Commit 41da849f authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Fix dialog buttons stuck in disabled state

parent c75cca7d
......@@ -22,90 +22,83 @@ import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0
FactPanel {
id: __rootItem
id: _rootItem
property var qgcView: __rootItem ///< Used by Fact controls for validation dialogs
property bool completedSignalled: false
property real topDialogMargin: 0 ///< Set a top margin for dialog
property var viewPanel
property var qgcView: _rootItem ///< Used by Fact controls for validation dialogs
property bool completedSignalled: false
property real topDialogMargin: 0 ///< Set a top margin for dialog
property var viewPanel
/// This is signalled when the top level Item reaches Component.onCompleted. This allows
/// the view subcomponent to connect to this signal and do work once the full ui is ready
/// to go.
signal completed
signal completed
function __setupDialogButtons(buttons) {
__acceptButton.visible = false
__rejectButton.visible = false
function _setupDialogButtons(buttons) {
_acceptButton.visible = false
_rejectButton.visible = false
// Accept role buttons
if (buttons & StandardButton.Ok) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ok")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ok")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Open) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Save) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Apply) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Apply")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Apply")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Open) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Open")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.SaveAll) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save All")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Save All")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Yes) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.YesToAll) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes to All")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Yes to All")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Retry) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Retry")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Retry")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Reset) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Reset")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Reset")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.RestoreToDefaults) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Restore to Defaults")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Restore to Defaults")
_acceptButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Ignore) {
__acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ignore")
__acceptButton.visible = true
_acceptButton.text = qsTr("Ignore")
_acceptButton.visible = true
// Reject role buttons
if (buttons & StandardButton.Cancel) {
__rejectButton.text = qsTr("Cancel")
__rejectButton.visible = true
_rejectButton.text = qsTr("Cancel")
_rejectButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Close) {
__rejectButton.text = qsTr("Close")
__rejectButton.visible = true
_rejectButton.text = qsTr("Close")
_rejectButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.No) {
__rejectButton.text = qsTr("No")
__rejectButton.visible = true
_rejectButton.text = qsTr("No")
_rejectButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.NoToAll) {
__rejectButton.text = qsTr("No to All")
__rejectButton.visible = true
_rejectButton.text = qsTr("No to All")
_rejectButton.visible = true
} else if (buttons & StandardButton.Abort) {
__rejectButton.text = qsTr("Abort")
__rejectButton.visible = true
function __stopAllAnimations() {
if (__animateHideDialog.running) {
_rejectButton.text = qsTr("Abort")
_rejectButton.visible = true
function __checkForEarlyDialog(title) {
function _checkForEarlyDialog(title) {
if (!completedSignalled) {
console.warn(qsTr("showDialog|Message called before QGCView.completed signalled"), title)
console.warn(qsTr("showDialog called before QGCView.completed signalled"), title)
......@@ -119,77 +112,65 @@ FactPanel {
readonly property int showDialogDefaultWidth: 40 ///< Use for default dialog width
function showDialog(component, title, charWidth, buttons) {
if (__checkForEarlyDialog(title)) {
if (_checkForEarlyDialog(title)) {
__rejectButton.enabled = true
__acceptButton.enabled = true
_rejectButton.enabled = true
_acceptButton.enabled = true
_dialogCharWidth = charWidth
_dialogTitle = title
__dialogCharWidth = charWidth
__dialogTitle = title
__dialogComponent = component
_dialogComponent = component
viewPanel.enabled = false
__dialogOverlay.visible = true
_dialogOverlay.visible = true
function showMessage(title, message, buttons) {
if (__checkForEarlyDialog(title)) {
if (_checkForEarlyDialog(title)) {
__rejectButton.enabled = true
__acceptButton.enabled = true
_rejectButton.enabled = true
_acceptButton.enabled = true
_dialogCharWidth = showDialogDefaultWidth
_dialogTitle = title
_messageDialogText = message
__dialogCharWidth = showDialogDefaultWidth
__dialogTitle = title
__messageDialogText = message
__dialogComponent = __messageDialog
_dialogComponent = _messageDialog
viewPanel.enabled = false
__dialogOverlay.visible = true
_dialogOverlay.visible = true
function hideDialog() {
//__dialogComponentLoader.item.focus = false
viewPanel.enabled = true
_dialogComponent = null
_dialogOverlay.visible = false
QGCPalette { id: __qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
QGCLabel { id: __textMeasure; text: "X"; visible: false }
QGCPalette { id: _qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: true }
QGCLabel { id: _textMeasure; text: "X"; visible: false }
property real defaultTextHeight: __textMeasure.contentHeight
property real defaultTextWidth: __textMeasure.contentWidth
property real defaultTextHeight: _textMeasure.contentHeight
property real defaultTextWidth: _textMeasure.contentWidth
/// The width of the dialog panel in characters
property int __dialogCharWidth: 75
property int _dialogCharWidth: 75
/// The title for the dialog panel
property string __dialogTitle
property string _dialogTitle
property string __messageDialogText
property string _messageDialogText
property Component __dialogComponent
property Component _dialogComponent
function __signalCompleted() {
function _signalCompleted() {
// When we use this control inside a QGCQmlWidgetHolder Component.onCompleted is signalled
// before the width and height are adjusted. So we need to wait for width and heigth to be
// set before we signal our own completed signal.
