Commit 27a4837c authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic
Browse files

Testing for _mainQmlWidgetHolder before blindly assuming it is valid.

parent 90ecc18d
......@@ -471,11 +471,17 @@ void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
// We have to pull out the QmlWidget from the main window and delete it here, before
// the MainWindow ends up getting deleted. Otherwise the Qml has a reference to MainWindow
// inside it which in turn causes a shutdown crash.
// Remove image provider
delete _mainQmlWidgetHolder;
_mainQmlWidgetHolder = NULL;
//-- Unit test gets here with _mainQmlWidgetHolder being NULL
// Remove image provider
delete _mainQmlWidgetHolder;
_mainQmlWidgetHolder = NULL;
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