Commit 1ce8f147 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba
Browse files

Change target definitions order in order to allow plugins to override it.

parent fd5b9a74
......@@ -29,6 +29,49 @@ DebugBuild {
DESTDIR = $${OUT_PWD}/release
# OS Specific settings
MacBuild {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Custom-Info.plist
ICON = $${BASEDIR}/resources/icons/macx.icns
OTHER_FILES += Custom-Info.plist
equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) | greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 5) {
LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices
iOSBuild {
BUNDLE.files = $$files($$PWD/ios/AppIcon*.png) $$PWD/ios/QGCLaunchScreen.xib
LIBS += -framework AVFoundation
#-- Info.plist (need an "official" one for the App Store)
ForAppStore {
message(App Store Build)
#-- Create official, versioned Info.plist
APP_STORE = $$system(cd $${BASEDIR} && $${BASEDIR}/tools/ $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info-Source.plist $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist)
APP_ERROR = $$find(APP_STORE, "Error")
count(APP_ERROR, 1) {
error("Error building .plist file. 'ForAppStore' builds are only possible through the official build system.")
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist
OTHER_FILES += $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist
} else {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOS-Info.plist
OTHER_FILES += $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOS-Info.plist
#-- TODO: Add iTunesArtwork
LinuxBuild {
CONFIG += qesp_linux_udev
WindowsBuild {
RC_ICONS = resources/icons/qgroundcontrol.ico
# Load additional config flags from user_config.pri
exists(user_config.pri):infile(user_config.pri, CONFIG) {
CONFIG += $$fromfile(user_config.pri, CONFIG)
......@@ -181,50 +224,15 @@ ReleaseBuild {
# We don't need the testlib console in release mode
QT.testlib.CONFIG -= console
# OS Specific settings
# Branding
MacBuild {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Custom-Info.plist
ICON = $${BASEDIR}/resources/icons/macx.icns
OTHER_FILES += Custom-Info.plist
equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) | greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 5) {
LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices
iOSBuild {
BUNDLE.files = $$files($$PWD/ios/AppIcon*.png) $$PWD/ios/QGCLaunchScreen.xib
LIBS += -framework AVFoundation
#-- Info.plist (need an "official" one for the App Store)
ForAppStore {
message(App Store Build)
#-- Create official, versioned Info.plist
APP_STORE = $$system(cd $${BASEDIR} && $${BASEDIR}/tools/ $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info-Source.plist $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist)
APP_ERROR = $$find(APP_STORE, "Error")
count(APP_ERROR, 1) {
error("Error building .plist file. 'ForAppStore' builds are only possible through the official build system.")
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist
OTHER_FILES += $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOSForAppStore-Info.plist
} else {
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOS-Info.plist
OTHER_FILES += $${BASEDIR}/ios/iOS-Info.plist
#-- TODO: Add iTunesArtwork
LinuxBuild {
CONFIG += qesp_linux_udev
RC_ICONS = resources/icons/qgroundcontrol.ico
QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "Open source ground control app provided by QGroundControl dev team"
QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2016 QGroundControl Development Team. All rights reserved."
QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2016 QGroundControl Development Team. All rights reserved."
# Build-specific settings
......@@ -1051,7 +1059,11 @@ AndroidBuild {
# Post link configuration
message("Disable standard build setup")
} else {
# Installer targets
Supports Markdown
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