Commit 4dd5c1de authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Add radio fallback

parent 5ecb2b38
......@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t QGCSerialPortInfo::boardType(void) const
} else if (description().startsWith("PX4 FMU")) {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found PX4 FMU, assuming V2 (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardTypePX4FMUV2;
} else if (description() == "FT231X USB UART") {
qCDebug(QGCSerialPortInfoLog) << "Found possible Radio (by name matching fallback)";
boardType = BoardType3drRadio;
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