(void);
// Property setters
void setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt);
// Set this to true if survey was automatically generated, prevents
// initialisation from gui.
void setIsInitialized(bool isInitialized);
// Property getters
QGeoCoordinate refPoint() const;
Fact *deltaR();
Fact *deltaAlpha();
Fact *transectMinLength();
Fact *reverse();
Fact *maxWaypoints();
bool calculating();
// Is true if survey was automatically generated, prevents initialisation from
// gui.
bool isInitialized();
// Overrides from ComplexMissionItem
bool load(const QJsonObject &complexObject, int sequenceNumber,
QString &errorString) final;
QString mapVisualQML(void) const final;
// Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem
void save(QJsonArray &planItems) final;
bool specifiesCoordinate(void) const final;
void appendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items,
QObject *missionItemParent) final;
void applyNewAltitude(double newAltitude) final;
double timeBetweenShots(void) final;
// Overrides from VisualMissionionItem
QString commandDescription(void) const final;
QString commandName(void) const final;
QString abbreviation(void) const final;
bool readyForSave(void) const final;
double additionalTimeDelay(void) const final;
static const char *settingsGroup;
static const char *deltaRName;
static const char *deltaAlphaName;
static const char *transectMinLengthName;
static const char *reverseName;
static const char *maxWaypointsName;
static const char *CircularSurveyName;
static const char *refPointLongitudeName;
static const char *refPointLatitudeName;
static const char *refPointAltitudeName;
void refPointChanged();
void isInitializedChanged();
void calculatingChanged();
private slots:
// Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem
void _rebuildTransectsPhase1(void) final;
void _recalcComplexDistance(void) final;
void _recalcCameraShots(void) final;
void _deferUpdate();
void _appendLoadedMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items,
QObject *missionItemParent);
void _buildAndAppendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem *> &items,
QObject *missionItemParent);
// center of the circular lanes, e.g. base station
QGeoCoordinate _referencePoint;
QMap<QString, FactMetaData *> _metaDataMap;
// distance between two neighbour circles
SettingsFact _deltaR;
// angle discretisation of the circles
SettingsFact _deltaAlpha;
// minimal transect lenght, transects are rejected if they are shorter than
// this value
SettingsFact _minLength;
// reverses the _transects path
SettingsFact _reverse;
// the maximum number of waypoints _transects (TransectStyleComplexItem) can
// contain (to avoid performance hits)
SettingsFact _maxWaypoints;
// Timer to defer recalc
QTimer _timer;
// indicates if the polygon and refpoint etc. are initialized, prevents
// reinitialisation from gui and execution of _rebuildTransectsPhase1 during
// init from gui
bool _isInitialized;
using PtrTransects = std::shared_ptr<Transects>;
using Watcher = QFutureWatcher<PtrTransects>;
Watcher _watcher;
bool _calculating;
bool _cancle;
This diff is collapsed.
# pragma once
#include "TransectStyleComplexItem.h"
#include "Geometry/PolygonCalculus.h"
#include "Geometry/PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include "Geometry/GeoUtilities.h"
#include "QVector"
#include "Geometry/Circle.h"
#include "SettingsFact.h"
class CircularSurveyComplexItem :public TransectStyleComplexItem
/// @param vehicle Vehicle which this is being contructed for
/// @param flyView true: Created for use in the Fly View, false: Created for use in the Plan View
/// @param kmlOrShpFile Polygon comes from this file, empty for default polygon
CircularSurveyComplexItem(Vehicle* vehicle, bool flyView, const QString& kmlOrShpFile, QObject* parent);
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate refPoint READ refPoint WRITE setRefPoint NOTIFY refPointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* deltaAlpha READ deltaAlpha CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* transectMinLength READ transectMinLength CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* fixedDirection READ fixedDirection CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* reverse READ reverse CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* maxWaypoints READ maxWaypoints CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isInitialized READ isInitialized WRITE setIsInitialized NOTIFY isInitializedChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void resetReference(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void comprehensiveUpdate(void); // triggers a slow recalculation of the transects
// Property setters
void setRefPoint(const QGeoCoordinate &refPt);
// Set this to true if survey was automatically generated, prevents initialisation from gui.
void setIsInitialized(bool isInitialized);
// Property getters
QGeoCoordinate refPoint() const;
Fact *deltaR();
Fact *deltaAlpha();
Fact *transectMinLength();
Fact *fixedDirection();
Fact *reverse();
Fact *maxWaypoints();
// Is true if survey was automatically generated, prevents initialisation from gui.
