Unverified Commit 4b6163ec authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #7686 from DonLakeFlyer/LogReplay

Log replay: Support changing speed of playback
parents 0c60f8b3 8bab7d7a
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Note: This file only contains high level features or important fixes.
### 3.6.0 - Daily Build
* Log Replay: Support changing speed of playback
* Basic object avoidance added to vehicles.
* Added ability to set a joystick button to be single action or repeated action while the button is held down.
* Rework joysticks. Fixed several issues and updated setup UI.
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ Rectangle {
height: visible ? (rowLayout.height + (_margins * 2)) : 0
color: qgcPal.window
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 4
property var _logReplayLink: null
property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 4
property var _logReplayLink: null
function pickLogFile() {
if (mainWindow.activeVehicle) {
......@@ -56,13 +56,29 @@ Rectangle {
onClicked: controller.isPlaying = !controller.isPlaying
QGCComboBox {
textRole: "text"
currentIndex: 3
model: ListModel {
ListElement { text: "0.1"; value: 0.1 }
ListElement { text: "0.25"; value: 0.25 }
ListElement { text: "0.5"; value: 0.5 }
ListElement { text: "1x"; value: 1 }
ListElement { text: "2x"; value: 2 }
ListElement { text: "5x"; value: 5 }
onActivated: controller.playbackSpeed = model.get(currentIndex).value
QGCLabel { text: controller.playheadTime }
Slider {
id: slider
Layout.fillWidth: true
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
from: 0
to: 100
enabled: controller.link
property bool manualUpdate: false
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ComboBox {
width: control.width
contentItem: Text {
text: textRole ? modelData[textRole] : modelData
text: control.textRole ? (Array.isArray(control.model) ? modelData[control.textRole] : model[control.textRole]) : modelData
color: control.currentIndex === index ? qgcPal.buttonHighlightText : qgcPal.buttonText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
......@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ QString LogReplayLinkConfiguration::logFilenameShort(void)
LogReplayLink::LogReplayLink(SharedLinkConfigurationPointer& config)
: LinkInterface(config)
, _logReplayConfig(qobject_cast<LogReplayLinkConfiguration*>(config.data()))
, _connected(false)
, _replayAccelerationFactor(1.0f)
: LinkInterface (config)
, _logReplayConfig (qobject_cast<LogReplayLinkConfiguration*>(config.data()))
, _connected (false)
, _playbackSpeed (1)
if (!_logReplayConfig) {
qWarning() << "Internal error";
......@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ LogReplayLink::LogReplayLink(SharedLinkConfigurationPointer& config)
QObject::connect(&_readTickTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LogReplayLink::_readNextLogEntry);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_playOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_play);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_pauseOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_pause);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_setAccelerationFactorOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_setAccelerationFactor);
QObject::connect(&_readTickTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LogReplayLink::_readNextLogEntry);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_playOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_play);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_pauseOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_pause);
QObject::connect(this, &LogReplayLink::_setPlaybackSpeedOnThread, this, &LogReplayLink::_setPlaybackSpeed);
......@@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ bool LogReplayLink::_loadLogFile(void)
QString logFilename = _logReplayConfig->logFilename();
QFileInfo logFileInfo;
int logDurationSecondsTotal;
quint64 startTimeUSecs;
quint64 endTimeUSecs;
if (_logFile.isOpen()) {
errorMsg = tr("Attempt to load new log while log being played");
goto Error;
......@@ -283,52 +285,26 @@ bool LogReplayLink::_loadLogFile(void)
_logFileSize = logFileInfo.size();
_logTimestamped = logFilename.endsWith(".tlog");
if (_logTimestamped) {
quint64 startTimeUSecs = _parseTimestamp(_logFile.read(cbTimestamp));
quint64 endTimeUSecs = _findLastTimestamp();
if (endTimeUSecs <= startTimeUSecs) {
errorMsg = tr("The log file '%1' is corrupt or empty.").arg(logFilename);
goto Error;
// Remember the start and end time so we can move around this _logFile with the slider.
_logEndTimeUSecs = endTimeUSecs;
_logStartTimeUSecs = startTimeUSecs;
_logDurationUSecs = endTimeUSecs - startTimeUSecs;
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = startTimeUSecs;
startTimeUSecs = _parseTimestamp(_logFile.read(cbTimestamp));
endTimeUSecs = _findLastTimestamp();
// Reset our log file so when we go to read it for the first time, we start at the beginning.
logDurationSecondsTotal = (_logDurationUSecs) / 1000000;
} else {
// Load in binary mode. In this mode, files should be have a filename postfix
// of the baud rate they were recorded at, like `test_run_115200.bin`. Then on
// playback, the datarate is equal to set to this value.
