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  • Bryant's avatar
    Update Qwt to 6.1. · c96458cf
    Bryant authored
    We also document how we got the source code and keep our modifications out of the Qwt directory.
    Update Qwt to 6.1.
    Bryant authored
    We also document how we got the source code and keep our modifications out of the Qwt directory.
qwt_date.cpp 15.75 KiB
#include "qwt_date.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qlocale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
#include <limits.h>

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000

typedef qint64 QwtJulianDay;
static const QwtJulianDay minJulianDayD = Q_INT64_C( -784350574879 );
static const QwtJulianDay maxJulianDayD = Q_INT64_C( 784354017364 );


// QDate stores the Julian day as unsigned int, but
// but it is QDate::fromJulianDay( int ). That's why
// we have the range [ 1, INT_MAX ]
typedef int QwtJulianDay;
static const QwtJulianDay minJulianDayD = 1;
static const QwtJulianDay maxJulianDayD = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();


static inline Qt::DayOfWeek qwtFirstDayOfWeek()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
    return QLocale().firstDayOfWeek();

    switch( QLocale().country() )
        case QLocale::Maldives:
            return Qt::Friday;

        case QLocale::Afghanistan:
        case QLocale::Algeria:
        case QLocale::Bahrain:
        case QLocale::Djibouti:
        case QLocale::Egypt:
        case QLocale::Eritrea:
        case QLocale::Ethiopia:
        case QLocale::Iran:
        case QLocale::Iraq:
        case QLocale::Jordan:
        case QLocale::Kenya:
        case QLocale::Kuwait:
        case QLocale::LibyanArabJamahiriya:
        case QLocale::Morocco:
        case QLocale::Oman:
        case QLocale::Qatar:
        case QLocale::SaudiArabia:
        case QLocale::Somalia:
        case QLocale::Sudan:
        case QLocale::Tunisia:
        case QLocale::Yemen:
            return Qt::Saturday;

        case QLocale::AmericanSamoa:
        case QLocale::Argentina:
        case QLocale::Azerbaijan:
        case QLocale::Botswana:
        case QLocale::Canada:
        case QLocale::China:
        case QLocale::FaroeIslands:
        case QLocale::Georgia:
        case QLocale::Greenland:
        case QLocale::Guam:
        case QLocale::HongKong:
        case QLocale::Iceland:
        case QLocale::India:
        case QLocale::Ireland:
        case QLocale::Israel:
        case QLocale::Jamaica:
        case QLocale::Japan:
        case QLocale::Kyrgyzstan:
        case QLocale::Lao:
        case QLocale::Malta:
        case QLocale::MarshallIslands:
        case QLocale::Macau:
        case QLocale::Mongolia:
        case QLocale::NewZealand:
        case QLocale::NorthernMarianaIslands:
        case QLocale::Pakistan:
        case QLocale::Philippines:
        case QLocale::RepublicOfKorea:
        case QLocale::Singapore:
        case QLocale::SyrianArabRepublic:
        case QLocale::Taiwan:
        case QLocale::Thailand:
        case QLocale::TrinidadAndTobago:
        case QLocale::UnitedStates:
        case QLocale::UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands:
        case QLocale::USVirginIslands:
        case QLocale::Uzbekistan:
        case QLocale::Zimbabwe:
            return Qt::Sunday;

            return Qt::Monday;

static inline void qwtFloorTime( 
    QwtDate::IntervalType intervalType, QDateTime &dt )
    // when dt is inside the special hour where DST is ending
    // an hour is no unique. Therefore we have to
    // use UTC time.

    const Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec = dt.timeSpec();

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = dt.toTimeSpec( Qt::UTC );

    const QTime t = dt.time();
    switch( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Second:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second() ) );
        case QwtDate::Minute:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), t.minute(), 0 ) );
        case QwtDate::Hour:
            dt.setTime( QTime( t.hour(), 0, 0 ) );

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = dt.toTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime );

static inline QDateTime qwtToTimeSpec( 
    const QDateTime &dt, Qt::TimeSpec spec )
    if ( dt.timeSpec() == spec )
        return dt;

    const qint64 jd =;
    if ( jd < 0 || jd >= INT_MAX )
        // the conversion between local time and UTC
        // is internally limited. To avoid
        // overflows we simply ignore the difference
        // for those dates

