Commit 11874ee9 authored by Thomas Gubler's avatar Thomas Gubler
Browse files

Flightgear HIL: Flightgear does not like NaN values, added a check before the output to Flightgear

parent 716915e3
......@@ -159,9 +159,16 @@ void QGCFlightGearLink::updateControls(uint64_t time, float rollAilerons, float
QString state("%1\t%2\t%3\t%4\t%5\n");
state = state.arg(rollAilerons).arg(pitchElevator).arg(yawRudder).arg(true).arg(throttle);
writeBytes(state.toAscii().constData(), state.length());
if(!isnan(rollAilerons) && !isnan(pitchElevator) && !isnan(yawRudder) && !isnan(throttle))
QString state("%1\t%2\t%3\t%4\t%5\n");
state = state.arg(rollAilerons).arg(pitchElevator).arg(yawRudder).arg(true).arg(throttle);
writeBytes(state.toAscii().constData(), state.length());
qDebug() << "HIL: Got NaN values from the hardware: isnan output: roll: " << isnan(rollAilerons) << ", pitch: " << isnan(pitchElevator) << ", yaw: " << isnan(yawRudder) << ", throttle: " << isnan(throttle);
//qDebug() << "Updated controls" << state;
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