// Set baud rate if any present. Otherwise we default to 57600.
QStringList parts = logFileInfo.baseName().split("_");
_binaryBaudRate = _defaultBinaryBaudRate;
if (parts.count() > 1)
bool ok;
int rate = parts.last().toInt(&ok);
// 9600 baud to 100 MBit
if (ok && (rate > 9600 && rate < 100000000))
// Accept this as valid baudrate
_binaryBaudRate = rate;
logDurationSecondsTotal = logFileInfo.size() / (_binaryBaudRate / 10);
if (endTimeUSecs <= startTimeUSecs) {
errorMsg = tr("The log file '%1' is corrupt or empty.").arg(logFilename);
goto Error;
// Remember the start and end time so we can move around this _logFile with the slider.
_logEndTimeUSecs = endTimeUSecs;
_logStartTimeUSecs = startTimeUSecs;
_logDurationUSecs = endTimeUSecs - startTimeUSecs;
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = startTimeUSecs;
// Reset our log file so when we go to read it for the first time, we start at the beginning.
logDurationSecondsTotal = (_logDurationUSecs) / 1000000;
emit logFileStats(_logTimestamped, logDurationSecondsTotal, _binaryBaudRate);
emit logFileStats(logDurationSecondsTotal);
return true;
......@@ -348,59 +324,40 @@ void LogReplayLink::_readNextLogEntry(void)
QByteArray bytes;
// If we have a file with timestamps, try and pace this out following the time differences
// between the timestamps and the current playback speed.
if (_logTimestamped) {
// Now parse MAVLink messages, grabbing their timestamps as we go. We stop once we
// have at least 3ms until the next one.
// We track what the next execution time should be in milliseconds, which we use to set
// the next timer interrupt.
int timeToNextExecutionMSecs = 0;
while (timeToNextExecutionMSecs < 3) {
// Read the next mavlink message from the log
qint64 nextTimeUSecs = _readNextMavlinkMessage(bytes);
emit bytesReceived(this, bytes);
emit playbackPercentCompleteChanged(((float)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs) / (float)_logDurationUSecs) * 100);
if (_logFile.atEnd()) {
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = nextTimeUSecs;
// Calculate how long we should wait in real time until parsing this message.
// We pace ourselves relative to the start time of playback to fix any drift (initially set in play())
qint64 timeDiffMSecs = ((_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs) / 1000) / _replayAccelerationFactor;
quint64 desiredPacedTimeMSecs = _playbackStartTimeMSecs + timeDiffMSecs;
quint64 currentTimeMSecs = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
timeToNextExecutionMSecs = desiredPacedTimeMSecs - currentTimeMSecs;
// Now parse MAVLink messages, grabbing their timestamps as we go. We stop once we
// have at least 3ms until the next one.
// We track what the next execution time should be in milliseconds, which we use to set
// the next timer interrupt.
int timeToNextExecutionMSecs = 0;
// And schedule the next execution of this function.
// Binary format - read at fixed rate
const int len = 100;
QByteArray chunk = _logFile.read(len);
emit bytesReceived(this, chunk);
emit playbackPercentCompleteChanged(((float)_logFile.pos() / (float)_logFileSize) * 100);
// Check if reached end of file before reading next timestamp
if (chunk.length() < len || _logFile.atEnd())
while (timeToNextExecutionMSecs < 3) {
// Read the next mavlink message from the log
qint64 nextTimeUSecs = _readNextMavlinkMessage(bytes);
emit bytesReceived(this, bytes);
emit playbackPercentCompleteChanged(((float)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs) / (float)_logDurationUSecs) * 100);
if (_logFile.atEnd()) {
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = nextTimeUSecs;
// Calculate how long we should wait in real time until parsing this message.
// We pace ourselves relative to the start time of playback to fix any drift (initially set in play())
quint64 currentTimeMSecs = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
quint64 desiredPlayheadMovementTimeMSecs = ((_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _playbackStartLogTimeUSecs) / 1000) / _playbackSpeed;
quint64 desiredCurrentTimeMSecs = _playbackStartTimeMSecs + desiredPlayheadMovementTimeMSecs;
timeToNextExecutionMSecs = desiredCurrentTimeMSecs - currentTimeMSecs;
// And schedule the next execution of this function.
void LogReplayLink::_play(void)
......@@ -415,22 +372,9 @@ void LogReplayLink::_play(void)
// Always correct the current start time such that the next message will play immediately at playback.
