Commit 30bcc904 authored by ChukRhodes's avatar ChukRhodes
Browse files

Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/mavlink/master'

parents c1591744 e5a83d8d
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<airframe_group image="" name="Coaxial Helicopter">
<airframe id="15001" maintainer="Emmanuel Roussel" name="Coaxial Helicopter (such as Esky Lama v4 or Esky Big Lama)">
<maintainer>Emmanuel Roussel</maintainer>
<type>Coaxial Helicopter</type>
<output name="MAIN1">Left swashplate servomotor, pitch axis</output>
<output name="MAIN2">Right swashplate servomotor, roll axis</output>
<output name="MAIN3">Upper rotor (CCW)</output>
<output name="MAIN4">Lower rotor (CW)</output>
<airframe_group image="AirframeFlyingWing.png" name="Flying Wing">
<airframe id="3030" maintainer="Simon Wilks &lt;;" name="IO Camflyer">
<maintainer>Simon Wilks &lt;;</maintainer>
......@@ -160,6 +170,13 @@
<maintainer>Lorenz Meier &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Quadrotor x</type>
<airframe id="4009" maintainer="Mark Whitehorn &lt;;" name="Lumenier QAV250">
<maintainer>Mark Whitehorn &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Quadrotor x</type>
<output name="AUX1">feed-through of RC AUX1 channel</output>
<output name="AUX2">feed-through of RC AUX2 channel</output>
<output name="AUX3">feed-through of RC AUX3 channel</output>
<airframe id="4010" maintainer="Lorenz Meier &lt;;" name="DJI Flame Wheel F330">
<maintainer>Lorenz Meier &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Quadrotor x</type>
......@@ -182,6 +199,10 @@
<maintainer>Thomas Gubler &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Quadrotor x</type>
<airframe id="4030" maintainer="Andreas Antener &lt;;" name="Generic Quadrotor X config">
<maintainer>Andreas Antener &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Quadrotor x</type>
<airframe_group image="" name="Rover">
<airframe id="50001" maintainer="John Doe &lt;;" name="Axial Racing AX10">
......@@ -227,8 +248,8 @@
<output name="AUX3">feed-through of RC AUX3 channel</output>
<output name="MAIN1">aileron</output>
<output name="MAIN2">elevator</output>
<output name="MAIN3">throttle</output>
<output name="MAIN4">rudder</output>
<output name="MAIN3">rudder</output>
<output name="MAIN4">throttle</output>
<output name="MAIN5">flaps</output>
<airframe id="2102" maintainer="Lorenz Meier &lt;;" name="Skywalker (3DR Aero)">
......@@ -265,9 +286,38 @@
<output name="MAIN4">rudder</output>
<output name="MAIN5">flaps</output>
<airframe id="2105" maintainer="Andreas Antener &lt;;" name="Bormatec Maja">
<maintainer>Andreas Antener &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Standard Plane</type>
<output name="AUX1">feed-through of RC AUX1 channel</output>
<output name="AUX2">feed-through of RC AUX2 channel</output>
<output name="AUX3">feed-through of RC AUX3 channel</output>
<output name="MAIN1">aileron</output>
<output name="MAIN2">aileron</output>
<output name="MAIN3">elevator</output>
<output name="MAIN4">rudder</output>
<output name="MAIN5">throttle</output>
<output name="MAIN6">wheel</output>
<output name="MAIN7">flaps</output>
<airframe id="2106" maintainer="Andreas Antener &lt;;" name="Applied Aeronautics Albatross">
<maintainer>Andreas Antener &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Standard Plane</type>
<output name="AUX1">feed-through of RC AUX1 channel</output>
<output name="AUX2">feed-through of RC AUX2 channel</output>
<output name="AUX3">feed-through of RC AUX3 channel</output>
<output name="MAIN1">aileron right</output>
<output name="MAIN2">aileron left</output>
<output name="MAIN3">v-tail right</output>
<output name="MAIN4">v-tail left</output>
<output name="MAIN5">throttle</output>
<output name="MAIN6">wheel</output>
<output name="MAIN7">flaps right</output>
<output name="MAIN8">flaps left</output>
<airframe_group image="" name="Standard VTOL">
<airframe id="13005" maintainer="Simon Wilks &lt;;" name="Generic AAERT tailplane airframe with Quad VTOL.">
<airframe id="13005" maintainer="Simon Wilks &lt;;" name="Fun Cub Quad VTOL.">
<maintainer>Simon Wilks &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Standard VTOL</type>
......@@ -275,6 +325,10 @@
<maintainer>Simon Wilks &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Standard VTOL</type>
<airframe id="13007" maintainer="Sander Smeets &lt;;" name="Generic AAVVT v-tail plane airframe with Quad VTOL.">
<maintainer>Sander Smeets &lt;;</maintainer>
<type>Standard VTOL</type>
<airframe_group image="" name="Tricopter Y+">
<airframe id="14001" maintainer="Trent Lukaczyk &lt;;" name="Generic Tricopter Y+ Geometry">
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ MapQuickItem {
MissionItemIndexLabel {
id: _label
isCurrentItem: missionItem.isCurrentItem
label: missionItem.sequenceNumber
label: missionItem.sequenceNumber == 0 ? "H" : missionItem.sequenceNumber
onClicked: _item.clicked()
......@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ QGCView {
//offlineHomePosition = coordinate
} else if (addMissionItemsButton.checked) {
var index = controller.addMissionItem(coordinate)
} else {
......@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
"friendlyName": "VTOL Transition",
"description": "Perform flight mode transition",
"category": "Basic",
"param7": {
"param1": {
"label": "Mode:",
"default": 3,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
......@@ -484,19 +484,22 @@ void MissionController::_initAllMissionItems(void)
if (_activeVehicle) {
if (homeItem->homePositionValid()) {
} else {
if (!homeItem->homePositionValid()) {
QGeoCoordinate homeCoord = homeItem->coordinate();
// Set a bogus home position, the important value is 0.0 Altitude
homeItem->setCoordinate(QGeoCoordinate(37.803784, -122.462276, 0.0));
qDebug() << "home item" << homeItem->homePositionValid() << homeItem->coordinate();
for (int i=0; i<_missionItems->count(); i++) {
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ QGCView {
//-- Have we received this entry already?
