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 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station
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 (c) 2009 - 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
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 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
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 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
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 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
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 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.
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 * @file
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 *   @brief Implementation of class QGCApplication
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 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include <QFile>
#include <QFlags>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStyleFactory>
#include <QAction>

#include "VideoStreaming.h"
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#include "QGCApplication.h"
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#include "MainWindow.h"
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#include "GAudioOutput.h"
#include "CmdLineOptParser.h"
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#include "QGCMessageBox.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "UDPLink.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "HomePositionManager.h"
#include "UASMessageHandler.h"
#include "AutoPilotPluginManager.h"
#include "QGCTemporaryFile.h"
#include "QGCFileDialog.h"
#include "QGCPalette.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
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#include "ViewWidgetController.h"
#include "ParameterEditorController.h"
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#include "CustomCommandWidgetController.h"
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#include "FlightModesComponentController.h"
#include "AirframeComponentController.h"
#include "SensorsComponentController.h"
#include "PowerComponentController.h"
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#include "RadioComponentController.h"
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#include "ScreenToolsController.h"
#include "AutoPilotPlugin.h"
#include "VehicleComponent.h"
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#include "FirmwarePluginManager.h"
#include "MultiVehicleManager.h"
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#include "Generic/GenericFirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "APM/ArduCopterFirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "APM/ArduPlaneFirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "APM/ArduRoverFirmwarePlugin.h"
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#include "PX4/PX4FirmwarePlugin.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "MavlinkQmlSingleton.h"
#include "JoystickManager.h"
#include "QmlObjectListModel.h"
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#include "MissionManager.h"
#include "QGroundControlQmlGlobal.h"
#include "HomePositionManager.h"
#include "FlightMapSettings.h"
#include "QGCQGeoCoordinate.h"
#include "CoordinateVector.h"
#include "MainToolBarController.h"
#include "MissionController.h"
#include "FlightDisplayViewController.h"
#include "VideoSurface.h"
#include "VideoReceiver.h"

#ifndef __ios__
    #include "SerialLink.h"

#ifndef __mobile__
    #include "FirmwareUpgradeController.h"
    #include "JoystickConfigController.h"
    #include "OpalLink.h"

QGCApplication* QGCApplication::_app = NULL;
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const char* QGCApplication::_deleteAllSettingsKey = "DeleteAllSettingsNextBoot";
const char* QGCApplication::_settingsVersionKey = "SettingsVersion";
const char* QGCApplication::_savedFilesLocationKey = "SavedFilesLocation";
const char* QGCApplication::_promptFlightDataSave = "PromptFLightDataSave";
const char* QGCApplication::_styleKey = "StyleIsDark";
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const char* QGCApplication::_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName = "QGroundControl";
const char* QGCApplication::_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName = "FlightData";
const char* QGCApplication::_savedFileParameterDirectoryName = "SavedParameters";
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const char* QGCApplication::_darkStyleFile = ":/res/styles/style-dark.css";
const char* QGCApplication::_lightStyleFile = ":/res/styles/style-light.css";

// Qml Singleton factories
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static QObject* screenToolsControllerSingletonFactory(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
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    ScreenToolsController* screenToolsController = new ScreenToolsController;
    return screenToolsController;
static QObject* mavlinkQmlSingletonFactory(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
    return new MavlinkQmlSingleton;

static QObject* qgroundcontrolQmlGlobalSingletonFactory(QQmlEngine*, QJSEngine*)
    return new QGroundControlQmlGlobal(qgcApp()->toolbox());
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#if defined(QGC_GST_STREAMING)
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#ifndef __ios__
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static void qgcputenv(const QString& key, const QString& root, const QString& path)
    QString value = root + path;
    qputenv(key.toStdString().c_str(), QByteArray(value.toStdString().c_str()));
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 * @brief Constructor for the main application.
 * This constructor initializes and starts the whole application. It takes standard
 * command-line parameters
 * @param argc The number of command-line parameters
 * @param argv The string array of parameters

