Commit 171d4c43 authored by tecnosapiens's avatar tecnosapiens
Browse files

changes added in widget WaypointList.ui: clear path button was added

parent 4e1acc5e
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace qmapcontrol
Layer::Layer(QString layername, MapAdapter* mapadapter, enum LayerType layertype, bool takeevents)
:visible(true), mylayername(layername), mylayertype(layertype), mapAdapter(mapadapter), takeevents(takeevents), myoffscreenViewport(QRect(0,0,0,0))
draggingGeometry = false;
//qDebug() << "creating new Layer: " << layername << ", type: " << contents;
//qDebug() << this->layertype;
......@@ -366,15 +366,26 @@ namespace qmapcontrol
void LayerManager::mouseEvent(const QMouseEvent* evnt)
QListIterator<Layer*> it(mylayers);
while (it.hasNext())
// TODO: to review errors generated in the Windows operating system when the QListIterator is used
for(int i=0; i<mylayers.size(); i++)
Layer* l =;
Layer* l = mylayers[i];
if (l->isVisible())
l->mouseEvent(evnt, mapmiddle_px);
// QListIterator<Layer*> it(mylayers);
// while (it.hasNext())
// {
// qDebug() <<;
// Layer* l =;
// if (l->isVisible())
// {
// l->mouseEvent(evnt, mapmiddle_px);
// }
// }
void LayerManager::updateRequest(QRectF rect)
......@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ win32 {
# Special settings for debug
INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR\lib\sdl\include #\
INCLUDEPATH += $$BASEDIR\lib\sdl\include \
$$BASEDIR\lib\opal\include #\ #\
#"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Include"
LIBS += -L$$BASEDIR\lib\sdl\win32 \
......@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
// Adjust the size
connect(waypoints, SIGNAL(clearPahtclicked()), map, SLOT(clearPath()));
......@@ -147,6 +150,10 @@ void MainWindow::connectWidgets()
connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(int)), linechart, SLOT(selectSystem(int)));
connect(linechart, SIGNAL(logfileWritten(QString)), this, SLOT(loadDataView(QString)));
connect(mavlink, SIGNAL(receiveLossChanged(int, float)), info, SLOT(updateSendLoss(int, float)));
void MainWindow::arrangeCenterStack()
......@@ -308,6 +315,8 @@ void MainWindow::connectActions()
// Joystick configuration
connect(ui.actionJoystickSettings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(configure()));
void MainWindow::showHelp()
......@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
<property name="mouseTracking">
<property name="windowTitle">
......@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@
<widget class="QMenu" name="menuMGround">
......@@ -305,13 +305,13 @@ void MapWidget::createPathButtonClicked(bool checked)
// Clear the previous WP track
// TODO: Move this to an actual clear track button and add a warning dialog
// // Clear the previous WP track
// // TODO: Move this to an actual clear track button and add a warning dialog
// mc->layer("Waypoints")->clearGeometries();
// wps.clear();
// path->setPoints(wps);
// mc->layer("Waypoints")->addGeometry(path);
// wpIndex.clear();
} else {
......@@ -536,3 +536,14 @@ void MapWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
void MapWidget::clearPath()
// Clear the previous WP track
......@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ public slots:
void updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface* uas, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 usec);
void updatePosition(float time, double lat, double lon);
void clearPath();
void changeEvent(QEvent* e);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event);
......@@ -108,8 +111,10 @@ protected:
void captureGeometryDrag(Geometry* geom, QPointF coordinate);
void captureGeometryEndDrag(Geometry* geom, QPointF coordinate);
void movePoint(QPointF newCoord);
//void movePoint(QPointF newCoord);
Ui::MapWidget *m_ui;
......@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ WaypointList::WaypointList(QWidget *parent, UASInterface* uas) :
connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setUAS(UASInterface*)));
......@@ -352,3 +354,9 @@ void WaypointList::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
void WaypointList::on_clearWPListButton_clicked()
emit clearPahtclicked();
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "WaypointView.h"
namespace Ui {
class WaypointList;
......@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Add a waypoint at the current MAV position */
void addCurrentPositonWaypoint();
//Update events
/** @brief sets statusLabel string */
void updateStatusLabel(const QString &string);
......@@ -88,6 +91,12 @@ public slots:
void moveDown(Waypoint* wp);
void removeWaypoint(Waypoint* wp);
void clearPahtclicked();
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
......@@ -102,6 +111,13 @@ protected:
Ui::WaypointList *m_ui;
private slots:
void on_clearWPListButton_clicked();
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<property name="spacing">