......@@ -199,160 +180,118 @@ FactPanel {
Component.onCompleted: __signalCompleted()
onWidthChanged: __signalCompleted()
onHeightChanged: __signalCompleted()
Component.onCompleted: _signalCompleted()
onWidthChanged: _signalCompleted()
onHeightChanged: _signalCompleted()
Connections {
target: __dialogComponentLoader.item
target: _dialogComponentLoader.item
onHideDialog: __rootItem.hideDialog()
onHideDialog: _rootItem.hideDialog()
Item {
id: __dialogOverlay
id: _dialogOverlay
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
z: 5000
readonly property int __animationDuration: 200
ParallelAnimation {
id: __animateShowDialog
NumberAnimation {
target: __transparentSection
properties: "opacity"
from: 0.0
to: 0.8
duration: __dialogOverlay.__animationDuration
NumberAnimation {
target: __transparentSection
properties: "width"
from: __dialogOverlay.width
to: __dialogOverlay.width - __dialogPanel.width
duration: __dialogOverlay.__animationDuration
ParallelAnimation {
id: __animateHideDialog
NumberAnimation {
target: __transparentSection
properties: "opacity"
from: 0.8
to: 0.0
duration: __dialogOverlay.__animationDuration
NumberAnimation {
target: __transparentSection
properties: "width"
from: __dialogOverlay.width - __dialogPanel.width
to: __dialogOverlay.width
duration: __dialogOverlay.__animationDuration
onRunningChanged: {
if (!running) {
__dialogComponent = null
__dialogOverlay.visible = false
// This covers the parent with an transparent section
Rectangle {
id: __transparentSection
id: _transparentSection
height: ScreenTools.availableHeight ? ScreenTools.availableHeight : parent.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: __dialogPanel.left
anchors.right: _dialogPanel.left
opacity: 0.0
color: __qgcPal.window
color: _qgcPal.window
// This is the main dialog panel which is anchored to the right edge
Rectangle {
id: __dialogPanel
width: __dialogCharWidth == showDialogFullWidth ? parent.width : defaultTextWidth * __dialogCharWidth
id: _dialogPanel
width: _dialogCharWidth == showDialogFullWidth ? parent.width : defaultTextWidth * _dialogCharWidth
anchors.topMargin: topDialogMargin
height: ScreenTools.availableHeight ? ScreenTools.availableHeight : parent.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
color: __qgcPal.windowShadeDark
color: _qgcPal.windowShadeDark
Rectangle {
id: __header
id: _header
width: parent.width
height: __acceptButton.visible ? __acceptButton.height : __rejectButton.height
color: __qgcPal.windowShade
height: _acceptButton.visible ? _acceptButton.height : _rejectButton.height
color: _qgcPal.windowShade
function __hidePanel() {
__fullPanel.visible = false
function _hidePanel() {
_fullPanel.visible = false
QGCLabel {
x: defaultTextWidth
height: parent.height
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
text: __dialogTitle
text: _dialogTitle
QGCButton {
id: __rejectButton
anchors.right: __acceptButton.visible ? __acceptButton.left : parent.right
id: _rejectButton
anchors.right: _acceptButton.visible ? _acceptButton.left : parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
onClicked: {
enabled = false // prevent multiple clicks
if (!viewPanel.enabled) {
// Dialog was not closed, re-enable button
enabled = true
QGCButton {
id: __acceptButton
id: _acceptButton
anchors.right: parent.right
primary: true
onClicked: {
enabled = false // prevent multiple clicks
if (!viewPanel.enabled) {
// Dialog was not closed, re-enable button
enabled = true
Item {
id: __spacer
id: _spacer
width: 10
height: 10 __header.bottom _header.bottom
Loader {
id: __dialogComponentLoader
id: _dialogComponentLoader
anchors.margins: 5
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right __spacer.bottom _spacer.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
sourceComponent: __dialogComponent
sourceComponent: _dialogComponent
property bool acceptAllowed: __acceptButton.visible
property bool rejectAllowed: __rejectButton.visible
property bool acceptAllowed: _acceptButton.visible
property bool rejectAllowed: _rejectButton.visible
} // Rectangle - Dialog panel
} // Item - Dialog overlay
Component {
id: __messageDialog
id: _messageDialog
QGCViewMessage {
message: __messageDialogText
message: _messageDialogText
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