Commit 3a2b0f33 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba
Browse files

Check for camera info when receiving heartbeats from camera component IDs only.

parent 63778dc4
......@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ QGCCameraManager::_handleHeartbeat(const mavlink_message_t &message)
mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat);
//-- If this heartbeat is from a different component within the vehicle
if(_vehicleReadyState && _vehicle->id() == message.sysid && _vehicle->defaultComponentId() != message.compid) {
//-- Only pay attention to "camera" component IDs
if(_vehicleReadyState && _vehicle->id() == message.sysid && message.compid >= MAV_COMP_ID_CAMERA && message.compid <= MAV_COMP_ID_CAMERA6) {
//-- First time hearing from this one?
QString sCompID = QString::number(message.compid);
if(!_cameraInfoRequest.contains(sCompID)) {
......@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ QGCCameraManager::_handleHeartbeat(const mavlink_message_t &message)
} else {
//-- Request camera info. Again. It could be something other than a camera, in which
// case, we won't ever receive it.
//-- Request camera info again.
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