if(controller.model.get(styleData.row).received) {
var d = controller.model.get(styleData.row).time
if(d.getUTCFullYear() < 1980)
if(d.getUTCFullYear() < 2010)
return "Date Unknown"
return d.toLocaleString()
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ LogDownloadController::LogDownloadController(void)
, _requestingLogEntries(false)
, _downloadingLogs(false)
, _retries(0)
, _apmOneBased(0)
MultiVehicleManager *manager = qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager();
connect(manager, &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &LogDownloadController::_setActiveVehicle);
......@@ -114,6 +115,11 @@ LogDownloadController::_logEntry(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t time_utc, uint32_t
//-- If this is the first, pre-fill it
if(!_logEntriesModel.count() && num_logs > 0) {
//-- Is this APM? They send a first entry with bogus ID and only the
// count is valid. From now on, all entries are 1-based.
if(_vehicle->firmwareType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA) {
_apmOneBased = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
QGCLogEntry *entry = new QGCLogEntry(i);
......@@ -121,14 +127,18 @@ LogDownloadController::_logEntry(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t time_utc, uint32_t
//-- Update this log record
if(num_logs > 0) {
if(id < _logEntriesModel.count()) {
QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[id];
} else {
qWarning() << "Received log entry for out-of-bound index:" << id;
//-- Skip if empty (APM first packet)
if(size) {
id -= _apmOneBased;
if(id < _logEntriesModel.count()) {
QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[id];
} else {
qWarning() << "Received log entry for out-of-bound index:" << id;
} else {
//-- No logs to list
......@@ -164,13 +174,18 @@ LogDownloadController::_entriesComplete()
LogDownloadController::_resetSelection(bool canceled)
int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
if(entry) {
if(entry->selected()) {
if(canceled) {
emit selectionChanged();
......@@ -227,6 +242,9 @@ LogDownloadController::_findMissingEntries()
if(end < 0) {
end = start;
//-- APM "Fix"
start += _apmOneBased;
end += _apmOneBased;
//-- Request these entries again
_requestLogList((uint32_t)start, (uint32_t) end);
} else {
......@@ -241,6 +259,8 @@ LogDownloadController::_logData(UASInterface* uas, uint32_t ofs, uint16_t id, ui
if(!_uas || uas != _uas || !_downloadData) {
//-- APM "Fix"
id -= _apmOneBased;
if(_downloadData->ID != id) {
qWarning() << "Received log data for wrong log";
......@@ -360,6 +380,8 @@ void
LogDownloadController::_requestLogData(uint8_t id, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
if(_vehicle) {
//-- APM "Fix"
id += _apmOneBased;
qCDebug(LogDownloadLog) << "Request log data (id:" << id << "offset:" << offset << "size:" << count << ")";
mavlink_message_t msg;
......@@ -423,6 +445,16 @@ LogDownloadController::download(void)
if(!_downloadPath.isEmpty()) {
_downloadPath += QDir::separator();
//-- Iterate selected entries and shown them as waiting
int num_logs = _logEntriesModel.count();
for(int i = 0; i < num_logs; i++) {
QGCLogEntry* entry = _logEntriesModel[i];
if(entry) {
if(entry->selected()) {
//-- Start download process
_downloadingLogs = true;
emit downloadingLogsChanged();
......@@ -464,13 +496,18 @@ LogDownloadController::_prepareLogDownload()
emit selectionChanged();
bool result = false;
QString ftime;
if(entry->time().date().year() < 1980) {
if(entry->time().date().year() < 2010) {
ftime = "UnknownDate";
} else {
ftime = entry->time().toString("yyyy-M-d-hh-mm-ss");
_downloadData = new LogDownloadData(entry);
_downloadData->filename = QString("log_") + QString::number(entry->id()) + "_" + ftime + ".txt";
_downloadData->filename = QString("log_") + QString::number(entry->id()) + "_" + ftime;
if(_vehicle->firmwareType() == MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4) {
_downloadData->filename += ".px4log";
} else {
_downloadData->filename += ".bin";
_downloadData->file.setFileName(_downloadPath + _downloadData->filename);
//-- Append a number to the end if the filename already exists
if (_downloadData->file.exists()){
......@@ -539,7 +576,7 @@ LogDownloadController::cancel(void)
delete _downloadData;
_downloadData = 0;
_downloadingLogs = false;
emit downloadingLogsChanged();
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ private:
void _findMissingEntries();
void _receivedAllEntries();
void _receivedAllData ();
void _resetSelection ();
void _resetSelection (bool canceled = false);
void _findMissingData ();
void _requestLogList (uint32_t start = 0, uint32_t end = 0xFFFF);
void _requestLogData (uint8_t id, uint32_t offset = 0, uint32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ private:
bool _requestingLogEntries;
bool _downloadingLogs;
int _retries;
int _apmOneBased;
QString _downloadPath;
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