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    mavlink_msg_param_request_list_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_ALL);
    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "LOADING PARAM LIST";

void UAS::writeParametersToStorage()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, 0, MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0);

void UAS::readParametersFromStorage()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, 0, MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0);

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableAllDataTransmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    // 0 is a magic ID and will enable/disable the standard message set except for heartbeat
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    // All messages will be send with their default rate
    // TODO: use 0 to turn off and get rid of enable/disable? will require
    //  a different magic flag for turning on defaults, possibly something really high like 1111 ?
    stream.req_message_rate = 0;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableRawSensorDataTransmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSORS;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableExtendedSystemStatusTransmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableRCChannelDataTransmission(int rate)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_request_rc_channels_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, enabled);
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_RC_CHANNELS;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableRawControllerDataTransmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_CONTROLLER;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

//void UAS::enableRawSensorFusionTransmission(int rate)
//    // Buffers to write data to
//    mavlink_message_t msg;
//    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
//    // Select the message to request from now on
//    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_RAW_SENSOR_FUSION;
//    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
//    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
//    // Start / stop the message
//    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
//    // The system which should take this command
//    stream.target_system = uasId;
//    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
//    stream.target_component = 0;
//    // Encode and send the message
//    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
//    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
//    sendMessage(msg);
//    sendMessage(msg);

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enablePositionTransmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_POSITION;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableExtra1Transmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA1;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableExtra2Transmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA2;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

* @param rate The update rate in Hz the message should be sent
void UAS::enableExtra3Transmission(int rate)
    // Buffers to write data to
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_request_data_stream_t stream;
    // Select the message to request from now on
    stream.req_stream_id = MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA3;
    // Select the update rate in Hz the message should be send
    stream.req_message_rate = rate;
    // Start / stop the message
    stream.start_stop = (rate) ? 1 : 0;
    // The system which should take this command
    stream.target_system = uasId;
    // The component / subsystem which should take this command
    stream.target_component = 0;
    // Encode and send the message
    mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &stream);
    // Send message twice to increase chance of reception

 * Set a parameter value onboard
 * @param component The component to set the parameter
 * @param id Name of the parameter 
void UAS::setParameter(const int component, const QString& id, const QVariant& value)
    if (!id.isNull())
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_param_set_t p;
        mavlink_param_union_t union_value;

        // Assign correct value based on QVariant
        switch (value.type())
        case QVariant::Char:
	    union_value.param_int8 = value.toChar().toAscii();
            p.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT8;
        case QVariant::Int:
            union_value.param_int32 = value.toInt();
            p.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT32;
        case QVariant::UInt:
            union_value.param_uint32 = value.toUInt();
            p.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32;
        case QMetaType::Float:
            union_value.param_float = value.toFloat();
            p.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32;
            qCritical() << "ABORTED PARAM SEND, NO VALID QVARIANT TYPE";

        p.param_value = union_value.param_float;
        p.target_system = (uint8_t)uasId;
        p.target_component = (uint8_t)component;

        //qDebug() << "SENT PARAM:" << value;

        // Copy string into buffer, ensuring not to exceed the buffer size
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(p.param_id); i++)
            // String characters
            if ((int)i < id.length())
                p.param_id[i] = id.toAscii()[i];
                // Fill rest with zeros
                p.param_id[i] = 0;
        mavlink_msg_param_set_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &p);

* Request parameter, use parameter name to request it.
void UAS::requestParameter(int component, int id)
    // Request parameter, use parameter name to request it
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_param_request_read_t read;
    read.param_index = id;
    read.param_id[0] = '\0'; // Enforce null termination
    read.target_system = uasId;
    read.target_component = component;
    mavlink_msg_param_request_read_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &read);
    //qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "REQUESTING PARAM RETRANSMISSION FROM COMPONENT" << component << "FOR PARAM ID" << id;

* Request a parameter, use parameter name to request it.
void UAS::requestParameter(int component, const QString& parameter)
    // Request parameter, use parameter name to request it
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_param_request_read_t read;
    read.param_index = -1;
    // Copy full param name or maximum max field size
        emit textMessageReceived(uasId, 0, 255, QString("QGC WARNING: Parameter name %1 is more than %2 bytes long. This might lead to errors and mishaps!").arg(parameter).arg(MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_REQUEST_READ_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN-1));
    memcpy(read.param_id, parameter.toStdString().c_str(), qMax(parameter.length(), MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_REQUEST_READ_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN));
    read.param_id[15] = '\0'; // Enforce null termination
    read.target_system = uasId;
    read.target_component = component;
    mavlink_msg_param_request_read_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &read);
    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "REQUESTING PARAM RETRANSMISSION FROM COMPONENT" << component << "FOR PARAM NAME" << parameter;

