Commit 656841a6 authored by tstellanova's avatar tstellanova
Browse files

Better data model update debouncing

parent 9af23ff7
......@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
QGCParamWidget::QGCParamWidget(UASInterface* uas, QWidget *parent) :
QGCUASParamManager(uas, parent),
componentItems(new QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>())
componentItems(new QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>()),
......@@ -202,20 +203,17 @@ void QGCParamWidget::addComponentItem(int compId, QString compName)
void QGCParamWidget::handlePendingParamUpdate(int compId, const QString& paramName, QVariant value, bool isPending)
qDebug() << "handlePendingParamUpdate:" << paramName << "with updatedLineItem_weak:" << updatedLineItem_weak;
qDebug() << "handlePendingParamUpdate:" << paramName << "with updatingParamNameLock:" << updatingParamNameLock;
if (updatedLineItem_weak) {
QString key = updatedLineItem_weak->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
if (paramName == key) {
//debounce echo from data model
if (updatingParamNameLock == paramName) {
qDebug() << "ignoring bounce from " << paramName;
else {
updatingParamNameLock = paramName;
QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem = updateParameterDisplay(compId,paramName,value);
if (updatedLineItem_weak == NULL) {
updatedLineItem_weak = paramItem;
if (isPending) {
paramItem->setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange)));
paramItem->setBackground(1, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange)));
......@@ -225,17 +223,20 @@ void QGCParamWidget::handlePendingParamUpdate(int compId, const QString& paramNa
paramItem->setBackground(1, Qt::NoBrush);
void QGCParamWidget::handleParameterUpdate(int componentId, const QString& paramName, QVariant value)
updatingParamNameLock = paramName;
updateParameterDisplay(componentId, paramName, value);
void QGCParamWidget::handleParameterListUpToDate()
//turn off updates while we refresh the entire list
......@@ -340,7 +341,6 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString para
parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value);
parameterItem->setFlags(parameterItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
updatedLineItem_weak = parameterItem; //keep a temporary ref to the item that's being updated
//TODO insert alphabetically
......@@ -362,8 +362,6 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString para
updatedLineItem_weak = parameterItem; //keep a temporary ref to the item that's being updated
//update the parameterItem's data
if (value.type() == QVariant::Char) {
parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value.toUInt());
......@@ -381,7 +379,6 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString para
parameterItem->setTextColor(0, QGC::colorDarkWhite);
parameterItem->setTextColor(1, QGC::colorDarkWhite);
updatedLineItem_weak = NULL;
return parameterItem;
......@@ -391,12 +388,19 @@ QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString para
void QGCParamWidget::parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem, int column)
if (paramItem && column > 0) {
if (!paramItem->isSelected() || (paramItem == updatedLineItem_weak)) {
//ignore updates reflected back from the data model, to avoid infinite loop
QString key = paramItem->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
qDebug() << "parameterItemChanged:" << key << "with updatingParamNameLock:" << updatingParamNameLock;
if (key == updatingParamNameLock) {
qDebug() << "ignoring parameterItemChanged" << key;
else {
updatingParamNameLock = key;
QTreeWidgetItem* parent = paramItem->parent();
while (parent->parent() != NULL) {
......@@ -404,10 +408,9 @@ void QGCParamWidget::parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem, int column
// Parent is now top-level component
int componentId = componentItems->key(parent);
QString key = paramItem->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
QVariant value = paramItem->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole);
bool pending = paramDataModel->updatePendingParamWithValue(componentId,key,value);
// If the value will result in an update
......@@ -430,6 +433,7 @@ void QGCParamWidget::parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem, int column
paramItem->setBackground(1, Qt::NoBrush);
......@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ protected:
QLabel* statusLabel; ///< User-facing parameter status label
QMap<int, QTreeWidgetItem*>* componentItems; ///< The tree of component items, stored by component ID
QMap<int, QMap<QString, QTreeWidgetItem*>* > paramGroups; ///< Parameter groups to organize component items
QTreeWidgetItem* updatedLineItem_weak;///< weak ref to user-edited line
// QTreeWidgetItem* updatedPendingItem_weak;///< weak ref to pending-modified line
QString updatingParamNameLock; ///< Name of param currently being updated-- used for reducing echo on param change
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