        QDateTime dt2 = dt;
        dt2.setTimeSpec( spec );
        return dt2;

    return dt.toTimeSpec( spec );

static inline double qwtToJulianDay( int year, int month, int day )
    // code from QDate but using doubles to avoid overflows
    // for large values

    const int m1 = ( month - 14 ) / 12;
    const int m2 = ( 367 * ( month - 2 - 12 * m1 ) ) / 12;
    const double y1 = ::floor( ( 4900.0 + year + m1 ) / 100 );

    return ::floor( ( 1461.0 * ( year + 4800 + m1 ) ) / 4 ) + m2
            - ::floor( ( 3 * y1 ) / 4 ) + day - 32075;

static inline qint64 qwtFloorDiv64( qint64 a, int b )
    if ( a < 0 )
        a -= b - 1;

    return a / b;

static inline qint64 qwtFloorDiv( int a, int b )
    if ( a < 0 )
        a -= b - 1;
    return a / b;

static inline QDate qwtToDate( int year, int month = 1, int day = 1 )
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
    return QDate( year, month, day );
    if ( year > 100000 )
        // code from QDate but using doubles to avoid overflows
        // for large values

        const int m1 = ( month - 14 ) / 12;
        const int m2 = ( 367 * ( month - 2 - 12 * m1 ) ) / 12;
        const double y1 = ::floor( ( 4900.0 + year + m1 ) / 100 );

        const double jd = ::floor( ( 1461.0 * ( year + 4800 + m1 ) ) / 4 ) + m2
            - ::floor( ( 3 * y1 ) / 4 ) + day - 32075;
        if ( jd > maxJulianDayD )
            qWarning() << "qwtToDate: overflow";
            return QDate();

        return QDate::fromJulianDay( static_cast<QwtJulianDay>( jd ) );
        return QDate( year, month, day );

  Translate from double to QDateTime

  \param value Number of milliseconds since the epoch, 
               1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC
  \param timeSpec Time specification
  \return Datetime value

  \sa toDouble(), QDateTime::setMSecsSinceEpoch()
  \note The return datetime for Qt::OffsetFromUTC will be Qt::UTC
QDateTime QwtDate::toDateTime( double value, Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec )
    const int msecsPerDay = 86400000;

    const double days = static_cast<qint64>( ::floor( value / msecsPerDay ) );

    const double jd = QwtDate::JulianDayForEpoch + days;
    if ( ( jd > maxJulianDayD ) || ( jd < minJulianDayD ) )
        qWarning() << "QwtDate::toDateTime: overflow";
        return QDateTime();

    const QDate d = QDate::fromJulianDay( static_cast<QwtJulianDay>( jd ) );

    const int msecs = static_cast<int>( value - days * msecsPerDay );

    static const QTime timeNull( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    QDateTime dt( d, timeNull.addMSecs( msecs ), Qt::UTC );

    if ( timeSpec == Qt::LocalTime )
        dt = qwtToTimeSpec( dt, timeSpec );

    return dt;

  Translate from QDateTime to double

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \return Number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC has passed.

  \sa toDateTime(), QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch()
  \warning For values very far below or above 1970-01-01 UTC rounding errors
           will happen due to the limited significance of a double.
double QwtDate::toDouble( const QDateTime &dateTime )
    const int msecsPerDay = 86400000;

    const QDateTime dt = qwtToTimeSpec( dateTime, Qt::UTC );

    const double days = - QwtDate::JulianDayForEpoch;

    const QTime time = dt.time();
    const double secs = 3600.0 * time.hour() + 
        60.0 * time.minute() + time.second();

    return days * msecsPerDay + time.msec() + 1000.0 * secs;

  Ceil a datetime according the interval type

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param intervalType Interval type, how to ceil. 
                      F.e. when intervalType = QwtDate::Months, the result
                      will be ceiled to the next beginning of a month
  \return Ceiled datetime
  \sa floor()
QDateTime QwtDate::ceil( const QDateTime &dateTime, IntervalType intervalType )
    if ( >= QwtDate::maxDate() )
        return dateTime;

    QDateTime dt = dateTime;

    switch ( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Millisecond:
        case QwtDate::Second:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Second, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Minute:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Minute, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 60 );

        case QwtDate::Hour:
            qwtFloorTime( QwtDate::Hour, dt );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addSecs( 3600 );

        case QwtDate::Day:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt = dt.addDays( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Week:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt = dt.addDays( 1 );

            int days = qwtFirstDayOfWeek() -;
            if ( days < 0 )
                days += 7;

            dt = dt.addDays( days );

        case QwtDate::Month:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
            dt.setDate( qwtToDate(, 
       ) );

            if ( dt < dateTime )
                dt.addMonths( 1 );

        case QwtDate::Year:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate d =;

            int year = d.year();
            if ( d.month() > 1 || > 1 || !dateTime.time().isNull() )

            if ( year == 0 )
                year++; // there is no year 0

            dt.setDate( qwtToDate( year ) );

    return dt;

  Floor a datetime according the interval type

  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param intervalType Interval type, how to ceil. 
                      F.e. when intervalType = QwtDate::Months,
                      the result will be ceiled to the next 
                      beginning of a month
  \return Floored datetime
  \sa floor()
QDateTime QwtDate::floor( const QDateTime &dateTime, 
    IntervalType intervalType )
    if ( <= QwtDate::minDate() )
        return dateTime;

    QDateTime dt = dateTime;

    switch ( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Millisecond:
        case QwtDate::Second:
        case QwtDate::Minute:
        case QwtDate::Hour:
            qwtFloorTime( intervalType, dt );
        case QwtDate::Day:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
        case QwtDate::Week:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            int days = - qwtFirstDayOfWeek();
            if ( days < 0 )
                days += 7;

            dt = dt.addDays( -days );

        case QwtDate::Month:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate date = qwtToDate(, 
            dt.setDate( date );

        case QwtDate::Year:
            dt.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );

            const QDate date = qwtToDate( );
            dt.setDate( date );


    return dt;

  Minimum for the supported date range

  The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the 
  Julian day internally.