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="9">
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="10">
<widget class="QScrollArea" name="scrollArea">
<property name="widgetResizable">
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<item row="2" column="7">
<item row="2" column="8">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="readButton">
<property name="text">
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<item row="2" column="8">
<item row="2" column="9">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="transmitButton">
<property name="text">
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<item row="3" column="0" colspan="9">
<item row="3" column="0" colspan="10">
<widget class="QLabel" name="statusLabel">
<property name="text">
......@@ -135,6 +135,17 @@
<item row="2" column="7">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="clearWPListButton">
<property name="text">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../mavground.qrc">
<action name="actionAddWaypoint">
<property name="icon">
unix_timestamp Accel._X Accel._Y Accel._Z Battery Bottom_Rotor CPU_Load Ground_Dist. Gyro_Phi Gyro_Psi Gyro_Theta Left_Servo Mag._X Mag._Y Mag._Z Pressure Right_Servo Temperature Top_Rotor pitch_IMU roll_IMU yaw_IMU
1270125571544 5 -197 982 0 29685 29866 29888 0 0 0 96186 354 -0.112812 0.13585 -1.94192
1270125571564 6 -198 983 0 29781 29995 29871 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.112085 0.137193 -1.94139
1270125571584 10 -197 982 0 29739 30018 29867 0 0 0 96171 354 -0.111693 0.136574 -1.94353
1270125571604 7 -198 982 0 29802 29911 29803 0 0 0 96177 354 -0.112179 0.135778 -1.94617
1270125571645 4 -197 984 0 29782 29844 29844 0 0 0 96180 354 -0.113056 0.135965 -1.94715
1270125571665 4 -200 985 0 29685 29867 29884 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.113231 0.135327 -1.94586
1270125571685 7 -198 983 0 29757 30018 29829 0 0 0 96177 354 -0.112604 0.136857 -1.94508
1270125571706 6 -198 982 0 29759 29992 29867 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.1126 0.136602 -1.94915
1270125571746 7 -196 985 0 29803 29910 29800 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.112392 0.136709 -1.95079
1270125571766 4 -198 981 0 29750 29828 29888 0 0 0 96186 354 -0.113342 0.135532 -1.95064
1270125571787 5 -197 984 0 29759 29931 29881 0 0 0 96174 354 -0.112628 0.135657 -1.9488
1270125571807 10 -197 982 0 29739 29958 29819 0 0 0 96174 354 -0.112506 0.135777 -1.95001
1270125571847 4 -198 981 0 29786 29829 29864 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.112359 0.135253 -1.94825
1270125571867 5 -201 978 0 29719 29856 29890 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.11218 0.134669 -1.94657
1270125571888 7 -198 986 0 29782 29813 29845 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111451 0.135688 -1.9455
1270125571908 10 -200 984 0 29693 30048 29885 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.110745 0.1365 -1.94668
1270125571948 5 -197 982 0 29757 29899 29844 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.110004 0.135859 -1.94573
1270125571969 6 -197 983 0 29727 29829 29814 0 0 0 96249 356 -0.110316 0.135751 -1.94565
1270125571989 6 -197 978 0 29790 29828 29815 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.111159 0.136244 -1.94416
1270125572009 5 -194 983 0 29718 29856 29890 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111216 0.135992 -1.94196
1270125572050 3 -196 985 0 29739 29978 29827 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.110727 0.136577 -1.94402
1270125572070 8 -198 982 0 29782 29829 29815 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.111423 0.136697 -1.94566
1270125572090 8 -195 982 0 29687 29865 29894 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.112088 0.136097 -1.9442
1270125572130 8 -198 986 0 29793 29859 29844 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.110282 0.137491 -1.94235
1270125572171 6 -198 982 0 29790 29856 29879 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.112179 0.136971 -1.94365
1270125572191 3 -198 980 0 29759 30018 29829 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.111623 0.136194 -1.94286
1270125572211 7 -198 984 0 29758 29829 29846 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.112275 0.136007 -1.94387
1270125572252 8 -197 980 0 29743 30018 29824 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.111515 0.135539 -1.94281
1270125572272 11 -195 984 0 29741 29867 29844 0 0 0 96249 356 -0.111995 0.135753 -1.94527
1270125572292 4 -200 984 0 29771 29980 29865 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.111913 0.135829 -1.94455
1270125572312 6 -198 983 0 29792 29837 29845 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111884 0.134861 -1.94478
1270125572353 5 -196 983 0 29685 29867 29884 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.111332 0.135644 -1.94784
