Commit 39aa9ccc authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk
Browse files

Updated commented in map widget

parent 0ca6e788
......@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ void MapWidget::captureMapClick(const QMouseEvent* event, const QPointF coordina
void MapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp)
// Update waypoint list and redraw map (last parameter)
updateWaypoint(uas, wp, true);
......@@ -454,16 +455,22 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp, bool updateView)
// Make sure this is the right UAS
if (uas == this->mav->getUASID())
// TODO The map widget is not yet aware of non-global, non-navigation WPs
// Only accept waypoints in global coordinate frame
if (wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL)
// We're good, this is a global waypoint
// Get the index of this waypoint
// note the call to getGlobalFrameIndexOf()
// as we're only handling global waypoints
int wpindex = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas)->getWaypointManager()->getGlobalFrameIndexOf(wp);
// If not found, return (this should never happen, but helps safety)
if (wpindex == -1) return;
// Check if wp exists yet
// Check if wp exists yet in map
if (!(wpIcons.count() > wpindex))
// Waypoint is new, a new icon is created
QPointF coordinate;
......@@ -471,7 +478,8 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp, bool updateView)
// Waypoint exists, update it
// Waypoint exists, update it if we're not
// currently dragging it with the mouse
QPointF coordinate;
......@@ -479,34 +487,30 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp, bool updateView)
Point* waypoint;
waypoint =;//wpIndex[str];
waypoint =;
if (waypoint)
// First set waypoint coordinate
// Now update icon position
// Update pen>setPen(mavPens.value(uas));
// Then waypoint line coordinate
Point* linesegment = NULL;
// If the line segment already exists, just update it
// else create a new one
if (waypointPath->points().size() > wpindex)
linesegment = waypointPath->points().at(wpindex);
if (linesegment) linesegment->setCoordinate(coordinate);
if (linesegment)
//point2Find = dynamic_cast <Point*> (mc->layer("Waypoints")->get_Geometry(wpindex));
// Update view
if (updateView) if (isVisible()) mc->updateRequest(waypoint->boundingBox().toRect());
......@@ -514,8 +518,10 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp, bool updateView)
// We're screwed, this is not a global waypoint
// Delete from list if the list is now too long
// Check if the index of this waypoint is larger than the global
// waypoint list. This implies that the coordinate frame of this
// waypoint was changed and the list containing only global
// waypoints was shortened. Thus update the whole list
if (waypointPath->points().count() > UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas)->getWaypointManager()->getGlobalFrameCount())
......@@ -663,15 +669,22 @@ void MapWidget::addUAS(UASInterface* uas)
connect(uas, SIGNAL(systemSpecsChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSystemSpecs(int)));
* Update the whole list of waypoints. This is e.g. necessary if the list order changed.
* The UAS manager will emit the appropriate signal whenever updating the list
* is necessary.
void MapWidget::updateWaypointList(int uas)
// Get already existing waypoints
UASInterface* uasInstance = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas);
if (uasInstance)
// Get update rect of old content
// Get update rect of old content, this is what will be redrawn
// in the last step
QRect updateRect = waypointPath->boundingBox().toRect();
// Get all waypoints, including non-global waypoints
QVector<Waypoint*> wpList = uasInstance->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointList();
// Clear if necessary
......@@ -681,10 +694,13 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypointList(int uas)
// Delete unused waypoints first
// Trim internal list to number of global waypoints in the waypoint manager list
int overSize = waypointPath->points().count() - uasInstance->getWaypointManager()->getGlobalFrameCount();
if (overSize > 0)
// Remove n waypoints at the end of the list
// the remaining waypoints will be updated
// in the next step
for (int i = 0; i < overSize; ++i)
......@@ -697,7 +713,9 @@ void MapWidget::updateWaypointList(int uas)
// Load all existing waypoints into map view
foreach (Waypoint* wp, wpList)
// Block updates, since we update everything in the next step
// Block map draw updates, since we update everything in the next step
// but update internal data structures.
// Please note that updateWaypoint() ignores non-global waypoints
updateWaypoint(mav->getUASID(), wp, false);
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