// We do this by subtracting the current file playback offset from now()
_playbackStartTimeMSecs = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - ((_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs) / 1000);
// Start timer
if (_logTimestamped) {
} else {
// Read len bytes at a time
int len = 100;
// Calculate the number of times to read 100 bytes per second
// to guarantee the baud rate, then divide 1000 by the number of read
// operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
int interval = 1000 / ((_binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
_readTickTimer.start(interval / _replayAccelerationFactor);
_playbackStartTimeMSecs = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
_playbackStartLogTimeUSecs = _logCurrentTimeUSecs;
emit playbackStarted();
......@@ -455,6 +399,7 @@ void LogReplayLink::_resetPlaybackToBeginning(void)
// And since we haven't starting playback, clear the time of initial playback and the current timestamp.
_playbackStartTimeMSecs = 0;
_playbackStartLogTimeUSecs = 0;
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = _logStartTimeUSecs;
......@@ -462,7 +407,7 @@ void LogReplayLink::movePlayhead(qreal percentComplete)
if (isPlaying()) {
QSignalSpy waitForPause(this, SIGNAL(playbackPaused));
QSignalSpy waitForPause(this, SIGNAL(playbackPaused()));
if (_readTickTimer.isActive()) {
......@@ -478,90 +423,55 @@ void LogReplayLink::movePlayhead(qreal percentComplete)
qreal percentCompleteMult = percentComplete / 100.0;
if (_logTimestamped) {
// But if we have a timestamped MAVLink log, then actually aim to hit that percentage in terms of
// time through the file.
qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentCompleteMult * (qreal)_logFile.size());
// Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
if (!_logFile.seek(newFilePos)) {
_replayError(tr("Unable to seek to new position"));
// But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
mavlink_message_t dummy;
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = _seekToNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
// Now calculate the current file location based on time.
qreal newRelativeTimeUSecs = (qreal)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs);
// Calculate the effective baud rate of the file in bytes/s.
qreal baudRate = _logFile.size() / (qreal)_logDurationUSecs / 1e6;
// And the desired time is:
qreal desiredTimeUSecs = percentCompleteMult * _logDurationUSecs;
// And now jump the necessary number of bytes in the proper direction
qint64 offset = (newRelativeTimeUSecs - desiredTimeUSecs) * baudRate;
if (!_logFile.seek(_logFile.pos() + offset)) {
_replayError(tr("Unable to seek to new position"));
// And scan until we reach the start of a MAVLink message. We make sure to record this timestamp for
// smooth jumping around the file.
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = _seekToNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
// Now update the UI with our actual final position.
newRelativeTimeUSecs = (qreal)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs);
percentComplete = (newRelativeTimeUSecs / _logDurationUSecs) * 100;
emit playbackPercentCompleteChanged(percentComplete);
} else {
// If we're working with a non-timestamped file, we just jump to that percentage of the file,
// align to the next MAVLink message and roll with it. No reason to do anything more complicated.
qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentCompleteMult * (qreal)_logFile.size());
// Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
if (!_logFile.seek(newFilePos)) {
_replayError(tr("Unable to seek to new position"));
// But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
mavlink_message_t dummy;
// But if we have a timestamped MAVLink log, then actually aim to hit that percentage in terms of
// time through the file.
qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentCompleteMult * (qreal)_logFile.size());
// Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
if (!_logFile.seek(newFilePos)) {
_replayError(tr("Unable to seek to new position"));
// But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
mavlink_message_t dummy;
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = _seekToNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
// Now calculate the current file location based on time.
qreal newRelativeTimeUSecs = (qreal)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs);
// Calculate the effective baud rate of the file in bytes/s.
qreal baudRate = _logFile.size() / (qreal)_logDurationUSecs / 1e6;
// And the desired time is:
qreal desiredTimeUSecs = percentCompleteMult * _logDurationUSecs;
// And now jump the necessary number of bytes in the proper direction
qint64 offset = (newRelativeTimeUSecs - desiredTimeUSecs) * baudRate;
if (!_logFile.seek(_logFile.pos() + offset)) {
_replayError(tr("Unable to seek to new position"));
// And scan until we reach the start of a MAVLink message. We make sure to record this timestamp for
// smooth jumping around the file.
