Commit 3a1f28cc authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Merge pull request #2500 from dogmaphobic/moreGPSData

Using HDOP for GPS signal strength indicator.
parents 69513a7e 03ff0d1f
......@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link,
, _batteryConsumed(-1.0)
, _currentHeartbeatTimeout(0)
, _satelliteCount(-1)
, _satRawHDOP(1e10f)
, _satRawVDOP(1e10f)
, _satRawCOG(0.0)
, _satelliteLock(0)
, _updateCount(0)
, _rcRSSI(0)
......@@ -137,9 +140,16 @@ Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link,
emit heartbeatTimeoutChanged();
_mav = uas();
// Reset satellite count (no GPS)
// Reset satellite data (no GPS)
_satelliteCount = -1;
_satRawHDOP = 1e10f;
_satRawVDOP = 1e10f;
_satRawCOG = 0.0;
emit satRawHDOPChanged();
emit satRawVDOPChanged();
emit satRawCOGChanged();
emit satelliteCountChanged();
// Reset connection lost (if any)
_currentHeartbeatTimeout = 0;
emit heartbeatTimeoutChanged();
......@@ -161,7 +171,10 @@ Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link,
UAS* pUas = dynamic_cast<UAS*>(_mav);
if(pUas) {
_setSatelliteCount(pUas->getSatelliteCount(), QString(""));
connect(pUas, &UAS::satelliteCountChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatelliteCount);
connect(pUas, &UAS::satelliteCountChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatelliteCount);
connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawHDOPChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawHDOP);
connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawVDOPChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawVDOP);
connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawCOGChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawCOG);
......@@ -754,6 +767,30 @@ void Vehicle::_setSatelliteCount(double val, QString)
void Vehicle::_setSatRawHDOP(double val)
if(_satRawHDOP != val) {
_satRawHDOP = val;
emit satRawHDOPChanged();
void Vehicle::_setSatRawVDOP(double val)
if(_satRawVDOP != val) {
_satRawVDOP = val;
emit satRawVDOPChanged();
void Vehicle::_setSatRawCOG(double val)
if(_satRawCOG != val) {
_satRawCOG = val;
emit satRawCOGChanged();
void Vehicle::_setSatLoc(UASInterface*, int fix)
// fix 0: lost, 1: at least one satellite, but no GPS fix, 2: 2D lock, 3: 3D lock
......@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(double batteryPercent READ batteryPercent NOTIFY batteryPercentChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double batteryConsumed READ batteryConsumed NOTIFY batteryConsumedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int satelliteCount READ satelliteCount NOTIFY satelliteCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawHDOP READ satRawHDOP NOTIFY satRawHDOPChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawVDOP READ satRawVDOP NOTIFY satRawVDOPChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawCOG READ satRawCOG NOTIFY satRawCOGChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentState READ currentState NOTIFY currentStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int satelliteLock READ satelliteLock NOTIFY satelliteLockChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(unsigned int heartbeatTimeout READ heartbeatTimeout NOTIFY heartbeatTimeoutChanged)
......@@ -250,6 +253,9 @@ public:
float longitude () { return _coordinate.longitude(); }
bool mavPresent () { return _mav != NULL; }
int satelliteCount () { return _satelliteCount; }
double satRawHDOP () { return _satRawHDOP; }
double satRawVDOP () { return _satRawVDOP; }
double satRawCOG () { return _satRawCOG; }
double batteryVoltage () { return _batteryVoltage; }
double batteryPercent () { return _batteryPercent; }
double batteryConsumed () { return _batteryConsumed; }
......@@ -309,6 +315,9 @@ signals:
void heartbeatTimeoutChanged();
void currentConfigChanged ();
void satelliteCountChanged ();
void satRawHDOPChanged ();
void satRawVDOPChanged ();
void satRawCOGChanged ();
void currentStateChanged ();
void satelliteLockChanged ();
void flowImageIndexChanged ();
......@@ -352,6 +361,9 @@ private slots:
void _updateState (UASInterface* system, QString name, QString description);
void _heartbeatTimeout (bool timeout, unsigned int ms);
void _setSatelliteCount (double val, QString name);
void _setSatRawHDOP (double val);
void _setSatRawVDOP (double val);
void _setSatRawCOG (double val);
void _setSatLoc (UASInterface* uas, int fix);
/** @brief A new camera image has arrived */
void _imageReady (UASInterface* uas);
......@@ -425,6 +437,9 @@ private:
QString _currentState;
unsigned int _currentHeartbeatTimeout;
int _satelliteCount;
double _satRawHDOP;
double _satRawVDOP;
double _satRawCOG;
int _satelliteLock;
int _updateCount;
QString _formatedMessage;
......@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ UAS::UAS(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, Vehicle* vehicle, FirmwarePluginManager * fi
......@@ -715,9 +719,9 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
positionLock = true;
isGlobalPositionKnown = true;
latitude_gps =;
latitude_gps =;
longitude_gps = pos.lon/(double)1E7;
altitude_gps = pos.alt/1000.0;
altitude_gps = pos.alt/1000.0;
// If no GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages ever received, use these raw GPS values instead.
