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App.SettingsGroup.json 7.12 KiB
Newer Older
    "name":             "OfflineEditingFirmwareType",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing firmware type",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "ArduPilot,PX4 Pro,Mavlink Generic",
    "enumValues":       "3,12,0",
    "defaultValue":     12
    "name":             "OfflineEditingVehicleType",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing vehicle type",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "Fixed Wing,Multi-Rotor,VTOL,Rover,Sub",
    "enumValues":       "1,2,19,10,12",
    "defaultValue":     2
    "name":             "OfflineEditingCruiseSpeed",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing cruise speed",
    "longDescription":  "This value defines the cruising speed for forward flight vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.",
    "type":             "double",
    "defaultValue":     15.0,
    "min":              1.0,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "decimalPlaces":    2
    "name":             "OfflineEditingHoverSpeed",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing hover speed",
    "longDescription":  "This value defines the cruising speed for multi-rotor vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.",
    "type":             "double",
    "defaultValue":     5.0,
    "min":              1.0,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "decimalPlaces":    2
    "name":             "OfflineEditingAscentSpeed",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing ascent speed",
    "longDescription":  "This value defines the ascent speed for multi-rotor vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.",
    "type":             "double",
    "defaultValue":     3.0,
    "min":              0.1,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "decimalPlaces":    2
    "name":             "OfflineEditingDescentSpeed",
    "shortDescription": "Offline editing descent speed",
    "longDescription":  "This value defines the cruising speed for multi-rotor vehicles for use in calculating mission duration.",
    "type":             "double",
    "defaultValue":     1.0,
    "min":              0.1,
    "units":            "m/s",
    "decimalPlaces":    2
    "name":             "batteryPercentRemainingAnnounce",
    "shortDescription": "Announce battery remaining percent",
    "longDescription":  "Announce the remaining battery percent when it falls below the specified percentage.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "defaultValue":     30,
    "units":            "%",
    "min":              0,
    "max":              100
    "name":             "DefaultMissionItemAltitude",
    "shortDescription": "Default value for altitude",
    "longDescription":  "This value specifies the default altitude for new items added to a mission.",
    "type":             "double",
    "defaultValue":     50.0,
    "min":              0.0,
    "units":            "meters",
    "decimalPlaces":    2
    "name":             "PromptFLightDataSave",
    "shortDescription": "Save telemetry Log after each flight",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled a telemetry will be saved after each flight completes.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "PromptFLightDataSaveNotArmed",
    "shortDescription": "Save telemetry log even if vehicle was not armed",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled a telemtry log will be saved even if vehicle was never armed.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "AudioMuted",
    "shortDescription": "Mute audio output",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled all audio output will be muted.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "VirtualTabletJoystick",
    "shortDescription": "Show virtual joystick",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled the virtual joystick will be shown on the Fly view.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "GstreamerDebugLevel",
    "shortDescription": "Video streaming debug",
    "longDescription":  "Sets the environment variable GST_DEBUG for all pipeline elements on boot.",
    "type":             "uint8",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "AutoLoadMissions",
    "shortDescription": "AutoLoad mission on vehicle connect",
    "longDescription":  "Automatically load a mission file named AutoLoad#.mission when a vehicle with id # connects.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "UseChecklist",
    "shortDescription": "Use preflight checklist",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled the preflight checklist will be used.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "BaseDeviceFontPointSize",
    "shortDescription": "Application font size",
    "longDescription":  "The point size for the default font used.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "units":            "pt",
    "min":              6,
    "max":              48,
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "StyleIsDark",
    "shortDescription": "Application color scheme",
    "longDescription":  "The color scheme for the user interface.",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "Indoor,Outdoor",
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
    "enumValues":       "1,0",
    "defaultValue":     0
    "name":             "ShowLargeCompass",
    "shortDescription": "Show large compass",
    "longDescription":  "Show large compass on instrument panel",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     false
    "name":             "SavePath",
    "shortDescription": "Application save directory",
    "longDescription":  "Directory to which all data files  are saved/loaded from",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "UserBrandImageIndoor",
    "shortDescription": "User-selected brand image",
    "longDescription":  "Location in file system of user-selected brand image (indoor)",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "UserBrandImageOutdoor",
    "shortDescription": "User-selected brand image",
    "longDescription":  "Location in file system of user-selected brand image (outdoor)",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
Gus Grubba's avatar
Gus Grubba committed
    "name":             "MapboxToken",
    "shortDescription": "Access token to Mapbox maps",
    "longDescription":  "Your personal access token for Mapbox maps",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "EsriToken",
    "shortDescription": "Access token to Esri maps",
    "longDescription":  "Your personal access token for Esri maps",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "DefaultFirmwareType",
    "shortDescription": "Default firmware type for flashing",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "defaultValue":     12
    "name":             "FollowTarget",
    "shortDescription": "Stream GCS' coordinates to Autopilot",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "enumStrings":      "Never,Always,When in Follow Me Flight Mode",
    "enumValues":       "0,1,2",
    "defaultValue":     0