bool isInitialized();
bool referencePointBeingChanged(); // returns true if the referencepoint is being changed (dragged by user)
// Overrides from ComplexMissionItem
bool load (const QJsonObject& complexObject, int sequenceNumber, QString& errorString) final;
QString mapVisualQML (void) const final { return QStringLiteral("CircularSurveyMapVisual.qml"); }
// Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem
void save (QJsonArray& planItems) final;
bool specifiesCoordinate (void) const final { return true; }
void appendMissionItems (QList<MissionItem*>& items, QObject* missionItemParent) final;
void applyNewAltitude (double newAltitude) final;
double timeBetweenShots (void) final;
// Overrides from VisualMissionionItem
QString commandDescription (void) const final { return tr("Circular Survey"); }
QString commandName (void) const final { return tr("Circular Survey"); }
QString abbreviation (void) const final { return tr("C.S."); }
bool readyForSave (void) const final;
double additionalTimeDelay (void) const final;
static const char* settingsGroup;
static const char* deltaRName;
static const char* deltaAlphaName;
static const char* transectMinLengthName;
static const char* fixedDirectionName;
static const char* reverseName;
static const char* maxWaypointsName;
static const char* jsonComplexItemTypeValue;
static const char* jsonDeltaRKey;
static const char* jsonDeltaAlphaKey;
static const char* jsonTransectMinLengthKey;
static const char* jsonfixedDirectionKey;
static const char* jsonReverseKey;
static const char* jsonReferencePointLongKey;
static const char* jsonReferencePointLatKey;
static const char* jsonReferencePointAltKey;
static const long triggerTime = 50; // trigger time (ms) for _triggerSlowRecalcTimer
void refPointChanged();
void isInitializedChanged();
private slots:
// Overrides from TransectStyleComplexItem
void _rebuildTransectsPhase1 (void) final; // calls _rebuildTransectsFast or _rebuildTransectsSlow depending on _fastRecalc
void _rebuildTransectsFast (void);
void _rebuildTransectsSlow (void); // the slow version of _rebuildTransectsFast which properly connects the _transects
void _triggerSlowRecalc (void);
bool _generateTransectPath (QVector<QVector<QPointF>> &transectPath, const QPolygonF &surveyPolygon);
bool _rebuildTransectsInputCheck(QPolygonF &poly);
void _rebuildTransectsToGeo (const QVector<QPointF> &path, const QGeoCoordinate &reference);
void _recalcComplexDistance (void) final;
void _recalcCameraShots (void) final;
void _reverseTransects (void);
bool _shortestPath (const QGeoCoordinate &start, const QGeoCoordinate &destination, QVector<QGeoCoordinate> &shortestPath);
void _appendLoadedMissionItems(QList<MissionItem*>& items, QObject* missionItemParent);
void _buildAndAppendMissionItems(QList<MissionItem*>& items, QObject* missionItemParent);
QGeoCoordinate _referencePoint; // center of the circular lanes, e.g. base station
QMap<QString, FactMetaData*> _metaDataMap;
SettingsFact _deltaR; // distance between two neighbour circles
SettingsFact _deltaAlpha; // angle discretisation of the circles
SettingsFact _transectMinLength; // minimal transect lenght, transects are rejected if they are shorter than this value
SettingsFact _fixedDirection; // bool value, determining if transects have fixed direction or not
SettingsFact _reverse; // reverses the _transects path
SettingsFact _maxWaypoints; // the maximum number of waypoints _transects (TransectStyleComplexItem) can contain (to avoid performance hits)
QTimer _triggerSlowRecalcTimer;
bool _isInitialized; // indicates if the polygon and refpoint etc. are initialized, prevents reinitialisation from gui and execution of _rebuildTransectsPhase1 during init from gui
bool _reverseOnly; // if this is true _rebuildTransectsPhase1() will reverse the path only, _rebuildTransectsPhase1() resets _reverseOnly
bool _doFastRecalc; // fast recalc of transects if set, see _rebuildTransectsPhase1 for furhter explanation
#include "Circle.h"
Circle::Circle(QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent)
, _circleRadius(0)
, _circleOrigin(QPointF(0,0))
Circle::Circle(double radius, QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent)
, _circleRadius(radius >= 0 ? radius : 0)
, _circleOrigin(QPointF(0,0))
Circle::Circle(double radius, QPointF origin, QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent)
, _circleRadius(radius >= 0 ? radius : 0)
, _circleOrigin(origin)
Circle::Circle(const Circle &other, QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent)
*this = other;
Circle &Circle::operator=(const Circle &other)
return *this;
* \fn void Circle::setRadius(double radius)
* Sets the radius of the circle to \a radius
void Circle::setRadius(double radius)
if ( radius >= 0 && !qFuzzyCompare(_circleRadius, radius) ) {
_circleRadius = radius;
emit radiusChanged(_circleRadius);
* \fn void Circle::setOrigin(const QPointF &origin)
* Sets the origin of the circle to \a origin
* \sa QPointF
void Circle::setOrigin(const QPointF &origin)
if (origin != _circleOrigin) {
_circleOrigin = origin;
emit originChanged(_circleOrigin);
* \fn double Circle::radius() const
* Returns the radius of the circle.