1270125572373 5 -198 982 0 29693 29852 29904 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.110772 0.136927 -1.94698
1270125572393 6 -195 982 0 29738 29791 29818 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.109851 0.138106 -1.94592
1270125572414 8 -198 986 0 29782 29844 29829 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111077 0.137396 -1.9428
1270125572454 11 -198 983 0 29743 29986 29833 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.110257 0.136744 -1.94155
1270125572474 6 -198 983 0 29749 29866 29813 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.110497 0.136917 -1.94351
1270125572495 6 -197 984 0 29719 29828 29890 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111349 0.136959 -1.94295
1270125572515 7 -197 983 0 29760 29791 29818 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.111323 0.137251 -1.93972
1270125572555 10 -198 984 0 29800 30016 29857 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.110873 0.137041 -1.94196
1270125572575 5 -200 982 0 29760 29962 29866 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.110648 0.136038 -1.9445
1270125572596 4 -197 983 0 29740 30024 29867 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.110486 0.136046 -1.94576
1270125572616 8 -196 985 0 29802 29783 29808 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.111227 0.135128 -1.94567
1270125572656 5 -198 986 0 29771 29972 29867 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111182 0.133833 -1.94823
1270125572697 8 -196 980 0 29739 29978 29803 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.111457 0.133602 -1.94682
1270125572717 4 -196 983 0 29749 30026 29867 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116038 0.131922 -1.93861
1270125592944 5 -195 985 0 29757 29994 29871 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.115848 0.1323 -1.93916
1270125593025 5 -200 986 0 29780 29844 29845 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.115273 0.132222 -1.93576
1270125593045 5 -197 982 0 29757 29995 29871 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.114713 0.132137 -1.93723
1270125593086 4 -197 984 0 29802 29847 29819 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.114815 0.131529 -1.93626
1270125593106 6 -202 984 0 29802 29783 29803 0 0 0 96247 356 -0.115379 0.130754 -1.93546
1270125593126 8 -196 982 0 29803 29918 29793 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.116136 0.130336 -1.93339
1270125593146 6 -196 987 0 29802 29825 29802 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.117635 0.128822 -1.93292
1270125593187 7 -197 978 0 29802 29825 29864 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.117592 0.128252 -1.93468
1270125593207 7 -197 980 0 29803 29918 29771 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116961 0.127734 -1.93337
1270125593227 6 -200 982 0 29733 29994 29867 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.11821 0.127208 -1.93399
1270125593247 7 -194 984 0 29739 29982 29888 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116428 0.128791 -1.9378
unix_timestamp Accel._X Accel._Y Accel._Z Battery Bottom_Rotor CPU_Load Ground_Dist. Gyro_Phi Gyro_Psi Gyro_Theta Left_Servo Mag._X Mag._Y Mag._Z Pressure Right_Servo Temperature Top_Rotor pitch_IMU roll_IMU yaw_IMU
1270125571544 5 -197 982 0 29685 29866 29888 0 0 0 96186 354 -0.112812 0.13585 -1.94192
1270125571564 6 -198 983 0 29781 29995 29871 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.112085 0.137193 -1.94139
1270125571584 10 -197 982 0 29739 30018 29867 0 0 0 96171 354 -0.111693 0.136574 -1.94353
1270125571604 7 -198 982 0 29802 29911 29803 0 0 0 96177 354 -0.112179 0.135778 -1.94617
1270125571645 4 -197 984 0 29782 29844 29844 0 0 0 96180 354 -0.113056 0.135965 -1.94715
1270125571665 4 -200 985 0 29685 29867 29884 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.113231 0.135327 -1.94586
1270125571685 7 -198 983 0 29757 30018 29829 0 0 0 96177 354 -0.112604 0.136857 -1.94508
1270125571706 6 -198 982 0 29759 29992 29867 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.1126 0.136602 -1.94915
1270125571746 7 -196 985 0 29803 29910 29800 0 0 0 96183 354 -0.112392 0.136709 -1.95079
1270125571766 4 -198 981 0 29750 29828 29888 0 0 0 96186 354 -0.113342 0.135532 -1.95064
1270125571787 5 -197 984 0 29759 29931 29881 0 0 0 96174 354 -0.112628 0.135657 -1.9488
1270125571807 10 -197 982 0 29739 29958 29819 0 0 0 96174 354 -0.112506 0.135777 -1.95001
1270125571847 4 -198 981 0 29786 29829 29864 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.112359 0.135253 -1.94825
1270125571867 5 -201 978 0 29719 29856 29890 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.11218 0.134669 -1.94657
1270125571888 7 -198 986 0 29782 29813 29845 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111451 0.135688 -1.9455
