Commit 27b3164e authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #4061 from dogmaphobic/iOSBuildTweaks

iOS Build Tweaks
parents 99b298c6 25ef009a
......@@ -12,5 +12,8 @@ TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=/Users/gus/github/work/qgroundcontrol
#-- Build it
mkdir -p ${SHADOW_BUILD_DIR} &&
${QMAKE} -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=ForAppStore # &&
# xcodebuild -configuration Release -xcconfig ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ios/qgroundcontrol_appstore.xcconfig
#-- Create project only (build using Xcode)
${QMAKE} -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=ForAppStore
#-- Create and build
#${QMAKE} -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ CONFIG+=WarningsAsErrorsOn CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=ForAppStore &&
#xcodebuild -configuration Release -xcconfig ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/ios/qgroundcontrol_appstore.xcconfig
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
<string>Open Source Flight Systems GmbH</string>
<string>QGC uses UVC devices for video streaming.</string>
<string>We do not access it. Apple thinks we do.</string>
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