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        // Emit attitude for cross-check
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll sim", "rad", roll, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch sim", "rad", pitch, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw sim", "rad", yaw, getUnixTime());

        emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll rate sim", "rad/s", rollspeed, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch rate sim", "rad/s", pitchspeed, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw rate sim", "rad/s", yawspeed, getUnixTime());

        emit valueChanged(uasId, "lat sim", "deg", lat*1e7, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "lon sim", "deg", lon*1e7, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "alt sim", "deg", alt*1e3, getUnixTime());

        emit valueChanged(uasId, "vx sim", "m/s", vx*1e2, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "vy sim", "m/s", vy*1e2, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "vz sim", "m/s", vz*1e2, getUnixTime());

        emit valueChanged(uasId, "IAS sim", "m/s", ind_airspeed, getUnixTime());
        emit valueChanged(uasId, "TAS sim", "m/s", true_airspeed, getUnixTime());
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* @param time_us Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot)
* @param roll Roll angle (rad)
* @param pitch Pitch angle (rad)
* @param yaw Yaw angle (rad)
* @param rollspeed Roll angular speed (rad/s)
* @param pitchspeed Pitch angular speed (rad/s)
* @param yawspeed Yaw angular speed (rad/s)
* @param lat Latitude, expressed as * 1E7
* @param lon Longitude, expressed as * 1E7
* @param alt Altitude in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters)
* @param vx Ground X Speed (Latitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param vy Ground Y Speed (Longitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param vz Ground Z Speed (Altitude), expressed as m/s * 100
* @param xacc X acceleration (mg)
* @param yacc Y acceleration (mg)
* @param zacc Z acceleration (mg)
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#ifndef __mobile__
void UAS::sendHilState(quint64 time_us, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float rollspeed,
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                       float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, double lat, double lon, double alt,
                       float vx, float vy, float vz, float ind_airspeed, float true_airspeed, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc)
    if (this->base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
        float q[4];

        double cosPhi_2 = cos(double(roll) / 2.0);
        double sinPhi_2 = sin(double(roll) / 2.0);
        double cosTheta_2 = cos(double(pitch) / 2.0);
        double sinTheta_2 = sin(double(pitch) / 2.0);
        double cosPsi_2 = cos(double(yaw) / 2.0);
        double sinPsi_2 = sin(double(yaw) / 2.0);
        q[0] = (cosPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 +
                sinPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * sinPsi_2);
        q[1] = (sinPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 -
                cosPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * sinPsi_2);
        q[2] = (cosPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 +
                sinPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * sinPsi_2);
        q[3] = (cosPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * sinPsi_2 -
                sinPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * cosPsi_2);

        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_hil_state_quaternion_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
                                   time_us, q, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed,
                                   lat*1e7f, lon*1e7f, alt*1000, vx*100, vy*100, vz*100, ind_airspeed*100, true_airspeed*100, xacc*1000/9.81, yacc*1000/9.81, zacc*1000/9.81);
        setMode(base_mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";
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#ifndef __mobile__
float UAS::addZeroMeanNoise(float truth_meas, float noise_var)
    /* Calculate normally distributed variable noise with mean = 0 and variance = noise_var.  Calculated according to 
    Box-Muller transform */
    static const float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::min(); //used to ensure non-zero uniform numbers
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    static const float two_pi = 2.0f * 3.14159265358979323846f; // 2*pi
    static float z0; //calculated normal distribution random variables with mu = 0, var = 1;
    float u1, u2;        //random variables generated from c++ rand();
    /*Generate random variables in range (0 1] */
        //TODO seed rand() with srand(time) but srand(time should be called once on startup)
        //currently this will generate repeatable random noise
        u1 = rand() * (1.0 / RAND_MAX);
        u2 = rand() * (1.0 / RAND_MAX);
    while ( u1 <= epsilon );  //Have a catch to ensure non-zero for log()

    z0 = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * cos(two_pi * u2); //calculate normally distributed variable with mu = 0, var = 1
    //TODO add bias term that changes randomly to simulate accelerometer and gyro bias the exf should handle these
    //as well
    float noise = z0 * (noise_var*noise_var); //calculate normally distributed variable with mu = 0, std = var^2  
    //Finally gaurd against any case where the noise is not real
            return truth_meas + noise;
        return truth_meas;

