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     *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
     * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
     * in the root of the source code directory.
    /// @file
    ///     @author Don Gagne <>
    #ifndef Bootloader_H
    #define Bootloader_H
    #include "FirmwareImage.h"
    #include "qextserialport.h"
    #include <stdint.h>
    /// Bootloader Utility routines. Works with PX4 bootloader and 3DR Radio bootloader.
    class Bootloader : public QObject
        explicit Bootloader(QObject *parent = 0);
        /// @brief Returns the error message associated with the last failed call to one of the bootloader
        ///         utility routine below.
        QString errorString(void) { return _errorString; }
        /// @brief Opens a port to the bootloader
        bool open(QextSerialPort* port, const QString portName);
        /// @brief Read a PROTO_SYNC response from the bootloader
        /// @return true: Valid sync response was received
        bool sync(QextSerialPort* port);
        /// @brief Erases the current program
        bool erase(QextSerialPort* port);
        /// @brief Program the board with the specified image
        bool program(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        /// @brief Verify the board flash.
        bool verify(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        /// @brief Retrieve a set of board info from the bootloader of PX4 FMU and PX4 Flow boards
        ///     @param bootloaderVersion Returned INFO_BL_REV
        ///     @param boardID Returned INFO_BOARD_ID
        ///     @param flashSize Returned INFO_FLASH_SIZE
        bool getPX4BoardInfo(QextSerialPort* port, uint32_t& bootloaderVersion, uint32_t& boardID, uint32_t& flashSize);
        /// @brief Retrieve the board id from a 3DR Radio
        bool get3DRRadioBoardId(QextSerialPort* port, uint32_t& boardID);
        /// @brief Sends a PROTO_REBOOT command to the bootloader
        bool reboot(QextSerialPort* port);
        // Supported bootloader board ids
        static const int boardIDPX4FMUV1 = 5;       ///< PX4 V1 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDPX4FMUV2 = 9;       ///< PX4 V2 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDPX4FMUV4 = 11;      ///< PX4 V4 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDPX4Flow = 6;        ///< PX4 Flow board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDAeroCore = 98;      ///< Gumstix AeroCore board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDAUAVX2_1 = 33;      ///< AUAV X2.1 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardID3DRRadio = 78;      ///< 3DR Radio. This is an arbitrary value unrelated to the PID
        static const int boardIDMINDPXFMUV2 = 88;   ///< MindPX V2 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDTAPV1 = 64;         ///< TAP V1 board, as from USB PID
        static const int boardIDASCV1 = 65;         ///< ASC V1 board, as from USB PID
        /// @brief Signals progress indicator for long running bootloader utility routines
        void updateProgress(int curr, int total);
        bool _binProgram(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        bool _ihxProgram(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        bool _write(QextSerialPort* port, const uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize);
        bool _write(QextSerialPort* port, const uint8_t byte);
        bool _read(QextSerialPort* port, uint8_t* data, qint64 maxSize, int readTimeout = _readTimout);
        bool _sendCommand(QextSerialPort* port, uint8_t cmd, int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
        bool _getCommandResponse(QextSerialPort* port, const int responseTimeout = _responseTimeout);
        bool _getPX4BoardInfo(QextSerialPort* port, uint8_t param, uint32_t& value);
        bool _verifyBytes(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        bool _binVerifyBytes(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        bool _ihxVerifyBytes(QextSerialPort* port, const FirmwareImage* image);
        bool _verifyCRC(QextSerialPort* port);
        enum {
            // protocol bytes
            PROTO_INSYNC =          0x12,   ///< 'in sync' byte sent before status
            PROTO_EOC =             0x20,   ///< end of command
            // Reply bytes
            PROTO_OK =              0x10,   ///< INSYNC/OK      - 'ok' response
            PROTO_FAILED =          0x11,   ///< INSYNC/FAILED  - 'fail' response
            PROTO_INVALID =         0x13,	///< INSYNC/INVALID - 'invalid' response for bad commands
            // Command bytes
            PROTO_GET_SYNC =        0x21,   ///< NOP for re-establishing sync
            PROTO_GET_DEVICE =      0x22,   ///< get device ID bytes
            PROTO_CHIP_ERASE =      0x23,   ///< erase program area and reset program address
            PROTO_LOAD_ADDRESS =    0x24,	///< set next programming address
            PROTO_PROG_MULTI =      0x27,   ///< write bytes at program address and increment
            PROTO_GET_CRC =         0x29,	///< compute & return a CRC
            PROTO_BOOT =            0x30,   ///< boot the application
            // Command bytes - Rev 2 boootloader only
            PROTO_CHIP_VERIFY	=   0x24, ///< begin verify mode
            PROTO_READ_MULTI	=   0x28, ///< read bytes at programm address and increment
            INFO_BL_REV         =   1,    ///< bootloader protocol revision
            BL_REV_MIN          =   2,    ///< Minimum supported bootlader protocol
    Lorenz Meier's avatar
    Lorenz Meier committed
            BL_REV_MAX			=   5,    ///< Maximum supported bootloader protocol
            INFO_BOARD_ID		=   2,    ///< board type
            INFO_BOARD_REV		=   3,    ///< board revision
            INFO_FLASH_SIZE		=   4,    ///< max firmware size in bytes
    Don Gagne's avatar
    Don Gagne committed
            PROG_MULTI_MAX		=   64,     ///< write size for PROTO_PROG_MULTI, must be multiple of 4
            READ_MULTI_MAX		=   0x28    ///< read size for PROTO_READ_MULTI, must be multiple of 4. Sik Radio max size is 0x28
        uint32_t    _boardID;           ///< board id for currently connected board
        uint32_t    _boardFlashSize;    ///< flash size for currently connected board
        uint32_t    _imageCRC;          ///< CRC for image in currently selected firmware file
        uint32_t    _bootloaderVersion; ///< Bootloader version
        QString _firmwareFilename;      ///< Currently selected firmware file to flash
        QString _errorString;           ///< Last error
        static const int _eraseTimeout = 20000;     ///< Msecs to wait for response from erase command
        static const int _rebootTimeout = 10000;    ///< Msecs to wait for reboot command to cause serial port to disconnect
        static const int _verifyTimeout = 5000;     ///< Msecs to wait for response to PROTO_GET_CRC command
    nopeppermint's avatar
    nopeppermint committed
        static const int _readTimout = 2000;        ///< Msecs to wait for read bytes to become available
        static const int _responseTimeout = 2000;   ///< Msecs to wait for command response bytes
    #endif // PX4FirmwareUpgrade_H