Commit 28495e91 authored by nanthony21's avatar nanthony21 Committed by Nick Anthony
Browse files

If using deadband then use the deadband value to detect if sticks have be

recentered after calibration.
parent 41a99412
......@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ void JoystickConfigController::_inputCenterWait(Joystick::AxisFunction_t functio
if (_stickDetectAxis == _axisNoAxis) {
// Sticks have not yet moved close enough to center
if (abs(_calCenterPoint - value) < _calRoughCenterDelta) {
int roughCenter = getDeadbandToggle() ? _rgAxisInfo[axis].deadband : _calRoughCenterDelta;
if (abs(_calCenterPoint - value) < roughCenter) {
// Stick has moved close enough to center that we can start waiting for it to settle
_stickDetectAxis = axis;
_stickDetectInitialValue = value;
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