* @param abs_pressure Absolute Pressure (hPa)
* @param diff_pressure Differential Pressure  (hPa)
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#ifndef __mobile__
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void UAS::sendHilSensors(quint64 time_us, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed,
                                    float xmag, float ymag, float zmag, float abs_pressure, float diff_pressure, float pressure_alt, float temperature, quint32 fields_changed)
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    if (this->base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
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        float xacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(xacc, xacc_var);
        float yacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(yacc, yacc_var);
        float zacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(zacc, zacc_var);
        float rollspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(rollspeed,rollspeed_var);
        float pitchspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(pitchspeed,pitchspeed_var);
        float yawspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(yawspeed,yawspeed_var);
        float xmag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(xmag, xmag_var);
        float ymag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(ymag, ymag_var);
        float zmag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(zmag, zmag_var);
        float abs_pressure_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(abs_pressure,abs_pressure_var);
        float diff_pressure_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(diff_pressure, diff_pressure_var);
        float pressure_alt_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(pressure_alt, pressure_alt_var);
        float temperature_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(temperature,temperature_var);
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        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_hil_sensor_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
                                   time_us, xacc_corrupt, yacc_corrupt, zacc_corrupt, rollspeed_corrupt, pitchspeed_corrupt,
                                    yawspeed_corrupt, xmag_corrupt, ymag_corrupt, zmag_corrupt, abs_pressure_corrupt, 
                                    diff_pressure_corrupt, pressure_alt_corrupt, temperature_corrupt, fields_changed);
        lastSendTimeSensors = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        setMode(base_mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
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        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";
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#ifndef __mobile__
void UAS::sendHilOpticalFlow(quint64 time_us, qint16 flow_x, qint16 flow_y, float flow_comp_m_x,
                    float flow_comp_m_y, quint8 quality, float ground_distance)
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    // FIXME: This needs to be updated for new mavlink_msg_hil_optical_flow_pack api
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    if (this->base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
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#if 0
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_hil_optical_flow_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
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                                   time_us, 0, 0 /* hack */, flow_x, flow_y, 0.0f /* hack */, 0.0f /* hack */, 0.0f /* hack */, 0 /* hack */, quality, ground_distance);
        lastSendTimeOpticalFlow = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        setMode(base_mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";

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#ifndef __mobile__
void UAS::sendHilGps(quint64 time_us, double lat, double lon, double alt, int fix_type, float eph, float epv, float vel, float vn, float ve, float vd, float cog, int satellites)
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    // Only send at 10 Hz max rate
    if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - lastSendTimeGPS < 100)

    if (this->base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)
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        float course = cog;
        // map to 0..2pi
        if (course < 0)
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            course += 2.0f * static_cast<float>(M_PI);
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        // scale from radians to degrees
        course = (course / M_PI) * 180.0f;

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        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_hil_gps_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg,
                                   time_us, fix_type, lat*1e7, lon*1e7, alt*1e3, eph*1e2, epv*1e2, vel*1e2, vn*1e2, ve*1e2, vd*1e2, course*1e2, satellites);
        lastSendTimeGPS = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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        // Attempt to set HIL mode
        setMode(base_mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
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        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";
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* Connect flight gear link.
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#ifndef __mobile__
void UAS::startHil()
    if (hilEnabled) return;
    hilEnabled = true;
    sensorHil = false;
    setMode(base_mode | MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
    qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable.";
    // Connect HIL simulation link
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#ifndef __mobile__
    if (simulation && simulation->isConnected()) {
        setMode(base_mode & ~MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED, custom_mode);
        qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to disable.";
    sensorHil = false;
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    QMessageBox::StandardButton button = QGCMessageBox::question(tr("Shutting down the UAS"),
                                                                 tr("Do you want to shut down the onboard computer?"),
                                                                 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel,
    if (button == QMessageBox::Yes)
        // If the active UAS is set, execute command
        mavlink_message_t msg;
        mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

* @param x position
* @param y position
* @param z position
* @param yaw
void UAS::setTargetPosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    mavlink_msg_command_long_pack(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, uasId, MAV_COMP_ID_ALL, MAV_CMD_NAV_PATHPLANNING, 1, 1, 1, 0, yaw, x, y, z);

 * @return The name of this system as string in human-readable form
QString UAS::getUASName(void) const
    QString result;
    if (name == "")
        result = tr("MAV ") + result.sprintf("%03d", getUASID());
        result = name;
    return result;

* @return the state of the uas as a short text.
const QString& UAS::getShortState() const
    return shortStateText;

const QString& UAS::getShortMode() const
    return shortModeText;

* @rerturn the map of the components
QMap<int, QString> UAS::getComponents()
    return components;

* Set the battery specificaitons: empty voltage, warning voltage, and full voltage.
* @param specifications of the battery
void UAS::setBatterySpecs(const QString& specs)
    batteryRemainingEstimateEnabled = false;
    bool ok;
    QString percent = specs;
    percent = percent.remove("%");
    float temp = percent.toFloat(&ok);
    if (ok)
        warnLevelPercent = temp;
        emit textMessageReceived(0, 0, MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Could not set battery options, format is wrong");

* @return the battery specifications(empty voltage, warning voltage, full voltage)
QString UAS::getBatterySpecs()
    return QString("%1%").arg(warnLevelPercent);

* @return the time remaining.
int UAS::calculateTimeRemaining()
    // XXX needs fixing
    return 0;

 * @return charge level in percent - 0 - 100
float UAS::getChargeLevel()
    return chargeLevel;

void UAS::startLowBattAlarm()
    if (!lowBattAlarm)
        GAudioOutput::instance()->alert(tr("System %1 has low battery").arg(getUASID()));
        lowBattAlarm = true;

void UAS::stopLowBattAlarm()
    if (lowBattAlarm)
        lowBattAlarm = false;
void UAS::sendMapRCToParam(QString param_id, float scale, float value0, quint8 param_rc_channel_index, float valueMin, float valueMax)
    mavlink_message_t message;

    char param_id_cstr[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_MAP_RC_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = {};
    // Copy string into buffer, ensuring not to exceed the buffer size
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(param_id_cstr); i++)
        if ((int)i < param_id.length())
            param_id_cstr[i] = param_id.toLatin1()[i];

    qDebug() << "Mavlink message sent";
void UAS::unsetRCToParameterMap()
    char param_id_cstr[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_MAP_RC_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = {};

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        mavlink_message_t message;