Commit 2b2cc1bb authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Merge pull request #276 from diydrones/waypoint_and_compile_fix

Waypoint and compile fix
parents a23be949 8344f169
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#define PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 ///< maximum time to wait for pending messages until timeout
#define PROTOCOL_DELAY_MS 20 ///< minimum delay between sent messages
#define PROTOCOL_MAX_RETRIES 5 ///< maximum number of send retries (after timeout)
const float UASWaypointManager::defaultAltitudeHomeOffset = 30.0f;
UASWaypointManager::UASWaypointManager(UAS* _uas)
: uas(_uas),
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ private:
quint16 uasid;
// XXX export to settings
static const float defaultAltitudeHomeOffset = 30.0f; ///< Altitude offset in meters from home for new waypoints
static const float defaultAltitudeHomeOffset; ///< Altitude offset in meters from home for new waypoints
......@@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ WaypointList::WaypointList(QWidget *parent, UASWaypointManager* wpm) :
connect(WPM, SIGNAL(waypointViewOnlyListChanged(void)), this, SLOT(waypointViewOnlyListChanged(void)));
connect(WPM, SIGNAL(waypointViewOnlyChanged(int,Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(updateWaypointViewOnly(int,Waypoint*)));
connect(WPM, SIGNAL(currentWaypointChanged(quint16)), this, SLOT(currentWaypointViewOnlyChanged(quint16)));
//Even if there are no waypoints, since this is a new instance and there is an
//existing WPM, then we need to assume things have changed, and act appropriatly.
......@@ -212,7 +212,11 @@ void QGCMapWidget::loadSettings(bool changePosition)
if (trailType == mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::ByDistance)
// XXX
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#pragma message ("WARNING: Settings loading for trail type not implemented")
#warning Settings loading for trail type not implemented
else if (trailType == mapcontrol::UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed)
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