Unverified Commit 6d2c04e2 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #6331 from DonLakeFlyer/TerrainCrashGuard

Guard against crash in terrain code
parents 556599a3 ce4169b0
......@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ double TerrainTile::elevation(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
// Get the index at resolution of 1 arc second
int indexLat = _latToDataIndex(coordinate.latitude());
int indexLon = _lonToDataIndex(coordinate.longitude());
if (indexLat == -1 || indexLon == -1) {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "Internal error indexLat:indexLon == -1" << indexLat << indexLon;
return -1.0;
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "indexLat:indexLon" << indexLat << indexLon << "elevation" << _data[indexLat][indexLon];
return static_cast<double>(_data[indexLat][indexLon]);
} else {
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