if (!globalEstimatorActive) {
......@@ -738,6 +742,27 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
double dtmp;
//-- Raw GPS data
dtmp = pos.eph == 0xFFFF ? 1e10f : pos.eph / 100.0;
if(dtmp != satRawHDOP)
satRawHDOP = dtmp;
emit satRawHDOPChanged(satRawHDOP);
dtmp = pos.epv == 0xFFFF ? 1e10f : pos.epv / 100.0;
if(dtmp != satRawVDOP)
satRawVDOP = dtmp;
emit satRawVDOPChanged(satRawVDOP);
dtmp = pos.cog == 0xFFFF ? 0.0 : pos.cog / 100.0;
if(dtmp != satRawCOG)
satRawCOG = dtmp;
emit satRawCOGChanged(satRawCOG);
// Emit this signal after the above signals. This way a trigger on gps lock signal which then asks for vehicle position
// gets a good position.
emit localizationChanged(this, loc_type);
......@@ -81,24 +81,27 @@ public:
/** @brief Add one measurement and get low-passed voltage */
float filterVoltage(float value);
Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ getLatitude WRITE setLatitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ getLongitude WRITE setLongitude NOTIFY longitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satelliteCount READ getSatelliteCount WRITE setSatelliteCount NOTIFY satelliteCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isGlobalPositionKnown READ globalPositionKnown)
Q_PROPERTY(double roll READ getRoll WRITE setRoll NOTIFY rollChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double pitch READ getPitch WRITE setPitch NOTIFY pitchChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double yaw READ getYaw WRITE setYaw NOTIFY yawChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double distToWaypoint READ getDistToWaypoint WRITE setDistToWaypoint NOTIFY distToWaypointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double airSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY airSpeedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double groundSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY groundSpeedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double bearingToWaypoint READ getBearingToWaypoint WRITE setBearingToWaypoint NOTIFY bearingToWaypointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSL READ getAltitudeAMSL WRITE setAltitudeAMSL NOTIFY altitudeAMSLChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSLFT READ getAltitudeAMSLFT NOTIFY altitudeAMSLFTChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeWGS84 READ getAltitudeWGS84 WRITE setAltitudeWGS84 NOTIFY altitudeWGS84Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeRelative READ getAltitudeRelative WRITE setAltitudeRelative NOTIFY altitudeRelativeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ getLatitude WRITE setLatitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ getLongitude WRITE setLongitude NOTIFY longitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satelliteCount READ getSatelliteCount WRITE setSatelliteCount NOTIFY satelliteCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isGlobalPositionKnown READ globalPositionKnown)
Q_PROPERTY(double roll READ getRoll WRITE setRoll NOTIFY rollChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double pitch READ getPitch WRITE setPitch NOTIFY pitchChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double yaw READ getYaw WRITE setYaw NOTIFY yawChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double distToWaypoint READ getDistToWaypoint WRITE setDistToWaypoint NOTIFY distToWaypointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double airSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY airSpeedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double groundSpeed READ getGroundSpeed WRITE setGroundSpeed NOTIFY groundSpeedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double bearingToWaypoint READ getBearingToWaypoint WRITE setBearingToWaypoint NOTIFY bearingToWaypointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSL READ getAltitudeAMSL WRITE setAltitudeAMSL NOTIFY altitudeAMSLChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeAMSLFT READ getAltitudeAMSLFT NOTIFY altitudeAMSLFTChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeWGS84 READ getAltitudeWGS84 WRITE setAltitudeWGS84 NOTIFY altitudeWGS84Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(double altitudeRelative READ getAltitudeRelative WRITE setAltitudeRelative NOTIFY altitudeRelativeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawHDOP READ getSatRawHDOP NOTIFY satRawHDOPChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawVDOP READ getSatRawVDOP NOTIFY satRawVDOPChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double satRawCOG READ getSatRawCOG NOTIFY satRawCOGChanged)
