Commit 5b22bf87 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Fix crash

parent f0568496
......@@ -51,33 +51,27 @@ bool Bootloader::_write(QSerialPort* port, const uint8_t byte)
return _write(port, buf, 1);
bool Bootloader::_read(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize, int readTimeout)
bool Bootloader::_read(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 cBytesExpected, int readTimeout)
qint64 bytesAlreadyRead = 0;
while (bytesAlreadyRead < maxSize) {
QElapsedTimer timeout;
while (port->bytesAvailable() < 1) {
if (timeout.elapsed() > readTimeout) {
_errorString = tr("Timeout waiting for bytes to be available");
return false;
qint64 bytesRead;
bytesRead = port->read((char*)&data[bytesAlreadyRead], maxSize);
if (bytesRead == -1) {
_errorString = tr("Read failed: error: %1").arg(port->errorString());
QElapsedTimer timeout;
while (port->bytesAvailable() < cBytesExpected) {
if (timeout.elapsed() > readTimeout) {
_errorString = tr("Timeout waiting for bytes to be available");
return false;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(bytesRead != 0);
bytesAlreadyRead += bytesRead;
qint64 bytesRead;
bytesRead = port->read((char *)data, cBytesExpected);
if (bytesRead != cBytesExpected) {
_errorString = tr("Read failed: error: %1").arg(port->errorString());
return false;
return true;
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ private:
bool _write(QSerialPort* port, const uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize);
bool _write(QSerialPort* port, const uint8_t byte);
bool _read(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize, int readTimeout = _readTimout);
bool _read(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 cBytesExpected, int readTimeout = _readTimout);
bool _sendCommand(QSerialPort* port, uint8_t cmd, int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
bool _getCommandResponse(QSerialPort* port, const int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
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