Commit 2f85669c authored by Patrick José Pereira's avatar Patrick José Pereira
Browse files

Solve some typos

Signed-off-by: default avatarPatrick José Pereira <>
parent 22f6b1a4
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ bool ExifParser::write(QByteArray &buf, QGeoCoordinate coordinate)
conversionPointer = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(buf.mid(nextIfdOffsetInd, 2).data());
uint16_t nextIfdOffset = *conversionPointer;
// Definition of usefull unions and structs
// Definition of useful unions and structs
union char2uint32_u {
char c[4];
uint32_t i;
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void ParameterManager::_parameterUpdate(int vehicleId, int componentId, QString
// ArduPilot has this strange behavior of streaming parameters that we didn't ask for. This even happens before it responds to the
// PARAM_REQUEST_LIST. We disregard any of this until the initial request is responded to.
if (parameterId == 65535 && parameterName != "_HASH_CHECK" && _initialRequestTimeoutTimer.isActive()) {
qCDebug(ParameterManagerVerbose1Log) << "Disregarding unrequested param prior to intial list response" << parameterName;
qCDebug(ParameterManagerVerbose1Log) << "Disregarding unrequested param prior to initial list response" << parameterName;
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
/// value: remapParamNameMinorVersionRemapMap_t entry
typedef QMap<int, remapParamNameMinorVersionRemapMap_t> remapParamNameMajorVersionMap_t;
/// @return The AutoPilotPlugin associated with this firmware plugin. Must be overriden.
/// @return The AutoPilotPlugin associated with this firmware plugin. Must be overridden.
virtual AutoPilotPlugin* autopilotPlugin(Vehicle* vehicle);
/// Called when Vehicle is first created to perform any firmware specific setup.
......@@ -3399,7 +3399,7 @@ if required for the gimbal (only in AUX output mode)</short_desc>
<parameter default="0.5" name="MC_YAW_FF" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Yaw feed forward</short_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for manual yaw control. 0 will give slow responce and no overshot, 1 - fast responce and big overshot.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for manual yaw control. 0 will give slow response and no overshot, 1 - fast response and big overshot.</long_desc>
......@@ -3642,7 +3642,7 @@ if required for the gimbal (only in AUX output mode)</short_desc>
<parameter default="0.5" name="MPC_Z_FF" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Vertical velocity feed forward</short_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for altitude control in stabilized modes (ALTCTRL, POSCTRL). 0 will give slow responce and no overshot, 1 - fast responce and big overshot.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for altitude control in stabilized modes (ALTCTRL, POSCTRL). 0 will give slow response and no overshot, 1 - fast response and big overshot.</long_desc>
......@@ -3718,7 +3718,7 @@ if required for the gimbal (only in AUX output mode)</short_desc>
<parameter default="0.5" name="MPC_XY_FF" type="FLOAT">
<short_desc>Horizontal velocity feed forward</short_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for position control in position control mode (POSCTRL). 0 will give slow responce and no overshot, 1 - fast responce and big overshot.</long_desc>
<long_desc>Feed forward weight for position control in position control mode (POSCTRL). 0 will give slow response and no overshot, 1 - fast response and big overshot.</long_desc>
......@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ void RTCMMavlink::RTCMDataUpdate(QByteArray message)
// We need to fragment
static uint8_t sequenceId = 0; // Sequence id is used to indicate that the individual fragements belong to the same set
uint8_t fragmentId = 0; // Fragment id indicates the fragement within a set
uint8_t fragmentId = 0; // Fragment id indicates the fragment within a set
int start = 0;
while (start < message.size()) {
int length = std::min(message.size() - start, maxMessageLength);
mavlinkRtcmData.flags = 1; // LSB set indicates messsage is fragmented
mavlinkRtcmData.flags = 1; // LSB set indicates message is fragmented
mavlinkRtcmData.flags |= fragmentId++ << 1; // Next 2 bits are fragment id
mavlinkRtcmData.flags |= sequenceId++ << 3; // Next 5 bits are sequence id
mavlinkRtcmData.len = length;
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
QString name(void) { return _name; }
// Joystick index used by sdl library
// Settable because sdl library remaps indicies after certain events
// Settable because sdl library remaps indices after certain events
virtual int index(void) = 0;
virtual void setIndex(int index) = 0;
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ bool GeoFenceController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle(void)
qCDebug(GeoFenceControllerLog) << "showPlanFromManagerVehicle" << _editMode;
if (_masterController->offline()) {
qCWarning(GeoFenceControllerLog) << "GeoFenceController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle called while offline";
return true; // stops further propogation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
return true; // stops further propagation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
} else {
_itemsRequested = true;
if (!_managerVehicle->initialPlanRequestComplete()) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
/// Signals sendComplete when done
virtual void sendToVehicle(const QGeoCoordinate& breachReturn, QmlObjectListModel& polygon);
/// Remove all fence related items from vehicle (does not affect paramters)
/// Remove all fence related items from vehicle (does not affect parameters)
/// Signals removeAllComplete when done
virtual void removeAll(void);
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class MissionCommandTreeTest;
/// UI Information associated with a mission command (MAV_CMD) parameter
/// MissionCommandParamInfo is used to automatically generate editing ui for a parameter assocaited with a MAV_CMD.