double Circle::radius() const
return _circleRadius;
* \fn QPointF Circle::origin() const
* Returns the origin of the circle.
* \sa QPointF
QPointF Circle::origin() const
return _circleOrigin;
* \fn QVector<QPointF> Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners)
* Returns a polygon with \a numberOfCorners corners which approximates the circle.
* \sa QPointF
QVector<QPointF> Circle::approximate(int numberOfCorners) const
if ( numberOfCorners < 3)
return QVector<QPointF>();
return approximateSektor(numberOfCorners+1, 0, 2*M_PI);
QVector<QPointF> Circle::approximate(double angleDiscretisation) const
return approximateSektor(angleDiscretisation, 0, 2*M_PI);
QVector<QPointF> Circle::approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
if ( numberOfCorners < 2) {
qWarning("numberOfCorners < 2");
return QVector<QPointF>();
return approximateSektor(PlanimetryCalculus::truncateAngle(alpha2-alpha1)/double(numberOfCorners-1), alpha1, alpha2);
QVector<QPointF> Circle::approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const
using namespace PlanimetryCalculus;
// check if input is valid
if ( qFuzzyCompare(alpha1, alpha2) )
return QVector<QPointF>();
alpha1 = truncateAngle(alpha1);
alpha2 = truncateAngle(alpha2);
double deltaAlpha = fabs(alpha1 - alpha2);
if (signum(angleDiscretisation*(alpha1 - alpha2)) == 1) {
deltaAlpha = 2*M_PI - deltaAlpha;
// check if input is valid
if ( qFuzzyIsNull(angleDiscretisation))
return QVector<QPointF>();
QVector<QPointF> sector;
double currentAngle = alpha1;
// how many nodes?
int j = floor(fabs(deltaAlpha/angleDiscretisation));
// rotate the vertex j+1 times add the origin and append to the sector.
do {
currentAngle = truncateAngle(currentAngle + angleDiscretisation);
// append last point if necessarry
QPointF vertex = toCoordinate(alpha2);
if ( !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(sector.first(), vertex))
&& !qFuzzyIsNull(PlanimetryCalculus::distance(sector.last(), vertex )) ){
return sector;
* \fn void Circle::toCoordinate(QPointF &coordinate, double alpha) const
* Calculates the coordinates of a point on the circle with angle \a alpha.
* Stores the result in \a coordiante.
* \sa QPointF
void Circle::toCoordinate(QPointF &coordinate, double alpha) const
using namespace PlanimetryCalculus;
coordinate = QPointF(_circleRadius,0);
rotateReference(coordinate, alpha);
coordinate += _circleOrigin;
* \overload QPointF Circle::toCoordinate(double alpha) const
* Returns the coordinates of a point on the circle with angle \a alpha.
* \sa QPointF
QPointF Circle::toCoordinate(double alpha) const
QPointF coordinate;
toCoordinate(coordinate, alpha);
return coordinate;
bool Circle::isNull() const
return _circleRadius <= 0 ? true : false;
* \class Circle
* \brief Provies a circle with radius and origin.