  - For Qt4 it is "Tue Jan 2 -4713"
  - For Qt5 it is "Thu Jan 1 -2147483648"

  \return minimum of the date range
  \sa maxDate()
QDate QwtDate::minDate()
    static QDate date;
    if ( !date.isValid() )
        date = QDate::fromJulianDay( minJulianDayD );

    return date;

  Maximum for the supported date range

  The range of valid dates depends on how QDate stores the 
  Julian day internally.

  - For Qt4 it is "Tue Jun 3 5874898"
  - For Qt5 it is "Tue Dec 31 2147483647"

  \return maximum of the date range
  \sa minDate()
  \note The maximum differs between Qt4 and Qt5
QDate QwtDate::maxDate()
    static QDate date;
    if ( !date.isValid() )
        date = QDate::fromJulianDay( maxJulianDayD );

    return date;

  \brief Date of the first day of the first week for a year

  The first day of a week depends on the current locale
  ( QLocale::firstDayOfWeek() ). 

  \param year Year
  \param type Option how to identify the first week
  \return First day of week 0

  \sa QLocale::firstDayOfWeek(), weekNumber()
QDate QwtDate::dateOfWeek0( int year, Week0Type type )
    const Qt::DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek = qwtFirstDayOfWeek();

    QDate dt0( year, 1, 1 );

    // floor to the first day of the week
    int days = dt0.dayOfWeek() - firstDayOfWeek;
    if ( days < 0 )
        days += 7;

    dt0 = dt0.addDays( -days );

    if ( type == QwtDate::FirstThursday )
        // according to ISO 8601 the first week is defined
        // by the first thursday. 

        int d = Qt::Thursday - firstDayOfWeek;
        if ( d < 0 )
            d += 7;

        if ( dt0.addDays( d ).year() < year )
            dt0 = dt0.addDays( 7 );

    return dt0;

  Find the week number of a date

  - QwtDate::FirstThursday\n
    Corresponding to ISO 8601 ( see QDate::weekNumber() ). 

  - QwtDate::FirstDay\n
    Number of weeks that have begun since dateOfWeek0().

  \param date Date
  \param type Option how to identify the first week

  \return Week number, starting with 1
int QwtDate::weekNumber( const QDate &date, Week0Type type )
    int weekNo;

    if ( type == QwtDate::FirstDay )
        const QDate day0 = dateOfWeek0( date.year(), type );
        weekNo = day0.daysTo( date ) / 7 + 1;
        weekNo = date.weekNumber();

    return weekNo;

   Offset in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time

   The offset depends on the time specification of dateTime:

   - Qt::UTC
     0, dateTime has no offset
   - Qt::OffsetFromUTC
     returns dateTime.utcOffset()
   - Qt::LocalTime:
     number of seconds from the UTC

   For Qt::LocalTime the offset depends on the timezone and
   daylight savings.

   \param dateTime Datetime value
   \return Offset in seconds
int QwtDate::utcOffset( const QDateTime &dateTime )
    int seconds = 0;

    switch( dateTime.timeSpec() )
        case Qt::UTC:
        case Qt::OffsetFromUTC:
            seconds = dateTime.utcOffset();
            const QDateTime dt1(, dateTime.time(), Qt::UTC );
            seconds = dateTime.secsTo( dt1 );

    return seconds;

  Translate a datetime into a string

  Beside the format expressions documented in QDateTime::toString()
  the following expressions are supported:

  - w\n
    week number: ( 1 - 53 )
  - ww\n
    week number with a leading zero ( 01 - 53 )
  \param dateTime Datetime value
  \param format Format string
  \param week0Type Specification of week 0

  \return Datetime string
  \sa QDateTime::toString(), weekNumber(), QwtDateScaleDraw
QString QwtDate::toString( const QDateTime &dateTime,
    const QString & format, Week0Type week0Type )
    QString weekNo;
    weekNo.setNum( QwtDate::weekNumber(, week0Type ) );

    QString weekNoWW;
    if ( weekNo.length() == 1 )
        weekNoWW += "0";
    weekNoWW += weekNo;

    QString fmt = format;
    fmt.replace( "ww", weekNoWW );
    fmt.replace( "w", weekNo );

    return dateTime.toString( fmt );