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  • Beat Küng's avatar
    AirMapManager: update AirMapFlightManager to latest AirMap API · b60d4dae
    Beat Küng authored
    This includes polling for a flight permission.
    The steps are:
    - get pilot id (new API requires to provide it, even though it does not
      make much sense)
    - create a flight plan
    - call the briefing (to check if SITA registration id's are valid)
    - call the submit -> returns the actual flight id
    - poll on the briefing until the flight gets approved
    Since there can only be one flight, on startup, we list the pilot's flights
    and end the one that ends in future
    AirMapManager: update AirMapFlightManager to latest AirMap API
    Beat Küng authored
    This includes polling for a flight permission.
    The steps are:
    - get pilot id (new API requires to provide it, even though it does not
      make much sense)
    - create a flight plan
    - call the briefing (to check if SITA registration id's are valid)
    - call the submit -> returns the actual flight id
    - poll on the briefing until the flight gets approved
    Since there can only be one flight, on startup, we list the pilot's flights
    and end the one that ends in future