* \sa QPointF
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QPolygonF>
#include <cmath>
#include "PlanimetryCalculus.h"
class Circle : public QObject
Circle(QObject *parent = nullptr);
Circle(double radius = 0, QObject *parent = nullptr);
Circle(double radius = 0, QPointF origin = QPointF(0,0), QObject *parent = nullptr);
Circle(const Circle &other, QObject *parent = nullptr);
Circle &operator=(const Circle &other);
// Property setters
void setRadius(double radius);
void setOrigin(const QPointF &origin);
// Property getters
double radius() const;
QPointF origin() const;
// Member methodes
QVector<QPointF> approximate (int numberOfCorners) const;
QVector<QPointF> approximate (double angleDiscretisation) const;
QVector<QPointF> approximateSektor(int numberOfCorners, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
QVector<QPointF> approximateSektor(double angleDiscretisation, double alpha1, double alpha2) const;
void toCoordinate (QPointF &toCoordinate, double alpha) const;
QPointF toCoordinate (double alpha) const;
bool isNull() const;
void radiusChanged(double radius);
void originChanged(QPointF origin);
double _circleRadius;
QPointF _circleOrigin;
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QPointF>
#include <cmath>
#include "boost/units/systems/angle/degrees.hpp"
#include "boost/units/systems/si.hpp"
template <class Point, int k> auto get(Point &p);
namespace bu = boost::units;
namespace qty {
using Length = bu::quantity<bu::si::length>;
using Angle = bu::quantity<bu::si::plane_angle>;
using Degree = bu::quantity<bu::degree::plane_angle>;
using Radian = bu::quantity<bu::si::plane_angle>;
} // namespace qty
template <class NumberType, class Point> class GenericCircle {
GenericCircle(NumberType rad, Point ori);
// Property setters
void setRadius(NumberType rad);
void setOrigin(const Point &ori);
// Property getters
NumberType radius() const;
const Point &origin() const;
Point &origin();
NumberType _r;
Point _origin;
// Free functions.
template <class Circle, class Container>
void approximate(Circle &circ, long n, qty::Angle alpha1, qty::Angle alpha2,
Container &c);
template <class Circle, class Container>
void approximate(Circle &circ, long n, Container &c);
// Impl.
template <class NumberType, class Point>
GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::GenericCircle() : _r(0), _origin(0, 0) {}
template <class NumberType, class Point>
GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::GenericCircle(NumberType rad, Point ori)
: _r(rad), _origin(ori) {}
* Returns a polygon with \a n corners which approximates the
* circle.
* \sa Point
template <class NumberType, class Point>
void GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::setRadius(NumberType rad) {
if (rad >= 0) {
this->_r = rad;
template <class NumberType, class Point>
void GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::setOrigin(const Point &ori) {
this->_origin = ori;
template <class NumberType, class Point>
NumberType GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::radius() const {
return this->_r;
template <class NumberType, class Point>
const Point &GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::origin() const {
return this->_origin;
template <class NumberType, class Point>
Point &GenericCircle<NumberType, Point>::origin() {
return this->_origin;
template <class Circle, class Container>
void approximate(Circle &circ, long n, qty::Angle alpha1, qty::Angle alpha2,
Container &c) {
auto clipp = [](double angle) {
while (angle < 0) {
angle += 2 * M_PI;
while (angle > 2 * M_PI) {
angle -= 2 * M_PI;
return angle;
double a1 = clipp(alpha1.value());
double a2 = clipp(alpha2.value());
double angleDisc = 0;
if (n > 0) {
angleDisc = (a2 - a1) / (n - 1);
} else {
angleDisc = (a2 - a1) / (n + 1);
n = n * (-1);
double a = a1;
auto x0 = get<0>(circ.origin());
auto y0 = get<1>(circ.origin());
auto r = circ.radius();
using Point =
using NumberType = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(x0)>>;
while (n--) {
auto x = NumberType(x0 + r * std::cos(a));
auto y = NumberType(y0 + r * std::sin(a));
c.push_back(Point(x, y));
a += angleDisc;
template <class Circle, class Container>
void approximate(Circle &circ, long n, Container &c) {
using namespace bu;
double angleDisc = 0;
if (n > 0) {
angleDisc = 2 * M_PI / (n - 1);
} else {
angleDisc = 2 * M_PI / (n + 1);
n = n * (-1);
double a = 0;
auto x0 = get<0>(circ.origin());
auto y0 = get<1>(circ.origin());
auto r = circ.radius();
using Point =
using NumberType = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(x0)>>;
while (n--) {
auto x = NumberType(x0 + r * std::cos(a));
auto y = NumberType(y0 + r * std::sin(a));
c.push_back(Point(x, y));
a += angleDisc;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -4,97 +4,121 @@
#include <QPointF>
#include <QPolygonF>
#include <QtMath>
#include <QLineF>
#include "GenericCircle.h"
#include "PolygonCalculus.h"
class Circle;
using Circle = GenericCircle<qreal, QPointF>;
namespace PlanimetryCalculus {
enum IntersectType{InsideNoIntersection, InsideTouching, InsideIntersection,
OutsideIntersection, OutsideTouching, OutsideNoIntersection,
CirclesEqual, //Circle Circle intersection
Tangent, Secant, // Circle Line Intersetion
EdgeCornerIntersection, EdgeEdgeIntersection, CornerCornerIntersection,
LinesParallel, LinesEqual, // Line Line intersection
Interior, // Polygon contains
NoIntersection, Error // general
typedef QVector<QPair<int, int>> NeighbourVector;
typedef QVector<QPointF> QPointFVector;
typedef QVector<IntersectType> IntersectVector;
void rotateReference(QPointF &point, double alpha);
void rotateReference(QPointFVector &points, double alpha);
void rotateReference(QLineF &line, double alpha);
//void rotateReference(QPolygonF &polygon, double alpha);
QPointF rotateReturn(QPointF point, double alpha);
QPointFVector rotateReturn(QPointFVector points, double alpha);
QLineF rotateReturn(QLineF line, double alpha);
