Unverified Commit 4d55d0c5 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #7463 from mavlink/koreanFonts

Load Korean fonts when needed
parents d5044690 9a551c85
......@@ -391,12 +391,6 @@ void QGCApplication::setLanguage()
case 12:
locale = QLocale(QLocale::Korean);
if(QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/NanumGothic-Regular") < 0) {
qWarning() << "Could not load /fonts/NanumGothic-Regular font";
if(QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/NanumGothic-Bold") < 0) {
qWarning() << "Could not load /fonts/NanumGothic-Bold font";
case 13:
locale = QLocale(QLocale::Norwegian);
......@@ -421,6 +415,16 @@ void QGCApplication::setLanguage()
//-- We have specific fonts for Korean
if(locale == QLocale::Korean) {
qDebug() << "Loading Korean fonts" << locale.name();
if(QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/NanumGothic-Regular") < 0) {
qWarning() << "Could not load /fonts/NanumGothic-Regular font";
if(QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/NanumGothic-Bold") < 0) {
qWarning() << "Could not load /fonts/NanumGothic-Bold font";
qDebug() << "Loading localization for" << locale.name();
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