Unverified Commit 1ee48046 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #7403 from DonLakeFlyer/CubeBlack

ArduPilot: Fix typo in CubeBlack warning
parents 38e89df2 f87ae2e9
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void APMAutoPilotPlugin::_checkForBadCubeBlack(void)
if (paramMgr->parameterExists(-1, paramAcc3) && paramMgr->getParameter(-1, paramAcc3)->rawValue().toInt() == 0 &&
paramMgr->parameterExists(-1, paramGyr3) && paramMgr->getParameter(-1, paramGyr3)->rawValue().toInt() == 0 &&
paramMgr->parameterExists(-1, paramEnableMask) && paramMgr->getParameter(-1, paramEnableMask)->rawValue().toInt() >= 7) {
qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("WARNING: The flight board you are using has a critical service bulletin against ti which advise against flying. https://discuss.cubepilot.org/t/sb-0000002-critical-service-bulletin-for-cubes-purchased-between-january-2019-to-present-do-not-fly/406"));
qgcApp()->showMessage(tr("WARNING: The flight board you are using has a critical service bulletin against it which advises against flying. For details see: https://discuss.cubepilot.org/t/sb-0000002-critical-service-bulletin-for-cubes-purchased-between-january-2019-to-present-do-not-fly/406"));
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