//QPolygonF rotateReturn(QPolygonF &polygon, double alpha);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2, QPointFVector &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2, QPointFVector &intersectionPoints, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionPoints, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon, QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon, QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon, QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints, NeighbourVector &neighbourList);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon, QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints, NeighbourVector &neighbourList, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, QPointF &intersectionPt);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, QPointF &intersectionPt, IntersectType &type);
// bool intersectsFast(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, QPointF &intersectionPt, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionList, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionList, NeighbourVector &neighbourList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line, QPointFVector &intersectionList, NeighbourVector &neighbourList, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersectsFast(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line);
bool contains(const QLineF &line, const QPointF &point);
bool contains(const QLineF &line, const QPointF &point, IntersectType &type);
bool contains(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &point);
bool contains(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &point, IntersectType &type);
double distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double norm(double x, double y);
double norm(const QPointF &p);
double angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double angle(const QPointF &p1);
double angle(const QLineF &line);
double angleDegree(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double truncateAngle(double angle);
double truncateAngleDegree(double angle);
* \fntemplate <typename T> int signum(T val)
* Returns the signum of a value \a val.
* \sa QPair, QVector
template <typename T> int signum(T val)
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
enum IntersectType {
CirclesEqual, // Circle Circle intersection
Secant, // Circle Line Intersetion
LinesEqual, // Line Line intersection
Interior, // Polygon contains
Error // general
typedef QVector<QPair<int, int>> NeighbourVector;
typedef QVector<QPointF> QPointFVector;
typedef QVector<IntersectType> IntersectVector;
void rotateReference(QPointF &point, double alpha);
void rotateReference(QPointFVector &points, double alpha);
void rotateReference(QLineF &line, double alpha);
// void rotateReference(QPolygonF &polygon, double alpha);
QPointF rotateReturn(QPointF point, double alpha);
QPointFVector rotateReturn(QPointFVector points, double alpha);
QLineF rotateReturn(QLineF line, double alpha);
// QPolygonF rotateReturn(QPolygonF &polygon, double alpha);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2,
IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2,
QPointFVector &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle1, const Circle &circle2,
QPointFVector &intersectionPoints, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionPoints, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon,
QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon,
QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints,
IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon,
QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints,
NeighbourVector &neighbourList);
bool intersects(const Circle &circle, const QPolygonF &polygon,
QVector<QPointFVector> &intersectionPoints,
NeighbourVector &neighbourList, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2,
QPointF &intersectionPt);
bool intersects(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2,
QPointF &intersectionPt, IntersectType &type);
// bool intersectsFast(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, QPointF
// &intersectionPt, IntersectType &type);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionList, IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionList,
NeighbourVector &neighbourList);
bool intersects(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line,
QPointFVector &intersectionList, NeighbourVector &neighbourList,
IntersectVector &typeList);
bool intersectsFast(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QLineF &line);
bool contains(const QLineF &line, const QPointF &point);
bool contains(const QLineF &line, const QPointF &point, IntersectType &type);
bool contains(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &point);
bool contains(const QPolygonF &polygon, const QPointF &point,
IntersectType &type);
double distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double norm(double x, double y);
double norm(const QPointF &p);
double angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double angle(const QPointF &p1);
double angle(const QLineF &line);
double angleDegree(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2);
double truncateAngle(double angle);
double truncateAngleDegree(double angle);
* \fntemplate <typename T> int signum(T val)
* Returns the signum of a value \a val.
* \sa QPair, QVector
template <typename T> int signum(T val) { return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0)); }
} // namespace PlanimetryCalculus
......@@ -397,6 +397,8 @@ void SnakeThread::run() {
waypointsValid = false;
} else {
waypointsValid = false;
UniqueLock lk(this->pImpl->output.mutex);
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ bool tiles(const BoostPolygon &area, Length tileHeight, Length tileWidth,
using Transects = vector<BoostLineString>;
using Progress = vector<int>;
using Route = vector<BoostPoint>;
using Route = BoostLineString;
bool transectsFromScenario(Length distance, Length minLength, Angle angle,
const BoostPolygon &mArea,
This diff is collapsed.
