Commit 282949d7 authored by Alexey's avatar Alexey
Browse files

Removed unreachable code

parent a22c17b4
......@@ -200,21 +200,11 @@ CalWorkerThread::calibrate_return CalWorkerThread::mag_calibration_worker(detect
// Keep calibration of all mags in lockstep
if (rejected) {
qCDebug(APMCompassCalLog) << QStringLiteral("Point rejected");
// Reset counts, since one of the mags rejected the measurement
for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < max_mags; cur_mag++) {
worker_data->calibration_counter_total[cur_mag] = prev_count[cur_mag];
} else {
// Progress indicator for side
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 side calibration: progress <%2>").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)).arg(progress_percentage(worker_data) +
(unsigned)((100 / calibration_sides) * ((float)calibration_counter_side / (float)worker_data->calibration_points_perside))));
// Progress indicator for side
_emitVehicleTextMessage(QStringLiteral("[cal] %1 side calibration: progress <%2>").arg(detect_orientation_str(orientation)).arg(progress_percentage(worker_data) +
(unsigned)((100 / calibration_sides) * ((float)calibration_counter_side / (float)worker_data->calibration_points_perside))));
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