_logCurrentTimeUSecs = _seekToNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
// Now update the UI with our actual final position.
newRelativeTimeUSecs = (qreal)(_logCurrentTimeUSecs - _logStartTimeUSecs);
percentComplete = (newRelativeTimeUSecs / _logDurationUSecs) * 100;
emit playbackPercentCompleteChanged(percentComplete);
void LogReplayLink::_setAccelerationFactor(int factor)
void LogReplayLink::_setPlaybackSpeed(qreal playbackSpeed)
// factor: -100: 0.01X, 0: 1.0X, 100: 100.0X
if (factor < 0) {
_replayAccelerationFactor = 0.01f;
factor -= -100;
if (factor > 0) {
_replayAccelerationFactor *= (float)factor;
} else if (factor > 0) {
_replayAccelerationFactor = 1.0f * (float)factor;
} else {
_replayAccelerationFactor = 1.0f;
_playbackSpeed = playbackSpeed;
// Update timer interval
if (!_logTimestamped) {
// Read len bytes at a time
int len = 100;
// Calculate the number of times to read 100 bytes per second
// to guarantee the baud rate, then divide 1000 by the number of read
// operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
int interval = 1000 / ((_binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
_readTickTimer.start(interval / _replayAccelerationFactor);
// Let _readNextLogEntry update to correct speed
_playbackStartTimeMSecs = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
_playbackStartLogTimeUSecs = _logCurrentTimeUSecs;
/// @brief Called when playback is complete
......@@ -582,14 +492,15 @@ LogReplayLinkController::LogReplayLinkController(void)
, _isPlaying (false)
, _percentComplete (0)
, _playheadSecs (0)
, _playbackSpeed (1)
void LogReplayLinkController::setLink(LogReplayLink* link)
if (_link) {
disconnect(this, &LogReplayLinkController::playbackSpeedChanged, _link, &LogReplayLink::setPlaybackSpeed);
_isPlaying = false;
_percentComplete = 0;
......@@ -605,12 +516,16 @@ void LogReplayLinkController::setLink(LogReplayLink* link)
if (link) {
_link = link;
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::logFileStats, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_logFileStats);
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::playbackStarted, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_playbackStarted);
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::playbackPaused, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_playbackPaused);
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::playbackPercentCompleteChanged, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_playbackPercentCompleteChanged);
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::currentLogTimeSecs, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_currentLogTimeSecs);
connect(_link, &LogReplayLink::disconnected, this, &LogReplayLinkController::_linkDisconnected);
connect(this, &LogReplayLinkController::playbackSpeedChanged, _link, &LogReplayLink::setPlaybackSpeed);
emit linkChanged(_link);
......@@ -629,11 +544,8 @@ void LogReplayLinkController::setPercentComplete(qreal percentComplete)
void LogReplayLinkController::_logFileStats(bool logTimestamped, int logDurationSecs, int binaryBaudRate)
void LogReplayLinkController::_logFileStats(int logDurationSecs)
_totalTime = _secondsToHMS(logDurationSecs);
emit totalTimeChanged(_totalTime);
......@@ -684,5 +596,9 @@ QString LogReplayLinkController::_secondsToHMS(int seconds)
secondsPart -= 60 * minutesPart;
minutesPart -= 60 * hoursPart;
return tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hoursPart, 2).arg(minutesPart, 2).arg(secondsPart, 2);
if (hoursPart == 0) {
return tr("%2m:%3s").arg(minutesPart, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(secondsPart, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'));
} else {
return tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hoursPart, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(minutesPart, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(secondsPart, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'));
......@@ -57,70 +57,66 @@ public:
/// @return true: log is currently playing, false: log playback is paused
bool isPlaying(void) { return _readTickTimer.isActive(); }
/// Start replay at current position
void play(void) { emit _playOnThread(); }
/// Pause replay
void pause(void) { emit _pauseOnThread(); }
/// Move the playhead to the specified percent complete
void movePlayhead(qreal percentComplete);
/// Sets the acceleration factor: -100: 0.01X, 0: 1.0X, 100: 100.0X
void setAccelerationFactor(int factor) { emit _setAccelerationFactorOnThread(factor); }
void play (void) { emit _playOnThread(); }
void pause (void) { emit _pauseOnThread(); }
void movePlayhead (qreal percentComplete);
// Virtuals from LinkInterface
virtual QString getName(void) const { return _config->name(); }
virtual void requestReset(void){ }
virtual bool isConnected(void) const { return _connected; }
virtual qint64 getConnectionSpeed(void) const { return 100000000; }
virtual qint64 bytesAvailable(void) { return 0; }
virtual bool isLogReplay(void) { return true; }
virtual QString getName (void) const { return _config->name(); }
virtual void requestReset (void){ }
virtual bool isConnected (void) const { return _connected; }
virtual qint64 getConnectionSpeed (void) const { return 100000000; }
virtual qint64 bytesAvailable (void) { return 0; }
virtual bool isLogReplay (void) { return true; }
// These are left unimplemented in order to cause linker errors which indicate incorrect usage of
// connect/disconnect on link directly. All connect/disconnect calls should be made through LinkManager.