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include "QGCMapPolygon.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
#include <QObject>
#include "Geometry/WimaArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaAreaData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaServiceArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaServiceAreaData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaMeasurementArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaMeasurementAreaData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaCorridor.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaCorridorData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaJoinedArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaJoinedAreaData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaMeasurementArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaMeasurementAreaData.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaServiceArea.h"
#include "Geometry/WimaServiceAreaData.h"
#include "WimaPlanData.h"
#include "WimaBridge.h"
#include "PlanMasterController.h"
#include "MissionController.h"
#include "SurveyComplexItem.h"
#include "SimpleMissionItem.h"
#include "MissionSettingsItem.h"
#include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "OptimisationTools.h"
#include "Geometry/PlanimetryCalculus.h"
#include "Geometry/GeoUtilities.h"
#include "QSignalBlocker"
#define TEST_FUN 0
class MissionController;
class PlanMasterController;
class WimaBridge;
#include "TestPolygonCalculus.h"
#include "testplanimetrycalculus.h"
class WimaPlaner : public QObject
class WimaPlaner : public QObject {
enum FileType {WimaFile, PlanFile};
enum FileType { WimaFile, PlanFile };
WimaPlaner(QObject *parent = nullptr);
template<class T>
WimaPlaner(T t, QObject *parent = nullptr) = delete;
template<class T>
WimaPlaner(T t) = delete;
Q_PROPERTY(PlanMasterController* masterController READ masterController WRITE setMasterController NOTIFY masterControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(MissionController* missionController READ missionController WRITE setMissionController NOTIFY missionControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* visualItems READ visualItems NOTIFY visualItemsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int currentPolygonIndex READ currentPolygonIndex WRITE setCurrentPolygonIndex NOTIFY currentPolygonIndexChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentFile READ currentFile NOTIFY currentFileChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadNameFilters READ loadNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList saveNameFilters READ saveNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter READ joinedAreaCenter CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(WimaBridge* wimaBridge READ wimaBridge WRITE setWimaBridge NOTIFY wimaBridgeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool syncronized READ syncronizedWithController NOTIFY syncronizedWithControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool readyForSync READ readyForSync NOTIFY readyForSyncChanged)
// Property accessors
PlanMasterController* masterController (void) { return _masterController; }
MissionController* missionController (void) { return _missionController; }
QmlObjectListModel* visualItems (void) ;
int currentPolygonIndex (void) const { return _currentAreaIndex; }
QString currentFile (void) const { return _currentFile; }
QStringList loadNameFilters (void) const;
QStringList saveNameFilters (void) const;
QString fileExtension (void) const { return wimaFileExtension; }
QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter (void) const;
WimaBridge* wimaBridge (void) { return _wimaBridge;}
// Property setters
void setMasterController (PlanMasterController* masterController);
void setMissionController (MissionController* missionController);
/// Sets the integer index pointing to the current polygon. Current polygon is set interactive.
void setCurrentPolygonIndex (int index);
void setWimaBridge (WimaBridge* bridge);
// Property acessors
bool syncronizedWithController ();
bool readyForSync ();
// Member Methodes
Q_INVOKABLE WimaPlaner *thisPointer();
Q_INVOKABLE bool addMeasurementArea();
/// Removes an area from _visualItems
/// @param index Index of the area to be removed
Q_INVOKABLE void removeArea(int index);
Q_INVOKABLE bool addServiceArea();
Q_INVOKABLE bool addCorridor();
/// Remove all areas from WimaPlaner and all mission items from MissionController
Q_INVOKABLE void removeAll();
/// Recalculates vehicle corridor, flight path, etc.
Q_INVOKABLE bool updateMission();
/// Pushes the generated mission data to the wimaController.