void clearVehicle(void) { _vehicle = NULL; }
void setGroundSpeed(double val)
groundSpeed = val;
......@@ -225,6 +228,21 @@ public:
return altitudeRelative;
double getSatRawHDOP() const
return satRawHDOP;
double getSatRawVDOP() const
return satRawVDOP;
double getSatRawCOG() const
return satRawCOG;
void setSatelliteCount(double val)
satelliteCount = val;
......@@ -361,7 +379,7 @@ protected: //COMMENTS FOR TEST UNIT
int uasId; ///< Unique system ID
QMap<int, QString> components;///< IDs and names of all detected onboard components
QList<int> unknownPackets; ///< Packet IDs which are unknown and have been received
MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink; ///< Reference to the MAVLink instance
float receiveDropRate; ///< Percentage of packets that were dropped on the MAV's receiving link (from GCS and other MAVs)
......@@ -415,10 +433,14 @@ protected: //COMMENTS FOR TEST UNIT
double latitude; ///< Global latitude as estimated by position estimator
double longitude; ///< Global longitude as estimated by position estimator
double altitudeAMSL; ///< Global altitude as estimated by position estimator, AMSL
double altitudeAMSLFT; ///< Global altitude as estimated by position estimator, AMSL
double altitudeWGS84; ///< Global altitude as estimated by position estimator, WGS84
double altitudeAMSLFT; ///< Global altitude as estimated by position estimator, AMSL
double altitudeWGS84; ///< Global altitude as estimated by position estimator, WGS84
double altitudeRelative; ///< Altitude above home as estimated by position estimator
double satRawHDOP;
double satRawVDOP;
double satRawCOG;
double satelliteCount; ///< Number of satellites visible to raw GPS
bool globalEstimatorActive; ///< Global position estimator present, do not fall back to GPS raw for position
double latitude_gps; ///< Global latitude as estimated by raw GPS
......@@ -604,6 +626,11 @@ signals:
void altitudeAMSLFTChanged(double val,QString name);
void altitudeWGS84Changed(double val,QString name);
void altitudeRelativeChanged(double val,QString name);
void satRawHDOPChanged (double value);
void satRawVDOPChanged (double value);
void satRawCOGChanged (double value);
void rollChanged(double val,QString name);
void pitchChanged(double val,QString name);
void yawChanged(double val,QString name);
......@@ -637,7 +664,7 @@ protected:
void _say(const QString& text, int severity = 6);
Vehicle* _vehicle;
FirmwarePluginManager* _firmwarePluginManager;
......@@ -254,6 +254,30 @@ Rectangle {
text: getGpsLockStatus()
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: "HDOP:"
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.satRawHDOP.toFixed(0)) : "N/A"
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: "VDOP:"
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.satRawVDOP.toFixed(0)) : "N/A"
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: "Course Over Ground:"
color: colorWhite
QGCLabel {
text: activeVehicle ? (activeVehicle.satRawCOG).toFixed(2) : "N/A"
color: colorWhite
Component.onCompleted: {
......@@ -34,18 +34,16 @@ import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
Row {
spacing: tbSpacing * 2
function getSatStrength(count) {
if (count < 1)
return 0
if (count < 4)
return 20
if (count < 6)
return 40
if (count < 8)
return 60
if (count < 10)
return 80
return 100
function getSatStrength(hdop) {
if (hdop < 3)
return 100
if (hdop < 6)
return 75
if (hdop < 11)
return 50
if (hdop < 21)
return 25
return 0
function getMessageColor() {
......@@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ Row {
SignalStrength {
size: mainWindow.tbCellHeight * 0.5
percent: activeVehicle ? getSatStrength(activeVehicle.satelliteCount) : ""
percent: activeVehicle ? getSatStrength(activeVehicle.satRawHDOP) : ""
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
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