bool connect(void);
bool disconnect(void);
bool connect (void);
bool disconnect (void);
public slots:
/// Sets the acceleration factor: -100: 0.01X, 0: 1.0X, 100: 100.0X
void setPlaybackSpeed(qreal playbackSpeed) { emit _setPlaybackSpeedOnThread(playbackSpeed); }
private slots:
virtual void _writeBytes(const QByteArray bytes);
void logFileStats(bool logTimestamped, int logDurationSecs, int binaryBaudRate);
void playbackStarted(void);
void playbackPaused(void);
void playbackAtEnd(void);
void playbackPercentCompleteChanged(qreal percentComplete);
void currentLogTimeSecs(int secs);
void logFileStats (int logDurationSecs);
void playbackStarted (void);
void playbackPaused (void);
void playbackAtEnd (void);
void playbackPercentCompleteChanged (qreal percentComplete);
void currentLogTimeSecs (int secs);
// Internal signals
void _playOnThread(void);
void _pauseOnThread(void);
void _setAccelerationFactorOnThread(int factor);
void _playOnThread (void);
void _pauseOnThread (void);
void _setPlaybackSpeedOnThread (qreal playbackSpeed);
private slots:
void _readNextLogEntry(void);
void _play(void);
void _pause(void);
void _setAccelerationFactor(int factor);
void _readNextLogEntry (void);
void _play (void);
void _pause (void);
void _setPlaybackSpeed (qreal playbackSpeed);
// Links are only created/destroyed by LinkManager so constructor/destructor is not public
LogReplayLink(SharedLinkConfigurationPointer& config);
void _replayError(const QString& errorMsg);
quint64 _parseTimestamp(const QByteArray& bytes);
quint64 _seekToNextMavlinkMessage(mavlink_message_t* nextMsg);
quint64 _findLastTimestamp(void);
quint64 _readNextMavlinkMessage(QByteArray& bytes);
bool _loadLogFile(void);
void _finishPlayback(void);
void _resetPlaybackToBeginning(void);
void _signalCurrentLogTimeSecs(void);
void _replayError (const QString& errorMsg);
quint64 _parseTimestamp (const QByteArray& bytes);
quint64 _seekToNextMavlinkMessage (mavlink_message_t* nextMsg);
quint64 _findLastTimestamp (void);
quint64 _readNextMavlinkMessage (QByteArray& bytes);
bool _loadLogFile (void);
void _finishPlayback (void);
void _resetPlaybackToBeginning (void);
void _signalCurrentLogTimeSecs (void);
// Virtuals from LinkInterface
virtual bool _connect(void);
virtual bool _connect (void);
virtual void _disconnect(void);
// Virtuals from QThread
......@@ -139,16 +135,13 @@ private:
quint64 _logEndTimeUSecs; ///< The last timestamp in the current log file.
quint64 _logDurationUSecs;
static const int _defaultBinaryBaudRate = 57600;
int _binaryBaudRate; ///< Playback rate for binary log format
float _replayAccelerationFactor; ///< Factor to apply to playback rate
qreal _playbackSpeed;
quint64 _playbackStartTimeMSecs; ///< The time when the logfile was first played back. This is used to pace out replaying the messages to fix long-term drift/skew. 0 indicates that the player hasn't initiated playback of this log file.
quint64 _playbackStartLogTimeUSecs;
MAVLinkProtocol* _mavlink;
QFile _logFile;
quint64 _logFileSize;
bool _logTimestamped; ///< true: Timestamped log format, false: no timestamps
static const int cbTimestamp = sizeof(quint64);
......@@ -163,6 +156,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(qreal percentComplete READ percentComplete WRITE setPercentComplete NOTIFY percentCompleteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString totalTime MEMBER _totalTime NOTIFY totalTimeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString playheadTime MEMBER _playheadTime NOTIFY playheadTimeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal playbackSpeed MEMBER _playbackSpeed NOTIFY playbackSpeedChanged)
......@@ -180,9 +174,10 @@ signals:
void percentCompleteChanged (qreal percentComplete);
void playheadTimeChanged (QString playheadTime);
void totalTimeChanged (QString totalTime);
void playbackSpeedChanged (qreal playbackSpeed);
private slots:
void _logFileStats (bool logTimestamped, int logDurationSecs, int binaryBaudRate);
void _logFileStats (int logDurationSecs);
void _playbackStarted (void);
void _playbackPaused (void);
void _playbackAtEnd (void);
......@@ -199,5 +194,6 @@ private:
int _playheadSecs;
QString _playheadTime;
QString _totalTime;
qreal _playbackSpeed;
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