Q_INVOKABLE void pushToWimaController();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToCurrent();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToFile(const QString& filename);
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromCurrent();
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromFile(const QString& filename);
Q_INVOKABLE void resetAllInteractive(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void setInteractive(void);
QJsonDocument saveToJson(FileType fileType);
bool calcShortestPath(const QGeoCoordinate &start, const QGeoCoordinate &destination, QVector<QGeoCoordinate> &path);
// static Members
static const char* wimaFileExtension;
static const char* areaItemsName;
static const char* missionItemsName;
WimaPlaner(QObject *parent = nullptr);
template <class T> WimaPlaner(T t, QObject *parent = nullptr) = delete;
template <class T> WimaPlaner(T t) = delete;
Q_PROPERTY(PlanMasterController *masterController READ masterController WRITE
setMasterController NOTIFY masterControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(MissionController *missionController READ missionController WRITE
setMissionController NOTIFY missionControllerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel *visualItems READ visualItems NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(int currentPolygonIndex READ currentPolygonIndex WRITE
setCurrentPolygonIndex NOTIFY currentPolygonIndexChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentFile READ currentFile NOTIFY currentFileChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadNameFilters READ loadNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList saveNameFilters READ saveNameFilters CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter READ joinedAreaCenter CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(WimaBridge *wimaBridge READ wimaBridge WRITE setWimaBridge NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(bool syncronized READ syncronizedWithController NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(bool readyForSync READ readyForSync NOTIFY readyForSyncChanged)
// Property accessors
PlanMasterController *masterController(void) { return _masterController; }
MissionController *missionController(void) { return _missionController; }
QmlObjectListModel *visualItems(void);
int currentPolygonIndex(void) const { return _currentAreaIndex; }
QString currentFile(void) const { return _currentFile; }
QStringList loadNameFilters(void) const;
QStringList saveNameFilters(void) const;
QString fileExtension(void) const { return wimaFileExtension; }
QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter(void) const;
WimaBridge *wimaBridge(void) { return _wimaBridge; }
// Property setters
void setMasterController(PlanMasterController *masterController);
void setMissionController(MissionController *missionController);
/// Sets the integer index pointing to the current polygon. Current polygon is
/// set interactive.
void setCurrentPolygonIndex(int index);
void setWimaBridge(WimaBridge *bridge);
// Property acessors
bool syncronizedWithController();
bool readyForSync();
// Member Methodes
Q_INVOKABLE WimaPlaner *thisPointer();
Q_INVOKABLE bool addMeasurementArea();
/// Removes an area from _visualItems
/// @param index Index of the area to be removed
Q_INVOKABLE void removeArea(int index);
Q_INVOKABLE bool addServiceArea();
Q_INVOKABLE bool addCorridor();
/// Remove all areas from WimaPlaner and all mission items from
/// MissionController
Q_INVOKABLE void removeAll();
/// Recalculates vehicle corridor, flight path, etc.
Q_INVOKABLE bool updateMission();
/// Pushes the generated mission data to the wimaController.
Q_INVOKABLE void pushToWimaController();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToCurrent();
Q_INVOKABLE void saveToFile(const QString &filename);
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromCurrent();
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromFile(const QString &filename);
Q_INVOKABLE void resetAllInteractive(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void setInteractive(void);
QJsonDocument saveToJson(FileType fileType);
bool calcShortestPath(const QGeoCoordinate &start,
const QGeoCoordinate &destination,
QVector<QGeoCoordinate> &path);
// static Members
static const char *wimaFileExtension;
static const char *areaItemsName;
static const char *missionItemsName;
void masterControllerChanged (void);
void missionControllerChanged (void);
void visualItemsChanged (void);
void currentPolygonIndexChanged (int index);
void currentFileChanged ();
void wimaBridgeChanged ();
void syncronizedWithControllerChanged (void);
void readyForSyncChanged (void);
void masterControllerChanged(void);
void missionControllerChanged(void);
void visualItemsChanged(void);
void currentPolygonIndexChanged(int index);
void currentFileChanged();
void wimaBridgeChanged();
void syncronizedWithControllerChanged(void);
void readyForSyncChanged(void);
private slots:
void recalcPolygonInteractivity (int index);
bool calcArrivalAndReturnPath (void);
bool recalcJoinedArea ();
// called by _updateTimer::timeout signal, updates different mission parts, if parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have changed
void updateTimerSlot ();
void setSyncronizedWithControllerFalse (void);
void recalcPolygonInteractivity(int index);
bool calcArrivalAndReturnPath(void);
bool recalcJoinedArea();
// called by _updateTimer::timeout signal, updates different mission parts, if
// parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have changed
void updateTimerSlot();
void setSyncronizedWithControllerFalse(void);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void autoLoadMission (void);
void autoLoadMission(void);
void startCalcArrivalAndReturnTimer (void);
void startCalcArrivalAndReturnTimer(void);
void joinedAreaValidChanged();
void joinedAreaValidChanged();
// Member Functions
WimaPlanData toPlanData();
void setSyncronizedWithController (bool sync);
void setReadyForSync (bool ready);
void setJoinedAreaValid (bool valid);
// Member Variables
PlanMasterController *_masterController;
MissionController *_missionController;
int _currentAreaIndex;
QString _currentFile; // file for saveing
WimaBridge *_wimaBridge; // container for data exchange with WimaController
QmlObjectListModel _visualItems; // contains all visible areas
WimaJoinedArea _joinedArea; // joined area fromed by _measurementArea, _serviceArea, _corridor
bool _joinedAreaValid;
WimaMeasurementArea _measurementArea; // measurement area
WimaServiceArea _serviceArea; // area for supplying
WimaCorridor _corridor; // corridor connecting _measurementArea and _serviceArea
int _arrivalPathLength; // the number waypoints the arrival path consists of (path from takeoff to first measurement point)
int _returnPathLength; // the number waypoints the return path consists of (path from last measurement point to land)
CircularSurveyComplexItem* _circularSurvey; // pointer to the CircularSurvey item in _missionController.visualItems()
// auto update
QTimer _updateTimer; // on this timers timeout different mission parts will be updated, if parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have changed
QGeoCoordinate _lastSurveyRefPoint; // stores the SurveyRefPoint of the previous timer call
bool _surveyRefChanging; // true if SurveyRefPoint is changing
QVariantList _lastMeasurementAreaPath; // stores the path of _measurementArea, at the time instance of the previous timer call
bool _measurementAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _measurementArea is changing
QVariantList _lastCorridorPath; // stores the path of _corridor, at the time instance of the previous timer call
bool _corridorChanging; // true if the path of the _corridor is changing
QVariantList _lastServiceAreaPath; // stores the path of _serviceArea, at the time instance of the previous timer call
bool _serviceAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _serviceArea is changing
// sync stuff
bool _syncronizedWithController; // true if planData is syncronized with wimaController
bool _readyForSync; // gets set by updateMission and calcArrivalAndReturnPath
// Member Functions
WimaPlanData toPlanData();
void setSyncronizedWithController(bool sync);
void setReadyForSync(bool ready);
void setJoinedAreaValid(bool valid);
// Member Variables
PlanMasterController *_masterController;
MissionController *_missionController;
int _currentAreaIndex;
QString _currentFile; // file for saveing
WimaBridge *_wimaBridge; // container for data exchange with WimaController
QmlObjectListModel _visualItems; // contains all visible areas
WimaJoinedArea _joinedArea; // joined area fromed by _measurementArea,
// _serviceArea, _corridor
bool _joinedAreaValid;
WimaMeasurementArea _measurementArea; // measurement area
WimaServiceArea _serviceArea; // area for supplying
_corridor; // corridor connecting _measurementArea and _serviceArea
unsigned long
_arrivalPathLength; // the number waypoints the arrival path consists of
// (path from takeoff to first measurement point)
unsigned long
_returnPathLength; // the number waypoints the return path consists of
// (path from last measurement point to land)
CircularSurvey *_TSComplexItem; // pointer to the CircularSurvey item in
// _missionController.visualItems()
// auto update
QTimer _updateTimer; // on this timers timeout different mission parts will be
// updated, if parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have
// changed
QGeoCoordinate _lastSurveyRefPoint; // stores the SurveyRefPoint of the
// previous timer call
bool _surveyRefChanging; // true if SurveyRefPoint is changing
_lastMeasurementAreaPath; // stores the path of _measurementArea, at the
// time instance of the previous timer call
bool _measurementAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _measurementArea is
// changing
QVariantList _lastCorridorPath; // stores the path of _corridor, at the time
// instance of the previous timer call
bool _corridorChanging; // true if the path of the _corridor is changing
QVariantList _lastServiceAreaPath; // stores the path of _serviceArea, at the
// time instance of the previous timer call
bool _serviceAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _serviceArea is changing
// sync stuff
bool _syncronizedWithController; // true if planData is syncronized with
// wimaController
bool _readyForSync; // gets set by updateMission and calcArrivalAndReturnPath
#ifndef NDEBUG
QTimer _autoLoadTimer; // timer to auto load mission after some time, prevents seg. faults
QTimer _autoLoadTimer; // timer to auto load mission after some time, prevents
// seg. faults
QTimer _calcArrivalAndReturnPathTimer;
QTimer _calcArrivalAndReturnPathTimer;
......@@ -113,10 +113,6 @@ Item {
borderColor: "black"
interiorColor: "green"
interiorOpacity: 0.5
onDragStop: {
// Transect lines
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