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void HDDisplay::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
    // React only to internal (pre-display)
    // events

void HDDisplay::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event)
    // React only to internal (pre-display)
    // events

//  * Sets the current centerpoint.  Also updates the scene's center point.
//  * Unlike centerOn, which has no way of getting the floating point center
//  * back, SetCenter() stores the center point.  It also handles the special
//  * sidebar case.  This function will claim the centerPoint to sceneRec ie.
//  * the centerPoint must be within the sceneRec.
//  */
////Set the current centerpoint in the
//void HDDisplay::setCenter(const QPointF& centerPoint) {
//    //Get the rectangle of the visible area in scene coords
//    QRectF visibleArea = mapToScene(rect()).boundingRect();
//    //Get the scene area
//    QRectF sceneBounds = sceneRect();
//    double boundX = visibleArea.width() / 2.0;
//    double boundY = visibleArea.height() / 2.0;
//    double boundWidth = sceneBounds.width() - 2.0 * boundX;
//    double boundHeight = sceneBounds.height() - 2.0 * boundY;
//    //The max boundary that the centerPoint can be to
//    QRectF bounds(boundX, boundY, boundWidth, boundHeight);
//    if(bounds.contains(centerPoint)) {
//        //We are within the bounds
//        currentCenterPoint = centerPoint;
//    } else {
//        //We need to clamp or use the center of the screen
//        if(visibleArea.contains(sceneBounds)) {
//            //Use the center of scene ie. we can see the whole scene
//            currentCenterPoint =;
//        } else {
//            currentCenterPoint = centerPoint;
//            //We need to clamp the center. The centerPoint is too large
//            if(centerPoint.x() > bounds.x() + bounds.width()) {
//                currentCenterPoint.setX(bounds.x() + bounds.width());
//            } else if(centerPoint.x() < bounds.x()) {
//                currentCenterPoint.setX(bounds.x());
//            }
//            if(centerPoint.y() > bounds.y() + bounds.height()) {
//                currentCenterPoint.setY(bounds.y() + bounds.height());
//            } else if(centerPoint.y() < bounds.y()) {
//                currentCenterPoint.setY(bounds.y());
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    //Update the scrollbars
//    centerOn(currentCenterPoint);
//  * Handles when the mouse button is pressed
//  */
//void HDDisplay::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
//    //For panning the view
//    lastPanPoint = event->pos();
//    setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor);
//  * Handles when the mouse button is released
//  */
//void HDDisplay::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
//    setCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor);
//    lastPanPoint = QPoint();
//*Handles the mouse move event
//void HDDisplay::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
//    if(!lastPanPoint.isNull()) {
//        //Get how much we panned
//        QPointF delta = mapToScene(lastPanPoint) - mapToScene(event->pos());
//        lastPanPoint = event->pos();
//        //Update the center ie. do the pan
//        setCenter(getCenter() + delta);
//    }
//  * Zoom the view in and out.
//  */
//void HDDisplay::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) {
//    //Get the position of the mouse before scaling, in scene coords
//    QPointF pointBeforeScale(mapToScene(event->pos()));
//    //Get the original screen centerpoint
//    QPointF screenCenter = getCenter(); //CurrentCenterPoint; //(;
//    //Scale the view ie. do the zoom
//    double scaleFactor = 1.15; //How fast we zoom
//    if(event->delta() > 0) {
//        //Zoom in
//        scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
//    } else {
//        //Zooming out
//        scale(1.0 / scaleFactor, 1.0 / scaleFactor);
//    }
//    //Get the position after scaling, in scene coords
//    QPointF pointAfterScale(mapToScene(event->pos()));
//    //Get the offset of how the screen moved
//    QPointF offset = pointBeforeScale - pointAfterScale;
//    //Adjust to the new center for correct zooming
//    QPointF newCenter = screenCenter + offset;
//    setCenter(newCenter);
//  * Need to update the center so there is no jolt in the
//  * interaction after resizing the widget.
//  */
//void HDDisplay::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) {
//    //Get the rectangle of the visible area in scene coords
//    QRectF visibleArea = mapToScene(rect()).boundingRect();
//    setCenter(;
//    //Call the subclass resize so the scrollbars are updated correctly
//    QGraphicsView::resizeEvent(event);