QGCApplication::QGCApplication(int &argc, char* argv[], bool unitTesting)
    : QApplication(argc, argv)
    , _runningUnitTests(unitTesting)
    , _styleIsDark(true)
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    , _fakeMobile(false)
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    , _testHighDPI(false)
    , _toolbox(NULL)
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    Q_ASSERT(_app == NULL);
    _app = this;
    // This prevents usage of QQuickWidget to fail since it doesn't support native widget siblings
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#ifndef __android__
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    // Parse command line options
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    bool fClearSettingsOptions = false; // Clear stored settings
    bool logging = false;               // Turn on logging
    QString loggingOptions;
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    CmdLineOpt_t rgCmdLineOptions[] = {
        { "--clear-settings",   &fClearSettingsOptions, NULL },
        { "--logging",          &logging,               &loggingOptions },
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        { "--fake-mobile",      &_fakeMobile,           NULL },
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
        { "--test-high-dpi",    &_testHighDPI,          NULL },
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        // Add additional command line option flags here
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    ParseCmdLineOptions(argc, argv, rgCmdLineOptions, sizeof(rgCmdLineOptions)/sizeof(rgCmdLineOptions[0]), false);
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#ifdef __mobile__
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    QString filterRules;
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    // Turn off bogus ssl warning
    filterRules += "\n";
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    if (logging) {
        QStringList logList = loggingOptions.split(",");
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        if (logList[0] == "full") {
            filterRules += "*Log.debug=true\n";
            for(int i=1; i<logList.count(); i++) {
                filterRules += logList[i];
                filterRules += ".debug=false\n";
        } else {
            foreach(QString rule, logList) {
                filterRules += rule;
                filterRules += ".debug=true\n";
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    } else {
        // First thing we want to do is set up the qtlogging.ini file. If it doesn't already exist we copy
        // it to the correct location. This way default debug builds will have logging turned off.
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        static const char* qtProjectDir = "QtProject";
        static const char* qtLoggingFile = "qtlogging.ini";
        bool loggingDirectoryOk = false;
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        QDir iniFileLocation(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation));
        if (! {
            if (!iniFileLocation.mkdir(qtProjectDir)) {
                qDebug() << "Unable to create qtlogging.ini directory" << iniFileLocation.filePath(qtProjectDir);
            } else {
                if (! {
                    qDebug() << "Unable to access qtlogging.ini directory" << iniFileLocation.filePath(qtProjectDir);;
                loggingDirectoryOk = true;
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        } else {
            loggingDirectoryOk = true;
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        if (loggingDirectoryOk) {
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            qDebug () << "Logging ini file directory" << iniFileLocation.absolutePath();
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            if (!iniFileLocation.exists(qtLoggingFile)) {
                QFile loggingFile(iniFileLocation.filePath(qtLoggingFile));
                if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
                    QTextStream out(&loggingFile);
                    out << "[Rules]\n";
                    out << "*Log.debug=false\n";
                    foreach(QString category, QGCLoggingCategoryRegister::instance()->registeredCategories()) {
                        out << category << ".debug=false\n";
                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Unable to create logging file" << QString(qtLoggingFile) << "in" << iniFileLocation;
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    qDebug() << "Filter rules" << filterRules;
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    // Set up timer for delayed missing fact display
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    connect(&_missingParamsDelayedDisplayTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCApplication::_missingParamsDisplay);
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    // Set application information
    if (_runningUnitTests) {
        // We don't want unit tests to use the same QSettings space as the normal app. So we tweak the app
        // name. Also we want to run unit tests with clean settings every time.
    } else {
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    QString versionString(GIT_VERSION);
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    // stable versions are on tags (v1.2.3)
    // development versions are full git describe versions (v1.2.3-18-g879e8b3)
    if (versionString.length() > 8) {
        versionString.append(" (Development)");
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    // Set settings format
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#if !defined(__mobile__) && !defined(__macos__)
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    QString settingsLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation);
        QSettings::setPath(QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, settingsLocation);
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    qDebug() << "Settings location" << settings.fileName() << settings.isWritable();