/// MissionCommandParamInfo is used to automatically generate editing ui for a parameter associated with a MAV_CMD.
/// The json format for a MissionCmdParamInfo object is:
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class MissionCommandTreeTest;
/// default double 0.0/NaN Default value for param. If no default value specified and nanUnchanged == true, then defaultValue is NaN.
/// decimalPlaces int 7 Number of decimal places to show for value
/// enumStrings string Strings to show in combo box for selection
/// enumValues string Values assocaited with each enum string
/// enumValues string Values associated with each enum string
/// nanUnchanged bool false True: value can be set to NaN to signal unchanged
class MissionCmdParamInfo : public QObject {
......@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ bool MissionController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle (void)
qCDebug(MissionControllerLog) << "showPlanFromManagerVehicle" << _editMode;
if (_masterController->offline()) {
qCWarning(MissionControllerLog) << "MissionController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle called while offline";
return true; // stops further propogation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
return true; // stops further propagation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
} else {
if (!_managerVehicle->initialPlanRequestComplete()) {
// The vehicle hasn't completed initial load, we can just wait for newMissionItemsAvailable to be signalled automatically
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void MissionSettingsItem::save(QJsonArray& missionItems)
appendMissionItems(items, this);
// First item show be planned home position, we are not reponsible for save/load
// First item show be planned home position, we are not responsible for save/load
// Remaining items we just output as is
for (int i=1; i<items.count(); i++) {
MissionItem* item = items[i];
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(bool containsItems READ containsItems NOTIFY containsItemsChanged) ///< true: Elemement is non-empty
Q_PROPERTY(bool syncInProgress READ syncInProgress NOTIFY syncInProgressChanged) ///< true: Information is currently being saved/sent, false: no active save/send in progress
Q_PROPERTY(bool dirty READ dirty WRITE setDirty NOTIFY dirtyChanged) ///< true: Unsaved/sent changes are present, false: no changes since last save/send
Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT) ///< File extention for missions
Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT) ///< File extension for missions
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadNameFilters READ loadNameFilters CONSTANT) ///< File filter list loading plan files
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList saveNameFilters READ saveNameFilters CONSTANT) ///< File filter list saving plan files
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ bool RallyPointController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle (void)
qCDebug(RallyPointControllerLog) << "showPlanFromManagerVehicle _editMode" << _editMode;
if (_masterController->offline()) {
qCWarning(RallyPointControllerLog) << "RallyPointController::showPlanFromManagerVehicle called while offline";
return true; // stops further propogation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
return true; // stops further propagation of showPlanFromManagerVehicle due to error
} else {
if (!_managerVehicle->initialPlanRequestComplete()) {
// The vehicle hasn't completed initial load, we can just wait for loadComplete to be signalled automatically
......@@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ public:
/// Although public should only be called by main.
void _initCommon(void);
/// @brief Intialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// @brief Initialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// unit tests. Although public should only be called by main.
bool _initForNormalAppBoot(void);
/// @brief Intialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// @brief Initialize the application for normal application boot. Or in other words we are not going to run
/// unit tests. Although public should only be called by main.
