Commit 310f18ff authored by DonLakeFlyer's avatar DonLakeFlyer
Browse files

Support for automatic gimbal setting on Survey

parent 802866e7
......@@ -475,3 +475,12 @@ void FirmwarePlugin::missionFlightSpeedInfo(Vehicle* vehicle, double& hoverSpeed
hoverSpeed = appSettings->offlineEditingHoverSpeed()->rawValue().toDouble();
cruiseSpeed = appSettings->offlineEditingCruiseSpeed()->rawValue().toDouble();
bool FirmwarePlugin::hasGimbal(Vehicle* vehicle, bool& rollSupported, bool& pitchSupported, bool& yawSupported)
rollSupported = false;
pitchSupported = false;
yawSupported = false;
return false;
......@@ -287,9 +287,16 @@ public:
/// @param[out] cruiseSpeed Flight speed for vehicle flying in fixed wing forward flight mode. 0 for none, or not available.
virtual void missionFlightSpeedInfo(Vehicle* vehicle, double& hoverSpeed, double& cruiseSpeed);
// Returns the parameter which control auto-dismar. Assume == 0 means no auto disarm
// Returns the parameter which control auto-disarm. Assume == 0 means no auto disarm
virtual QString autoDisarmParameter(Vehicle* vehicle);
/// Used to determine whether a vehicle has a gimbal.
/// @param[out] rollSupported Gimbal supports roll
/// @param[out] pitchSupported Gimbal supports pitch
/// @param[out] yawSupported Gimbal supports yaw
/// @return true: vehicle has gimbal, false: gimbal support unknown
virtual bool hasGimbal(Vehicle* vehicle, bool& rollSupported, bool& pitchSupported, bool& yawSupported);
// FIXME: Hack workaround for non pluginize FollowMe support
static const char* px4FollowMeFlightMode;
......@@ -288,6 +288,19 @@ int MissionController::insertComplexMissionItem(QString itemName, QGeoCoordinate
if (itemName == _surveyMissionItemName) {
newItem = new SurveyMissionItem(_controllerVehicle, _visualItems);
// If the vehicle is known to have a gimbal then we automatically point the gimbal straight down if not already set
bool rollSupported = false;
bool pitchSupported = false;
bool yawSupported = false;
if (_controllerVehicle->firmwarePlugin()->hasGimbal(_controllerVehicle, rollSupported, pitchSupported, yawSupported) && yawSupported) {
MissionSettingsItem* settingsItem = _visualItems->value<MissionSettingsItem*>(0);
// If the user already specified a gimbal angle leave it alone
CameraSection* cameraSection = settingsItem->cameraSection();
if (!cameraSection->specifyGimbal()) {
} else if (itemName == _fwLandingMissionItemName) {
newItem = new FixedWingLandingComplexItem(_controllerVehicle, _visualItems);
} else {
......@@ -306,11 +319,42 @@ int MissionController::insertComplexMissionItem(QString itemName, QGeoCoordinate
void MissionController::removeMissionItem(int index)
if (index <= 0 || index >= _visualItems->count()) {
qWarning() << "MissionController::removeMissionItem called with bad index - count:index" << _visualItems->count() << index;
bool surveyRemoved = _visualItems->value<SurveyMissionItem*>(index);
VisualMissionItem* item = qobject_cast<VisualMissionItem*>(_visualItems->removeAt(index));
if (surveyRemoved) {
// Determine if the mission still has another survey in it
bool foundSurvey = false;
for (int i=1; i<_visualItems->count(); i++) {
if (_visualItems->value<SurveyMissionItem*>(i)) {
foundSurvey = true;
// If there is no longer a survey item in the mission remove the gimbal pitch command
if (!foundSurvey) {
bool rollSupported = false;
bool pitchSupported = false;
bool yawSupported = false;
if (_controllerVehicle->firmwarePlugin()->hasGimbal(_controllerVehicle, rollSupported, pitchSupported, yawSupported) && yawSupported) {
MissionSettingsItem* settingsItem = _visualItems->value<MissionSettingsItem*>(0);
CameraSection* cameraSection = settingsItem->cameraSection();
if (cameraSection->specifyGimbal() && cameraSection->gimbalYaw()->rawValue().toDouble() == -90.0 && cameraSection->gimbalPitch()->rawValue().toDouble() == 0.0) {
......@@ -119,9 +119,13 @@ void PlanMasterController::_activeVehicleChanged(Vehicle* activeVehicle)
void PlanMasterController::loadFromVehicle(void)
_loadGeoFence = true;
if (!offline()) {
_loadGeoFence = true;
} else {
qWarning() << "PlanMasterController::sendToVehicle called while offline";
......@@ -154,9 +158,13 @@ void PlanMasterController::_loadSendGeoFenceCompelte(void)
void PlanMasterController::sendToVehicle(void)
_sendGeoFence = true;
if (!offline()) {
_sendGeoFence = true;
} else {
qWarning() << "PlanMasterController::sendToVehicle called while offline";
void PlanMasterController::loadFromFile(const QString& filename)
......@@ -264,14 +272,20 @@ void PlanMasterController::saveToFile(const QString& filename)
void PlanMasterController::removeAll(void)
void PlanMasterController::removeAllFromVehicle(void)
if (!offline()) {
} else {
qWarning() << "PlanMasterController::removeAllFromVehicle called while offline";
bool PlanMasterController::containsItems(void) const
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