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    // The setting will delete all settings on this boot
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    fClearSettingsOptions |= settings.contains(_deleteAllSettingsKey);
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    if (_runningUnitTests) {
        // Unit tests run with clean settings
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        fClearSettingsOptions = true;
    if (fClearSettingsOptions) {
        // User requested settings to be cleared on command line
        settings.setValue(_settingsVersionKey, QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION);
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    // Initialize Video Streaming
    initializeVideoStreaming(argc, argv);

    _toolbox = new QGCToolbox(this);
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    MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::instance();
    if (mainWindow) {
        delete mainWindow;

    delete _toolbox;
void QGCApplication::_initCommon(void)
    QSettings settings;
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    // Register our Qml objects
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    qmlRegisterType<QGCPalette>("QGroundControl.Palette", 1, 0, "QGCPalette");
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    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<AutoPilotPlugin>     ("QGroundControl.AutoPilotPlugin",  1, 0, "AutoPilotPlugin",        "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<VehicleComponent>    ("QGroundControl.AutoPilotPlugin",  1, 0, "VehicleComponent",       "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Vehicle>             ("QGroundControl.Vehicle",          1, 0, "Vehicle",                "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MissionItem>         ("QGroundControl.Vehicle",          1, 0, "MissionItem",            "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MissionManager>      ("QGroundControl.Vehicle",          1, 0, "MissionManager",         "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<JoystickManager>     ("QGroundControl.JoystickManager",  1, 0, "JoystickManager",        "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Joystick>            ("QGroundControl.JoystickManager",  1, 0, "Joystick",               "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<QmlObjectListModel>  ("QGroundControl",                  1, 0, "QmlObjectListModel",     "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<QGCQGeoCoordinate>   ("QGroundControl",                  1, 0, "QGCQGeoCoordinate",      "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<CoordinateVector>    ("QGroundControl",                  1, 0, "CoordinateVector",       "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<VideoSurface>        ("QGroundControl",                  1, 0, "VideoSurface",           "Reference only");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<VideoReceiver>       ("QGroundControl",                  1, 0, "VideoReceiver",          "Reference only");

    qmlRegisterType<ParameterEditorController>      ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "ParameterEditorController");
    qmlRegisterType<FlightModesComponentController> ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "FlightModesComponentController");
    qmlRegisterType<AirframeComponentController>    ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "AirframeComponentController");
    qmlRegisterType<SensorsComponentController>     ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "SensorsComponentController");
    qmlRegisterType<PowerComponentController>       ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "PowerComponentController");
    qmlRegisterType<RadioComponentController>       ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "RadioComponentController");
    qmlRegisterType<ScreenToolsController>          ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "ScreenToolsController");
    qmlRegisterType<MainToolBarController>          ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "MainToolBarController");
    qmlRegisterType<MissionController>              ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "MissionController");
    qmlRegisterType<FlightDisplayViewController>    ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "FlightDisplayViewController");