bool _initForUnitTests(void);
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
MAV_CMD_VIDEO_STOP_CAPTURE=2501, /* Stop the current video capture |Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_PANORAMA_CREATE=2800, /* Create a panorama at the current position |Viewing angle horizontal of the panorama (in degrees, +- 0.5 the total angle)| Viewing angle vertical of panorama (in degrees)| Speed of the horizontal rotation (in degrees per second)| Speed of the vertical rotation (in degrees per second)| */
MAV_CMD_DO_VTOL_TRANSITION=3000, /* Request VTOL transition |The target VTOL state, as defined by ENUM MAV_VTOL_STATE. Only MAV_VTOL_STATE_MC and MAV_VTOL_STATE_FW can be used.| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in degrees compass heading (0..360). A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overriden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position in meters. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude, in meters AMSL| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_PREPARE_DEPLOY=30001, /* Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity. |Operation mode. 0: prepare single payload deploy (overwriting previous requests), but do not execute it. 1: execute payload deploy immediately (rejecting further deploy commands during execution, but allowing abort). 2: add payload deploy to existing deployment list.| Desired approach vector in degrees compass heading (0..360). A negative value indicates the system can define the approach vector at will.| Desired ground speed at release time. This can be overridden by the airframe in case it needs to meet minimum airspeed. A negative value indicates the system can define the ground speed at will.| Minimum altitude clearance to the release position in meters. A negative value indicates the system can define the clearance at will.| Latitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Longitude unscaled for MISSION_ITEM or in 1e7 degrees for MISSION_ITEM_INT| Altitude, in meters AMSL| */
MAV_CMD_PAYLOAD_CONTROL_DEPLOY=30002, /* Control the payload deployment. |Operation mode. 0: Abort deployment, continue normal mission. 1: switch to payload deploment mode. 100: delete first payload deployment request. 101: delete all payload deployment requests.| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| Reserved| */
MAV_CMD_DO_START_MAG_CAL=42424, /* Initiate a magnetometer calibration |uint8_t bitmask of magnetometers (0 means all)| Automatically retry on failure (0=no retry, 1=retry).| Save without user input (0=require input, 1=autosave).| Delay (seconds)| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
MAV_CMD_DO_ACCEPT_MAG_CAL=42425, /* Initiate a magnetometer calibration |uint8_t bitmask of magnetometers (0 means all)| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| Empty| */
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Button {
onObjectAdded: {
// There is a bug in Instantiator which can cause objects to be added out of order from an index standpoint.
// If not handled correcty this will cause menu items to be added incorrectly due to the way Menu.insertItem works.
// If not handled correctly this will cause menu items to be added incorrectly due to the way Menu.insertItem works.
//console.log("menu add", index, object.text)
if (index === popup.__selectedIndex) {
popup.selectedText = object["text"]
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"name": "VideoGridLines",
"shortDescription": "Video Grid Lines",
"longDescription": "Displays a grid overlayed over the video view.",
"longDescription": "Displays a grid overlaid over the video view.",
"type": "uint32",
"enumStrings": "Hide,Show",
"enumValues": "1,0",
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ MAVLinkLogProcessor::processStreamData(uint16_t sequence, uint8_t first_message,
if(num_drops > 0) {
//-- If no usefull information in this message. Drop it.
//-- If no useful information in this message. Drop it.
if(first_message == 255) {
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ public:
MAV_TYPE vehicleType(void) const { return _vehicleType; }
Q_INVOKABLE QString vehicleTypeName(void) const;
/// Returns the highest quality link available to the Vehicle. If you need to hold a refernce to this link use
/// Returns the highest quality link available to the Vehicle. If you need to hold a reference to this link use
/// LinkManager::sharedLinkInterfaceForGet to get QSharedPointer for link.
LinkInterface* priorityLink(void) { return; }
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
/// @return The message to show to the user when they a re prompted to confirm turning on advanced ui.
virtual QString showAdvancedUIMessage(void) const;
/// @return An instance of an alternate postion source (or NULL if not available)
/// @return An instance of an alternate position source (or NULL if not available)
virtual QGeoPositionInfoSource* createPositionSource(QObject* parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); return NULL; }
/// Allows a plugin to override the specified color name from the palette
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