* @param systemType Type of MAV.
void UAS::setSystemType(int systemType)
    if((systemType >= MAV_TYPE_GENERIC) && (systemType < MAV_TYPE_ENUM_END))
      type = systemType;
      // If the airframe is still generic, change it to a close default type
      if (airframe == 0)
          switch (systemType)
          case MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING:
              airframe = QGC_AIRFRAME_EASYSTAR;
          case MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR:
              airframe = QGC_AIRFRAME_MIKROKOPTER;
      emit systemSpecsChanged(uasId);

void UAS::setUASName(const QString& name)
    if (name != "")
        this->name = name;
        emit nameChanged(name);
        emit systemSpecsChanged(uasId);

void UAS::executeCommand(MAV_CMD command)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_command_long_t cmd;
    cmd.command = (uint16_t)command;
    cmd.confirmation = 0;
    cmd.param1 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param2 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param3 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param4 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param5 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param6 = 0.0f;
    cmd.param7 = 0.0f;
    cmd.target_system = uasId;
    cmd.target_component = 0;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd);

void UAS::executeCommand(MAV_CMD command, int confirmation, float param1, float param2, float param3, float param4, float param5, float param6, float param7, int component)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_command_long_t cmd;
    cmd.command = (uint16_t)command;
    cmd.confirmation = confirmation;
    cmd.param1 = param1;
    cmd.param2 = param2;
    cmd.param3 = param3;
    cmd.param4 = param4;
    cmd.param5 = param5;
    cmd.param6 = param6;
    cmd.param7 = param7;
    cmd.target_system = uasId;
    cmd.target_component = component;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd);

 * Launches the system
void UAS::launch()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), 0, MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

 * @warning Depending on the UAS, this might make the rotors of a helicopter spinning
void UAS::armSystem()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED, navMode);

 * @warning Depending on the UAS, this might completely stop all motors.
void UAS::disarmSystem()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode & ~MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED, navMode);

* Set the manual control commands. 
* This can only be done if the system has manual inputs enabled and is armed.
void UAS::setManualControlCommands(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double thrust, int xHat, int yHat, int buttons)
    // Scale values
    double rollPitchScaling = 1.0f * 1000.0f;
    double yawScaling = 1.0f * 1000.0f;
    double thrustScaling = 1.0f * 1000.0f;

    manualRollAngle = roll * rollPitchScaling;
    manualPitchAngle = pitch * rollPitchScaling;
    manualYawAngle = yaw * yawScaling;
    manualThrust = thrust * thrustScaling;

    // If system has manual inputs enabled and is armed
        mavlink_message_t message;
        mavlink_msg_manual_control_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, this->uasId, (float)manualPitchAngle, (float)manualRollAngle, (float)manualThrust, (float)manualYawAngle, buttons);
        //qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": SENT MANUAL CONTROL MESSAGE: roll" << manualRollAngle << " pitch: " << manualPitchAngle << " yaw: " << manualYawAngle << " thrust: " << manualThrust;

        emit attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds());
        //qDebug() << "JOYSTICK/MANUAL CONTROL: IGNORING COMMANDS: Set mode to MANUAL to send joystick commands first";

void UAS::setManual6DOFControlCommands(double x, double y, double z, double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
    // If system has manual inputs enabled and is armed
        mavlink_message_t message;
        mavlink_msg_setpoint_6dof_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &message, this->uasId, (float)x, (float)y, (float)z, (float)roll, (float)pitch, (float)yaw);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": SENT 6DOF CONTROL MESSAGE: x" << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << " roll: " << roll << " pitch: " << pitch << " yaw: " << yaw;

        //emit attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(this, roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds());
        qDebug() << "3DMOUSE/MANUAL CONTROL: IGNORING COMMANDS: Set mode to MANUAL to send 3DMouse commands first";

* @return the type of the system
int UAS::getSystemType()
    return this->type;

* @param buttonIndex
void UAS::receiveButton(int buttonIndex)
    switch (buttonIndex)
    case 0:

    case 1:


    //    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Received button clicked signal (button # is: " << buttonIndex << "), UNIMPLEMENTED IN MAVLINK!";


* Halt the uas.
void UAS::halt()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO, 1, MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD, MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

* Make the UAS move.
void UAS::go()
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO, 1, MAV_GOTO_DO_CONTINUE, MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

* Order the robot to return home 
void UAS::home()
    mavlink_message_t msg;

    double latitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLatitude();
    double longitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeLongitude();
    double altitude = UASManager::instance()->getHomeAltitude();
    int frame = UASManager::instance()->getHomeFrame();

    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO, 1, MAV_GOTO_DO_CONTINUE, MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION, frame, 0, latitude, longitude, altitude);

* Order the robot to land on the runway 
void UAS::land()
    mavlink_message_t msg;

    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

 * The MAV starts the emergency landing procedure. The behaviour depends on the onboard implementation
 * and might differ between systems.
void UAS::emergencySTOP()

 * Shut down this mav - All onboard systems are immediately shut down (e.g. the
 *  main power line is cut).
 * @warning This might lead to a crash.
 * The command will not be executed until emergencyKILLConfirm is issues immediately afterwards
bool UAS::emergencyKILL()
    //    bool result = false;
    //    QMessageBox msgBox;
    //    msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical);
    //    msgBox.setText("EMERGENCY: KILL ALL MOTORS ON UAS");
    //    msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to cut power on all systems?");
    //    msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    //    msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel);
    //    int ret = msgBox.exec();

    //    // Close the message box shortly after the click to prevent accidental clicks
    //    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &msgBox, SLOT(reject()));

    //    if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes)
    //    {
    //        mavlink_message_t msg;
    //        // TODO Replace MG System ID with static function call and allow to change ID in GUI
    //        mavlink_msg_action_pack(MG::SYSTEM::ID, MG::SYSTEM::COMPID, &msg, this->getUASID(), MAV_COMP_ID_IMU, (int)MAV_ACTION_EMCY_KILL);
    //        // Send message twice to increase chance of reception
    //        sendMessage(msg);
    //        sendMessage(msg);
    //        result = true;
    //    }
    //    return result;
    return false;

* If enabled, connect the flight gear link.
void UAS::enableHilFlightGear(bool enable, QString options)
    QGCFlightGearLink* link = dynamic_cast<QGCFlightGearLink*>(simulation);
    if (!link || !simulation) {
        // Delete wrong sim
        if (simulation) {
            delete simulation;
        simulation = new QGCFlightGearLink(this, options);
    // Connect Flight Gear Link
    link = dynamic_cast<QGCFlightGearLink*>(simulation);
    if (enable)

* If enabled, connect the JSBSim link.
void UAS::enableHilJSBSim(bool enable, QString options)
    QGCJSBSimLink* link = dynamic_cast<QGCJSBSimLink*>(simulation);
    if (!link || !simulation) {
        // Delete wrong sim
        if (simulation) {
            delete simulation;
        simulation = new QGCJSBSimLink(this, options);
    // Connect Flight Gear Link
    link = dynamic_cast<QGCJSBSimLink*>(simulation);
    if (enable)

* If enabled, connect the X-plane gear link.
void UAS::enableHilXPlane(bool enable)
    QGCXPlaneLink* link = dynamic_cast<QGCXPlaneLink*>(simulation);
    if (!link || !simulation) {
        if (simulation) {
            delete simulation;
        qDebug() << "CREATED NEW XPLANE LINK";
        simulation = new QGCXPlaneLink(this);
    // Connect X-Plane Link
    if (enable)

* @param time_us Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot)
* @param roll Roll angle (rad)
* @param pitch Pitch angle (rad)
* @param yaw Yaw angle (rad)
* @param rollspeed Roll angular speed (rad/s)
* @param pitchspeed Pitch angular speed (rad/s)
* @param yawspeed Yaw angular speed (rad/s)
* @param lat Latitude, expressed as * 1E7
* @param lon Longitude, expressed as * 1E7
* @param alt Altitude in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
* @param vx Ground X Speed (Latitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param vy Ground Y Speed (Longitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param vz Ground Z Speed (Altitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param xacc X acceleration (mg)
* @param yacc Y acceleration (mg)
* @param zacc Z acceleration (mg)
void UAS::sendHilState(quint64 time_us, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float rollspeed,
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
                       float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, double lat, double lon, double alt,
                       float vx, float vy, float vz, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc)
    if (this->mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
        if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - lastSendTimeSensors < 100) {
            // Emit attitude for cross-check
            emit attitudeChanged(this, 201, roll, pitch, yaw, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll sim", "rad", roll, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch sim", "rad", pitch, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw sim", "rad", yaw, getUnixTime());

            emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll rate sim", "rad/s", rollspeed, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch rate sim", "rad/s", pitchspeed, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw rate sim", "rad/s", yawspeed, getUnixTime());
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed

            emit valueChanged(uasId, "vx sim", "rad", vx*100, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "vy sim", "rad", vy*100, getUnixTime());
            emit valueChanged(uasId, "vz sim", "rad", vz*100, getUnixTime());
        } else {
            mavlink_message_t msg;
            mavlink_msg_hil_state_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
                                       time_us, roll, pitch, yaw, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed,
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                                       lat*1e7f, lon*1e7f, alt*1000, vx*100, vy*100, vz*100, xacc*1000/9.81, yacc*1000/9.81, zacc*1000/9.81);
        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, navMode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";

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void UAS::sendHilSensors(quint64 time_us, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed,
                                    float xmag, float ymag, float zmag, float abs_pressure, float diff_pressure, float pressure_alt, float temperature, quint16 fields_changed)
    if (this->mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_highres_imu_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
                                   time_us, xacc, yacc, zacc, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed,
                                     xmag, ymag, zmag, abs_pressure, diff_pressure, pressure_alt, temperature,
        sensorHil = true;
        lastSendTimeSensors = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, navMode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";

void UAS::sendHilGps(quint64 time_us, double lat, double lon, double alt, int fix_type, float eph, float epv, float vel, float cog, int satellites)
    // Only send at 10 Hz max rate
    if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - lastSendTimeGPS < 100)

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    if (this->mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
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        float course = cog;
        // map to 0..2pi
        if (course < 0)
            course += 2.0f * M_PI;
        // scale from radians to degrees
        course = (course / M_PI) * 180.0f;

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        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_gps_raw_int_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
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                                   time_us, fix_type, lat*1e7, lon*1e7, alt*1e3, eph*1e2, epv*1e2, vel*1e2, course*1e2, satellites);
        lastSendTimeGPS = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, navMode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";

* Connect flight gear link.
void UAS::startHil()
    if (hilEnabled) return;
    hilEnabled = true;
    sensorHil = false;
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, navMode);
    // Connect HIL simulation link

* disable flight gear link.
void UAS::stopHil()
    if (simulation) simulation->disconnectSimulation();
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, this->getUASID(), mode & !MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, navMode);
    hilEnabled = false;
    sensorHil = false;

void UAS::shutdown()
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setText("Shutting down the UAS");
    msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to shut down the onboard computer?");

    msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel);
    int ret = msgBox.exec();

    // Close the message box shortly after the click to prevent accidental clicks
    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &msgBox, SLOT(reject()));

    if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes)
        // If the active UAS is set, execute command
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

* @param x position
* @param y position
* @param z position
* @param yaw
void UAS::setTargetPosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING, 1, 1, 1, 0, yaw, x, y, z);

 * @return The name of this system as string in human-readable form
QString UAS::getUASName(void) const
    QString result;
    if (name == "")
        result = tr("MAV ") + result.sprintf("%03d", getUASID());
        result = name;
    return result;

* @return the state of the uas as a short text.
const QString& UAS::getShortState() const
    return shortStateText;

* The mode can be autonomous, guided, manual or armed. It will also return if 
* hardware in the loop is being used.
* @return the audio mode text for the id given.
QString UAS::getAudioModeTextFor(int id)
    QString mode;
    uint8_t modeid = id;

    if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_AUTO)
        mode += "autonomous";
    else if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_GUIDED)
        mode += "guided";
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    else if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_STABILIZE)
        mode += "stabilized";
    else if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_MANUAL)
        mode += "manual";
        // Nothing else applies, we're in preflight
        mode += "preflight";

    if (modeid != 0)
        mode += " mode";

    if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_SAFETY)
        mode.append(" and armed");

    if (modeid & (uint8_t)MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_HIL)
        mode.append(" using hardware in the loop simulation");

    return mode;

* The mode returned can be auto, stabilized, test, manual, preflight or unknown. 
* @return the short text of the mode for the id given.
QString UAS::getShortModeTextFor(int id)
    QString mode;
    uint8_t modeid = id;