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#ifndef __mobile__
    qmlRegisterType<ViewWidgetController>           ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "ViewWidgetController");
    qmlRegisterType<CustomCommandWidgetController>  ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "CustomCommandWidgetController");
    qmlRegisterType<FirmwareUpgradeController>      ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "FirmwareUpgradeController");
    qmlRegisterType<JoystickConfigController>       ("QGroundControl.Controllers", 1, 0, "JoystickConfigController");
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    // Register Qml Singletons
    qmlRegisterSingletonType<QGroundControlQmlGlobal>   ("QGroundControl",                          1, 0, "QGroundControl",         qgroundcontrolQmlGlobalSingletonFactory);
    qmlRegisterSingletonType<ScreenToolsController>     ("QGroundControl.ScreenToolsController",    1, 0, "ScreenToolsController",  screenToolsControllerSingletonFactory);
    qmlRegisterSingletonType<MavlinkQmlSingleton>       ("QGroundControl.Mavlink",                  1, 0, "Mavlink",                mavlinkQmlSingletonFactory);
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    // Show user an upgrade message if the settings version has been bumped up
    bool settingsUpgraded = false;
    if (settings.contains(_settingsVersionKey)) {
        if (settings.value(_settingsVersionKey).toInt() != QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION) {
            settingsUpgraded = true;
    } else if (settings.allKeys().count()) {
        // Settings version key is missing and there are settings. This is an upgrade scenario.
        settingsUpgraded = true;
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    } else {
        settings.setValue(_settingsVersionKey, QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION);
    if (settingsUpgraded) {
        settings.setValue(_settingsVersionKey, QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION);
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        QGCMessageBox::information(tr("Settings Cleared"),
                                   tr("The format for QGroundControl saved settings has been modified. "
                                      "Your saved settings have been reset to defaults."));
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    // Load saved files location and validate
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    QString savedFilesLocation;
    if (settings.contains(_savedFilesLocationKey)) {
        savedFilesLocation = settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString();
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        if (!validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(savedFilesLocation)) {
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    if (savedFilesLocation.isEmpty()) {
        // No location set (or invalid). Create a default one in Documents standard location.
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        QString documentsLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation);
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        QDir documentsDir(documentsLocation);
        if (!documentsDir.exists()) {
            qWarning() << "Documents directory doesn't exist" << documentsDir.absolutePath();
        bool pathCreated = documentsDir.mkpath(_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName);
        savedFilesLocation = documentsDir.filePath(_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName);
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    if (!savedFilesLocation.isEmpty()) {
        if (!validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(savedFilesLocation)) {
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    qDebug() << "Saved files location" << savedFilesLocation;
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    settings.setValue(_savedFilesLocationKey, savedFilesLocation);
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bool QGCApplication::_initForNormalAppBoot(void)
    QSettings settings;
#ifdef __mobile__
    _styleIsDark = false;
    _styleIsDark = settings.value(_styleKey, _styleIsDark).toBool();
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    // Exit main application when last window is closed
    connect(this, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), this, SLOT(quit()));

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    // Start the user interface
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    MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create();
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    // If we made it this far and we still don't have a location. Either the specfied location was invalid
    // or we coudn't create a default location. Either way, we need to let the user know and prompt for a new
    /// settings.
    QString savedFilesLocation = settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString();
    if (savedFilesLocation.isEmpty()) {
            tr("Bad save location"),
            tr("The location to save files to is invalid, or cannot be written to. Please provide a new one."));
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#ifndef __mobile__
    // Now that main window is up check for lost log files
    connect(this, &QGCApplication::checkForLostLogFiles, toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol(), &MAVLinkProtocol::checkForLostLogFiles);
    emit checkForLostLogFiles();
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    return true;
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bool QGCApplication::_initForUnitTests(void)
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    return true;
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void QGCApplication::deleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void)
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue(_deleteAllSettingsKey, true);

void QGCApplication::clearDeleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void)
    QSettings settings;

void QGCApplication::setSavedFilesLocation(QString& location)
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue(_savedFilesLocationKey, location);

bool QGCApplication::validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(QString& location)
    // Make sure we can write to the directory
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    QString filename = QDir(location).filePath("QGCTempXXXXXXXX.tmp");
    QGCTemporaryFile tempFile(filename);
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    if (! {
        return false;
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    return true;

QString QGCApplication::savedFilesLocation(void)
    QSettings settings;
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    return settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString();

QString QGCApplication::savedParameterFilesLocation(void)
    QString location;
    QDir    parentDir(savedFilesLocation());
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    location = parentDir.filePath(_savedFileParameterDirectoryName);
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    if (!QDir(location).exists()) {
        // If directory doesn't exist, try to create it
        if (!parentDir.mkpath(_savedFileParameterDirectoryName)) {
            // Return an error
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    return location;