1270125571908 10 -200 984 0 29693 30048 29885 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.110745 0.1365 -1.94668
1270125571948 5 -197 982 0 29757 29899 29844 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.110004 0.135859 -1.94573
1270125571969 6 -197 983 0 29727 29829 29814 0 0 0 96249 356 -0.110316 0.135751 -1.94565
1270125571989 6 -197 978 0 29790 29828 29815 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.111159 0.136244 -1.94416
1270125572009 5 -194 983 0 29718 29856 29890 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111216 0.135992 -1.94196
1270125572050 3 -196 985 0 29739 29978 29827 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.110727 0.136577 -1.94402
1270125572070 8 -198 982 0 29782 29829 29815 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.111423 0.136697 -1.94566
1270125572090 8 -195 982 0 29687 29865 29894 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.112088 0.136097 -1.9442
1270125572130 8 -198 986 0 29793 29859 29844 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.110282 0.137491 -1.94235
1270125572171 6 -198 982 0 29790 29856 29879 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.112179 0.136971 -1.94365
1270125572191 3 -198 980 0 29759 30018 29829 0 0 0 96218 356 -0.111623 0.136194 -1.94286
1270125572211 7 -198 984 0 29758 29829 29846 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.112275 0.136007 -1.94387
1270125572252 8 -197 980 0 29743 30018 29824 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.111515 0.135539 -1.94281
1270125572272 11 -195 984 0 29741 29867 29844 0 0 0 96249 356 -0.111995 0.135753 -1.94527
1270125572292 4 -200 984 0 29771 29980 29865 0 0 0 96215 356 -0.111913 0.135829 -1.94455
1270125572312 6 -198 983 0 29792 29837 29845 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111884 0.134861 -1.94478
1270125572353 5 -196 983 0 29685 29867 29884 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.111332 0.135644 -1.94784
1270125572373 5 -198 982 0 29693 29852 29904 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.110772 0.136927 -1.94698
1270125572393 6 -195 982 0 29738 29791 29818 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.109851 0.138106 -1.94592
1270125572414 8 -198 986 0 29782 29844 29829 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111077 0.137396 -1.9428
1270125572454 11 -198 983 0 29743 29986 29833 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.110257 0.136744 -1.94155
1270125572474 6 -198 983 0 29749 29866 29813 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.110497 0.136917 -1.94351
1270125572495 6 -197 984 0 29719 29828 29890 0 0 0 96223 356 -0.111349 0.136959 -1.94295
1270125572515 7 -197 983 0 29760 29791 29818 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.111323 0.137251 -1.93972
1270125572555 10 -198 984 0 29800 30016 29857 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.110873 0.137041 -1.94196
1270125572575 5 -200 982 0 29760 29962 29866 0 0 0 96232 356 -0.110648 0.136038 -1.9445
1270125572596 4 -197 983 0 29740 30024 29867 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.110486 0.136046 -1.94576
1270125572616 8 -196 985 0 29802 29783 29808 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.111227 0.135128 -1.94567
1270125572656 5 -198 986 0 29771 29972 29867 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.111182 0.133833 -1.94823
1270125572697 8 -196 980 0 29739 29978 29803 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.111457 0.133602 -1.94682
1270125572717 4 -196 983 0 29749 30026 29867 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116038 0.131922 -1.93861
1270125592944 5 -195 985 0 29757 29994 29871 0 0 0 96220 356 -0.115848 0.1323 -1.93916
1270125593025 5 -200 986 0 29780 29844 29845 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.115273 0.132222 -1.93576
1270125593045 5 -197 982 0 29757 29995 29871 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.114713 0.132137 -1.93723
1270125593086 4 -197 984 0 29802 29847 29819 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.114815 0.131529 -1.93626
1270125593106 6 -202 984 0 29802 29783 29803 0 0 0 96247 356 -0.115379 0.130754 -1.93546
1270125593126 8 -196 982 0 29803 29918 29793 0 0 0 96229 356 -0.116136 0.130336 -1.93339
1270125593146 6 -196 987 0 29802 29825 29802 0 0 0 96244 356 -0.117635 0.128822 -1.93292
1270125593187 7 -197 978 0 29802 29825 29864 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.117592 0.128252 -1.93468
1270125593207 7 -197 980 0 29803 29918 29771 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116961 0.127734 -1.93337
1270125593227 6 -200 982 0 29733 29994 29867 0 0 0 96241 356 -0.11821 0.127208 -1.93399
1270125593247 7 -194 984 0 29739 29982 29888 0 0 0 96235 356 -0.116428 0.128791 -1.9378
1270125593288 10 -197 985 0 29771 30000 29865 0 0 0 96238 356 -0.116243 0.128666 -1.93672
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