QString QGCApplication::mavlinkLogFilesLocation(void)
    QString location;
    QDir    parentDir(savedFilesLocation());
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    location = parentDir.filePath(_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName);
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    if (!QDir(location).exists()) {
        // If directory doesn't exist, try to create it
        if (!parentDir.mkpath(_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName)) {
            // Return an error
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    return location;

bool QGCApplication::promptFlightDataSave(void)
    QSettings settings;
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    return settings.value(_promptFlightDataSave, true).toBool();

void QGCApplication::setPromptFlightDataSave(bool promptForSave)
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue(_promptFlightDataSave, promptForSave);

/// @brief Returns the QGCApplication object singleton.
QGCApplication* qgcApp(void)
    return QGCApplication::_app;

void QGCApplication::informationMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg)
    QGCMessageBox::information(title, msg);

void QGCApplication::warningMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg)
    QGCMessageBox::warning(title, msg);

void QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread(const QString& title, const QString& msg)
    QGCMessageBox::critical(title, msg);

void QGCApplication::saveTempFlightDataLogOnMainThread(QString tempLogfile)
    bool saveError;
        saveError = false;
        QString saveFilename = QGCFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
            tr("Save Flight Data Log"),
            tr("Flight Data Log Files (*.mavlink)"),
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        if (!saveFilename.isEmpty()) {
            // if file exsits already, try to remove it first to overwrite it
            if(QFile::exists(saveFilename) && !QFile::remove(saveFilename)){
                // if the file cannot be removed, prompt user and ask new path
                QGCMessageBox::warning("File Error","Could not overwrite existing file.\nPlease provide a different file name to save to.");
            } else if(!QFile::copy(tempLogfile, saveFilename)) {
                // if file could not be copied, prompt user and ask new path
                saveError = true;
                QGCMessageBox::warning("File Error","Could not create file.\nPlease provide a different file name to save to.");
    } while(saveError); // if the file could not be overwritten, ask for new file

void QGCApplication::setStyle(bool styleIsDark)
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue(_styleKey, styleIsDark);
    _styleIsDark = styleIsDark;
    emit styleChanged(_styleIsDark);

void QGCApplication::_loadCurrentStyle(void)
    bool success = true;
    QString styles;
    // Signal to the user that the app will pause to apply a new stylesheet
    // The dark style sheet is the master. Any other selected style sheet just overrides
    // the colors of the master sheet.
    QFile masterStyleSheet(_darkStyleFile);
    if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
        styles = masterStyleSheet.readAll();
    } else {
        qDebug() << "Unable to load master dark style sheet";
        success = false;
    if (success && !_styleIsDark) {
        qDebug() << "LOADING LIGHT";
        // Load the slave light stylesheet.
        QFile styleSheet(_lightStyleFile);
        if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
            styles += styleSheet.readAll();
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Unable to load slave light sheet:";
            success = false;
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    if (!success) {
        // Fall back to plastique if we can't load our own
    QGCPalette::setGlobalTheme(_styleIsDark ? QGCPalette::Dark : QGCPalette::Light);
    // Finally restore the cursor before returning.
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void QGCApplication::reportMissingParameter(int componentId, const QString& name)
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    _missingParams += QString("%1:%2").arg(componentId).arg(name);
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/// Called when the delay timer fires to show the missing parameters warning
void QGCApplication::_missingParamsDisplay(void)
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    QString params;
    foreach (QString name, _missingParams) {
        if (params.isEmpty()) {
            params += name;
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            params += QString(", %1").arg(name);
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
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        "Missing Parameters",
        QString("Parameters missing from firmware: %1.\n\n"
                "You should quit QGroundControl immediately and update your firmware.").arg(params));

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Don Gagne committed
void QGCApplication::showToolBarMessage(const QString& message)
    MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::instance();
    if (mainWindow) {
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    } else {
        QGCMessageBox::information("", message);